Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 235 More Than Just Friends? (Part 3)

"Emma, are you all right?" Klaus asked.

The haired woman came back from her trip in her thoughts, shook her head a little and looked at him.

"Yes, why the question?"

Klaus frowned. "Well, you were staring at an empty plate two minutes ago, and I asked you about five seconds ago to get some water from the tap, but you completely ignored me."

"Haha! I'm sorry about that. I was just thinking about a certain thing..." Emma smiled nervously, picked up a pot and filled that with water.

"Thanks." Klaus said as he picked up the pot and then poured it into the pot to make the sauce thinner. "Are you really okay, if you're in any trouble, you can talk to me."

"No, no, I'm fine. I really appreciate that you care about me, it's just that..."

"What the...? Come on, we're friends, aren't we? You don't have to be afraid to tell me something."

"Really, it's nothing." She insisted, so Klaus didn't persist.

From that moment on, the mood between them changed a little, because they were both afraid to say anything more. Emma didn't know if Klaus felt the feelings she had just discovered inside herself, and she didn't want to risk losing his friendship if she declared herself. Not to mention that her own feelings were still a bit muddled in her mind. So she decided that she wasn't going to propose to him just yet.

'Yes, that's the best thing to do. I just have to think about it a little better... Besides, he is trying to get money to pay off his family's debts and my life as a model is very busy. Keeping quiet is the best decision for both of us.' She thought as she sat down at the table to dine with him on the shrimp stew they prepared together.

However, as she picked up her fork to start eating, Klaus said:

"Emma, wait a minute. I need to tell you something very important."

Her sad expression turned to surprise, and at the same time she raised her head to look at him.

"What is it?" she asked, looking into his eyes.

Serious about what he was about to say, Klaus did not look away. "I was a bit hypocritical in saying that you didn't have to be afraid to tell me something because we're friends. Actually, there's something I've been wanting to tell you since I saw you about to go and meet your friends."

Emma took a deep breath and her eyebrows rose.

"Emma, I got all the money I was needing. You know my parents' house? I'll finally be able to get it back. Basically, that means that..."

"That's great news, Klaus!" She exclaimed with a huge smile, before he could finish speaking, she stood up a little and took with both hands his right hand, which was closed on the table. "That's really very good! Ahh... what a relief that you made it! I have to admit, while I was listening to you telling your stories, I always thought of asking you if you didn't want me to lend you the money, but something told me you wouldn't accept, so I always held back. Really, Klaus, I'm so happy for you!"

The boy watched her with a smile on his face as he listened to her speak. Not only did he notice her clear relief, but he also saw her confused expression turn into a genuine expression of joy.

"I'm happy too, Emma. So happy that I don't even know how to express myself." He said and smiled at her. "You're the first person I've told this to after my parents. I thought you should be the first because you're the one who gave me a place to live."

This surprised her and made her blush. She sat down again and said:

"That's the least I could do for such a dear friend of my brother's.... Is it true that you haven't told Jayaa yet?"

"Yes, it is. I only saw him in the morning and since I thought my family deserved to be the first to know, I didn't tell him. Not least because I have a feeling he won't be as happy as you were."

"Huh? Why wouldn't he be? That guy really loves you. I couldn't possibly be telling you this, but before you came to live with us, he kept talking only about you for a whole day."

"Hahaha! Is that serious? Well, I can imagine him doing that."

"So, tell me: why wouldn't he want to hear such good news as that?"

"It's because I intend to go back to my home on Long Island. You have always been kind and hospitable to me, you have made me feel at home, but I can't abuse your kindness by living here forever."

Those few words were more than enough to make Emma's excited smile wilt like a beautiful sunflower wilts with the arrival of autumn. She knew that, whether she wanted it or not, when Klaus walked out the door of her apartment never to return as a resident, their occasional early morning meetings would end and she would never again be able to eat the yummy food he prepared, nor would she be able to listen to his quirky stories. That would be the end of their relationship.

"Also, I received an envelope with an invitation this morning, while Jayaa was still here. And he didn't seem too happy about it.... The invitation is for a test to join a 6-month long program at NIST, a boarding school of theirs basically. I would have turned it down if I hadn't gotten the money I need, because I would rather focus on working, but now that I got the money, I remembered that I've also always wanted to know what it would be like to study at a university, and I think the dynamics in this NIST program will be just as interesting an experience."

Emma was head down again, staring wide-eyed at her plate of shrimp stew. However, after Klaus finished speaking, she shook her head and returned to her normal countenance so that Klaus would not notice her sadness.

"N-now, Klaus! This is really great for you, isn't it? Don't worry, Jayaa will surely understand if you talk to him. He is your friend and... you know, when someone is saddened by the possibility of your departure, it's because they really admire and love you. Emma smiled bitterly.

"Yes, you are right." Klaus nodded and looked at her. "I know a lot of people are supporting me, and I really don't want to disappoint them. So, I think I'd better accept this invitation."

He stood up from his chair and approached Emma, who was still sitting.

"Now, I want you to know that I have really enjoyed all the times we have spent together since I moved here. I've had a great time with you. And I really want you to know that I like you, much more than I expected. You're a friend I didn't know I needed, and you've made my early mornings so much more fun."

Emma stood up from her chair and slowly raised her head to meet Klaus' eyes just inches away.

"I like you too, Klaus."

The words spoken by both of them in that although masked with context and the tone of friendship, were laden with meaning and although they both felt this confusing emotion of love, fate had willed that neither of them had realized this at the time.

As the two stared at each other, the sounds of fireworks shot near the Hudson River began to echo throughout the city. The intense, colorful glow of the fireworks blended with the serene fall of snow.

Emma quickly took Klaus' hand and pulled him along so they could get the fireworks exploding in the sky.

"Come, come! Since we won't be able to spend the new year together, let's take the opportunity to make a new year's wish now." Emma said as she pulled him along.


"Yes! Haven't you ever done that in the new year? I have a habit of always making a wish when the year turns, but I think it's okay to do it a little earlier this year. Come on, close your eyes and think of something."

"All right." Klaus wanted to laugh, however, he obeyed her demands.

"You can't say what you wished for, okay?"


The two stood there, holding hands, listening to the fireworks explode in the sky and thinking about what they wanted to become real next year.

Emma had previously hoped that they could spend New Year's Eve together, but she also knew that would be impossible after he left, so she wished that the two of them would meet again in the near future, where they could relax and share some good food together once again.

For his part, Klaus wished that his brother would finally wake up, because then his family would be complete again. This was what he wanted most in his life, even more than earning all the money to pay off his medical debts, and that would not change until that day finally came.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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