Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 232 MAYBE

Klaus explained to Michael everything that happened and everything he had to do to get the bundle of money to pay the bills, and Michael didn't understand half the story.

Mission, princesses, vampires, blacksmithing contract? All this was too much for the average person to absorb in a short time.

Still, the money was already in Klaus' account and this was concrete proof that what Klaus had said was true.

The happiness the two of them were feeling was potentially unequaled in terms of relief. They had never felt this way before.

However, that was not all Klaus revealed to Michael that night in the car.

Considering that his father was less emotional than Chun, Klaus did not hesitate to tell him first about the letter he had received from NIST, and this time Michael understood very well what it was about, as he was a typical American television junkie who always heard news about the National Institute of Standards and Technology, either because the institute was accomplishing something or was involved in some big project. In addition, many containers were arriving in New York harbor from Washington for their state branch.

Michael was very glad that Klaus had received this invitation, even more so because of the benefits of completion, but he didn't put any pressure on Klaus' shoulders. The decision to accept or not was something Klaus would have to make on his own, thinking about the future he longed for himself, not others.

'A future I long for?' Klaus reflected on this as his father took him to the new place where the Park's were living.

Klaus' goal since the accident had always been to help his family as much as he could, and his big goal was to get enough money to be able to get rid of all the debts. And even now this seemed so far out of reality that it was hard to believe that he had already completed this.

The reality was that Klaus had always been so focused on jobs and making money that he had forgotten to think about his own future after he finally achieved his major goal. He never seriously thought about it.

Maybe he should try to make more and more money?

Or maybe he should study hard and become an executive in some big company?

Go to a medical university to try to save his brother?

Maybe his goal didn't need to be professional, but personal. So... should he find a nice girlfriend, marry her and have children?

All he could think of was a big MAYBE.

As much as all these ideas seemed cool, weren't they too common goals? Klaus couldn't tell. He had a lot to think about in the next few days.

Anyway, it was Christmas Eve, a time of festivities and peace. Klaus didn't need to think about that now, it was best to focus on this feeling of happiness that filled him.

When Klaus met Chun Park again after so many weeks, she couldn't contain her excitement and hugged him tightly.

Chun's 'mother's intuition' mixed with her sharp eye soon made her realize that there was something strange between her husband and their son, so she immediately questioned them. Internally, she thought that maybe they might have been arguing during the day or something. She barely expected the news she was about to receive when she asked.

As soon as Klaus told her about all the money he got, the first thing Chun did was hug him tightly and then shed rivers of tears. The emotion she was feeling was a mixture of relief and the most genuine happiness.

Unlike the way he did with his father, this time Klaus didn't tell the whole complicated story about how he got the money, he just explained how the system of professions in the game worked and used as an example a civil contractor who makes a contract with the city government to build something in the city. As it turned out, Kaizen's contract with King Spelloyal was not much different from this.

Chun was so happy that even after she stopped crying, she would eventually sob and her eyes would be filled with tears. The worry she had felt about getting little news from Klaus for two weeks was rewarded with sudden news that was much better than she could have asked for.

Klaus' younger brother, Ard, seemed confused by the whole situation and was sitting on the folding bed while petting his new cat.

Klaus approached them and sat on the hard bed that filled 60% of the only room in the place. Then Klaus looked at Ard and asked:

"How are you doing, big boy? Are you taking care of Mom and Dad like I asked?"

Ard nodded affirmatively and did not look directly at Klaus for more than two seconds.

"What is it, Ard? Did I do something?" inquired Klaus, finding his behavior odd.

The little boy was afraid to answer, but he looked Klaus in the eye when he finally got the courage to do so, just as Michael had instructed him to do when talking to people.

"Mommy was crying.... Why did you do that?" His chubby cheeks and his bangs, which were already a little big, left him with a cute expression.

Klaus laughed and then answered as he messed up the boy's hair:

"She's not crying because she's sad, partner. She's crying because she's happy. I told her that you'll be able to go back there to our other house, where you have a big room all to yourself."

Ard's face changed from serious to happy in an instant. He cracked a huge smile and stood up to stand on the bed.

"Is that serious!?"

"Yes it is, it's just that the bank won't open until the 26th, so I couldn't settle it today. I believe the day after tomorrow you guys will be able to move back in."

"Ebaaa!!!" Ard jumped up and hugged Klaus tightly.

"Klaus, what do you mean by 'you guys'? Does that mean you will still continue living with your friend at the center?" Chun asked, crossing her arms.

"Actually, Mom. There's something I have to tell you..."


Chun Park was very surprised by the revelation that Klaus had received an invitation from NIST for a selection process. She knew that it was very unusual for this to happen, even more so for a government department.

Fearful about this, she read and reread several times the letter that Klaus had kept all day in his back pocket. After a few minutes, she finally concluded that it was a legitimate invitation letter. Immediately, she knew that this was a unique opportunity for Klaus, but at the same time she was worried that he would remain distant. Chun had always had Klaus close by, and it was hard for her at first to bear the fact that he could not live with them.

However, she soon realized that this was exactly the same feeling she felt when she saw Rhyzer go to college and so she knew that she should not say anything that expressed her fear to Klaus, because it might influence his decision.

"My son, the selection process will probably be very rigorous and demanding. I can't tell you what NIST's real goal is with this, I don't know if they want employees, students or even guinea pigs, but I trust you, I know you will make the right decision. Whether you choose to accept this invitation or not, know that your family will be here to support you always." Chun said as she held out the letter for Klaus to take back.

Klaus took a deep breath and took the letter from her hand. "I'm counting on it. From what I understand, we will still have a lot of free time, so I will keep trying to get money for us and visit you guys from time to time."

Michael slipped an arm behind Chun's shoulders and said to Klaus with a smile:

"Your room will always be waiting for you, son. You have already done so much more for us than we can ever repay, so we only ask that you find that thing in the world that makes your heart beat stronger. That will make us happier than any amount of money."

At that moment, the black haired boy smiled and hugged his parents. Ard joined in the hug, and the cat purred between everyone's legs during the family hug.

Klaus' biggest dream was still to see his brother wake up, but until that happened, he needed to continue living in a way that will make him proud to be a Klaus Park brother when he wakes up.

Therefore, he decided to accept the invitation to the selection process at NIST and take a chance on the unknown to see if this was what he wanted for his life. He was very afraid that if he didn't do this, he would regret it very much later.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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