Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 239 Order Of Dalamyr (Part 2)

For the first time in a long time, Nairo stopped halfway through a mug of beer, because her eyes went wide at what Kaizen said. She slowly put the mug back on the table, but in contrast, she slammed her hands hard on the table as she suddenly stood up and she exclaimed:

"Are you a Psyker!?"

Kaizen quickly stood up as well, put a hand on her shoulder and made her sit down again. With the same hand that was on her shoulder, he pulled her forward a little so that she could hear him well.

"What the fuck are you doing? Don't be that obvious. Now laugh out loud and pretend that what you just said was because of a joke of mine."

Nairo's perception of the strange man in front of her changed substantially when she found out he was Psyker, so his words sounded more like:

"What the fuck are you doing, you unscrupulous idiot? Don't be so obvious. Now, laugh out loud and pretend that was a joke or I will rip your soul out.

That being the case, she laughed moments after Kaizen told her to do so.

"HAHAHAHA! That was a great joke, man! I bet you would KILL people from laughing with that! Really, really good!"

"Yeah, a merchant there in the square told that joke to me and I got that exact reaction!" Kaizen said loudly to contribute to the scene.

When all the people in the tavern finally stopped looking at them, they were able to take up the real subject again.

"Are you seriously a Psyker?" Nairo whispered, still incredulous.

"Yes. Linus Farwynn asked me to meet you here. By the way, does this name mean anything to you?"

Nairo crossed his arms and legs. "It depends... Did he give that to you?"

The Psyker knew in the same second what Nairo was referring to, so he put his hand inside his cloak and pulled out the card Linus handed him just before he left the equipment store. Next, Kaizen passed the card to Nairo.

As soon as she looked at the card on the table, she gave a closed smile. "Pay attention to what I am about to say. Behind you, there is a corridor leading to the back of the tavern. I'll go there first and you should wait at least a minute to go too, so we don't draw anyone's attention. Don't worry about the tavernkeeper, she looks right at me."

Kaizen didn't even have time to refuse this, as Nairo immediately got up and entered the hallway behind him.

The Psyker then took a sip of his beer and waited a full minute as Nairo requested, before getting up and heading to the back of the tavern.

As Kaizen entered the hallway, he saw a door ajar, and as he walked through it, he found Nairo leaning against the wall of the narrow alley in the back of the tavern. She was reading the white card that Psyker had handed her.

"The words that are written on this card, the Order of Dalamyr.... Do you know what that means?"

Kaizen closed the door and answered:

"No. Do you know?"

"Yes, I know, and if Linus sent you with this, then it should be no problem for me to tell you.... The Order of Dalamyr is an organization that takes care of dangers in the world that should not become public and that the world should not even come to know about. The difference between the Order of Dalamyr and you, is that the Order of Dalamyr hunts and kills harmful supernatural creatures before you even think of being born."

"In other words, you are hunters. Now it makes sense how Linus called himself..."

"Exactly, the job of those who are part of the Order of Dalamyr is to kill werewolves, demons, vampires, wendigos, banshees, and any and all living, or non-living, things that might threaten the world as we know it. If you are really Psyker, you must already understand this reality well, or you must, at the very least, have felt some supernatural chills..."

"Supernatural chills?" Confused, Kaizen questioned.

"I don't know what you people with psychic gifts call these strange powers. Anyway, Psyker, I will give the first advice to you and that is probably the most wisdom you will get from me." She said and looked at him seriously.

"What is it?"

"Although the work of the Order of Dalamyr is similar to your duty as a Psyker, it is people who are part of that organization and among those people there are those who are only in that organization because they believe it is beneficial to what they want to achieve. Not everyone I have ever worked with or work with is so altruistic as to actually care about the fate of the natural and supernatural world, so always be very vigilant and trust no one. That's something Linus taught me and that's what has kept me alive to this day. Do you understand?"

"Yes, but why are you telling me this?"

Nairo sighed and stated:

"Because it would suck for almost everyone if Psyker died, obviously. Now follow me." She ordered for him and started walking down the alley.

"Wait." Kaizen said, taking off his hood.

Nairo stopped walking and looked back over his right shoulder.

"What now?" She asked.

"Before I go, I want to know who Linus Farwynn really is. Can he be trusted?"

"Who is Linus Farwynn? Well, that is a rather complicated question to say the least. The Linus I know is a good drinking buddy and a really very funny man, or maybe the beer makes me think that, I don't know. However, I know people who think they are so afraid of him that they think he is some kind of bloodthirsty monster and other people who think he is capable of anything to complete his journey of revenge, this includes betraying the Order of Dalamyr. Since he has been a hunter longer than most, he is a man who has had many names, many different appearances and lived in many places all over the world. I bet that since he lives to hunt, he probably has no idea who he really is either. Well, really, that's just my opinion."

"And what could you and this Order of Dalamyr possibly want with me?"

"What could an organization that kills supernatural creatures want with Psyker, the person predestined to balance the two planes? Well, I don't know... How about help to balance the supernatural world that is going out of balance? There is your answer. However, if Linus asked you to come to me and didn't send you straight to the battlefield, he must think you can't handle the job."

"So he thinks I'm weak?"

"Plim! Correct answer! However, don't worry about that. I have the perfect job to make you, say, wake up. Now, come on, follow me. The job site is not too far from town."


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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