Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 271 Academic Points

When Klaus arrived at the main campus building, which was the reception building and the big building where he did all the stages of the selection process, he noticed that the place was much busier than the rest of the campus.

He had the impression that there were at least a few hundred people on the first floor of that building alone, talking to teachers, talking to each other, and even waiting for other people.

Since Klaus wanted to ask some questions about something he had read in the e-mail from NIST, he thought it would be good to talk to an instructor first to get some answers before deciding whether or not to go to a lecture that would go into the subject in more depth. And since this particular program experience was new not only to him but to all the students, there were many people confused and curious about various things, so the lines to talk to the instructors were long.

Fortunately, the instructors were quite respectful, understanding, and didactic, so the lines moved quickly and the students seemed satisfied with the answers.

"Next!" They shouted as they finished answering each student's question.

As soon as it was Klaus' turn to be served, he also heard this word, looked forward and saw that the one who would serve him would be a woman of about 40 years, who wore round glasses, had brown hair and a friendly smile on her face.

"Hello, sir! Could you please place your access card against the detector so that I can help you more quickly?" She said pointing to the detector on top of her counter.

Klaus nodded and swiped his access card on the detector as requested. After the beep, the teacher started typing a few things on her keyboard, then smiled and said:

"Okay, I already have your data here, Mr. Klaus Park. What is your question?"

"Well, I read the email you sent us and saw that there is a part in it where it says that it will not be mandatory for everyone to attend the additional subject classes, is that really true?" He asked, because considering that this institution had a clear military influence not only in the aesthetics but also in the whole system, he found it unusual that students would have such freedom to even skip classes.

"That is partially true. Sir, do you understand the academic point system?"

"Well, I think I do. It is enough that I attend the required classes and do the activities in the department to which I have been assigned in order to receive those points, right?"

"Yes, that is a good simplification of our academic point system. However, academic points can be earned in a number of other ways besides what you mentioned, such as attendance and participation in extra-curricular classes, as well as bonuses for significant accomplishments in your department, test scores in each final subject each month, social service to Woodbury, and working in one of the many stores on campus. Since students will be able to convert academic points into dollars at the beginning of each month..."

"Wait a minute, students can find jobs here and convert their academic points into cash?" asked Klaus in surprise.

"Yes, the management of NIST and Hónghé Holdings have come up with this solution so that the income of our students, who have to help their families, will not be affected by not being able to work outside here. Nevertheless, it is recommended that you all focus on your studies, as you will be able to earn a higher amount of academic points while improving your skills compared to a job as a salesman or attendant". The teacher replied, leaving Klaus still astonished. He found the whole thing ingenious.

"So if I attend the additional classes, take the tests for them, and contribute, I will get a lot of academic points?"

"Yes, that's right, but we also recommend that you don't fill your schedule too much every day. Rest is also an important part to keep improving yourself. Would you like to add or remove any subjects from your schedule?"

Klaus held his cell phone in his hand and saw that he already had enough subjects in his schedule, considering the mandatory classes, the scheduled activities of the archery department, and the two additional subjects he hadn't even chosen.

"Could I substitute one extra subject for another?"

"Yes, of course. First, let me know which subject you would like to change."

"Physical Education."

The teacher looked at Klaus, then at the schedule on her screen and inquired:

"Are you sure? This is your only non-exercise class. Maintaining your health is very important while you are here for these six months."

"Don't worry, I will go for a run around campus once in a while." He said smiling, which made her smile as well.

"Very well. I have a wide range of topics I can add to your schedule, take this pamphlet and let me know what you are most interested in." She said as she held out one of the pamphlets on her counter. "Don't be in a hurry to choose. The mandatory classes start tomorrow, but the electives don't start until next week, and you can change them at the beginning of each month."

Klaus took the pamphlet, opened it and saw that when the woman said she had a wide range of subjects, she was not kidding. However, it was not this factor that caught his attention, but a small detail.

Each page of the pamphlet talked about a different topic, and at the bottom of each page was a section of the map where the building of that topic was located. In one of these map sections, there was another building next to the building of a story. This other building had slightly blurred writing, but Klaus was able to read it perfectly.

Deep Immersion Rooms. Klaus mentally read it again and then looked at the instructor, pointed at the pamphlet and asked, "Is that right? Do you really have a Deep Immersion Room?"

The woman's eyebrows arched at that moment and she smiled. "Yes, that is correct, Mr. Klaus Park. Because we have a partnership with Hónghé Holdings, we have been provided with many deep immersion pods that are available for all students to use."


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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