Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 280 Deal

Kaizen thought about Jeff's words and looked at the mark on the thief's chest. He had seen many things in his life, but this was new to him. "So you mean that only those who have this mark can enter the City of Tears?"

"Yes. I don't really understand how it works, but I know that it is the mark of those who live in the City of Tears. I had never seen anyone with this mark in my life until I met Adohorn, he showed me that there is a spell that powerful magicians use to check where the people of Olaynore come from." Jeff said and then looked seriously at Kaizen. "When he showed me that, I knew he was different."

"What are you getting at?" Kaizen asked, his eyes narrowing.

"You know you're messing with people you shouldn't. Adorhorn is too strong, and I've learned over time that when he wants something, he gets it. If you stand in his way, you must be prepared to lose."

"You see, I'm also a bit skilled in some ways, and you don't know how happy I am when I meet opponents who are stronger than me. It will be a pleasure to face you, and do you know why I think so?"

"Because you are an idiot?"

"No, because when I meet beings more powerful than me, I am reminded of how much I have yet to evolve. Ah! For a second I forgot that you've never seen what it's like out there, and you don't know that there are so many other extremely powerful beings out there. My heart is pounding just thinking about them. Kaizen said with a smile and crumpled the fabric of his shirt.

Jeff watched Kaizen with interest. He just didn't understand how someone could be so excited about the prospect of taking on strong people when most people just wanted ease. For Jeff, life was hard enough as it was. He would rather live in the shadows, using his cunning to survive, than be like Psyker.

"You're crazy, Kaizen. I don't know how you managed to survive so long with that kind of thinking. Most men with that kind of thinking I've ever met ended up dead, or worse, they were consumed by their thirst for power and ended up forgetting what really matters."

"I understand very well what you mean. In a way, it is hard to distinguish ambition from greed. But I don't seek power or fame like most people.... I just want to be able to do what needs to be done." Kaizen looked the leader of the thieves straight in the eye. "The mage your contact captured is someone I know did not deserve to be disturbed, she was at peace. And if I have to face a powerful mage to rescue her, then I will."

Jeff shook his head in disbelief and clicked his tongue. "Tsk! I knew you knew this woman, and I told Adohorn that capturing her would probably mean trouble for him, but he didn't listen."

"You said that Adohorn and the other authorities of this place know a spell that reveals marks, and these marks allow them to travel between such levels. Is there a way for me to put such a mark on myself?"

"Yes, there is a way, but..."

"Then do it on me. If that is the only way to travel between planes, I will do it without hesitation."

Jeff frowned. "You're crazy. If Adohorn or some mage from the levels above finds out that I helped an outsider with this, they will kill me. I can't risk my life for a stranger."

"Not even if it gets you out of the middle of this end of the world? Man, those guys you call families are afraid of mere thieving wanderers. You're in a lot of trouble and you still want to protect someone who would dump you the first chance he got."

Jeff stared at him for a few moments and then laughed bitterly.

"I hate to admit it, but I kind of like your honest way of talking. All right, I'll help you with this. I don't know how to make the Marks, only that I know a man who does. But I'm still the leader of those troublemaking idiots out there, and I can't just leave them to die if you take me away. In exchange for my help, you will help me defeat the thieves who have invaded my lands.

Kaizen looked at him mockingly and was all too ready to refuse the request, but Jeff looked at him and said:

"I have told you all about the attack on the library, as you requested, and I have yet to see a portal to Midgard magically appear here. I understand that you will only help me if you are with your boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever, so you owe me until that happens. Help me with my rivals in exchange for the information I have given you so that I know you are trustworthy enough for me to introduce you to the man who will help you with the Marks."

Unfortunately, Psyker knew that the leader of the thieves was right this time and would not help Jeff until he had Alina in his arms, so he sighed and agreed.

"Where are these nomads?"


After Jeff had partly explained the situation to his subordinates, they were a little afraid to get help from a complete stranger, but they had to accept what their leader said.

Kaizen said he didn't need a large mobilization of forces to defeat the Nomads that afternoon, just someone who knew where they were and Jeff's help, because he didn't want Jeff to leave his sight. After all, Kaizen didn't trust him yet.

With that in mind, Kaizen, Jeff, and a thief from the group stealthily approached the area of the nomadic bandits' temporary camp.

The forest was dark and dense in the evening, but the light from the torches they carried illuminated part of the way. They tried to make as little noise as possible to avoid alerting their enemies and the animals.

The darkness of night was already enveloping part of the dense rainforest, making every shadow darker and deeper. The hot, humid air seemed to intensify, enveloping everything in a heavy, suffocating embrace.

The darkness was only broken by a few orange rays of sunlight, creating a mysterious and eerie atmosphere.

The sounds of the jungle came alive in this environment, and it was possible to hear the croaking of frogs, the chirping of crickets, and the shrill chirping of nocturnal insects.

The moon rose slowly and shone faintly through the foliage of the trees, casting a soft, silvery glow over the forest. Despite the brightness of the torches and the moon, darkness remained, creeping into every corner and embracing every tree. The wind whispered between the leaves of the tall trees, creating a soft, mysterious sound that echoed throughout the forest. The atmosphere was one of anticipation and tension in the Rocha Thieves Group's attack trio.

"Don't you think we should put out the torches?" Kaizen asked the thief leading them.

"We're still a bit far away, and if we run out of torches, we'll be attacked by hundreds of mosquitoes. Trust me, it's better this way. When we get closer, we can..."

Suddenly, an arrow tore through the air and struck the man in the chest, sending him tumbling to the ground. The sound of the impact was followed by his scream of pain.


The arrow dug deep into his chest, and blood began to flow rapidly, staining the green ground red. The thief tried to get to his feet, but fell back down with a tug from Jeff.

The sound of his groaning pain echoed through the forest, mingling with the wind and the chirping of nocturnal insects.

"Listen to my voice, don't scream, don't focus on the pain." Jeff ordered his subordinate. In the next instant, another arrow crossed the air and came very close to hitting them.

Jeff pulled his partner behind a thick tree for cover and turned to give the Psyker quick instructions. He soon saw that Kaizen had already disappeared from their side, leaving him confused and frightened.

Meanwhile, the Psyker moved quickly through the dense forest, stealthily approaching the archer. He didn't want to give the archer, who was probably the sentinel of the nomadic thieves, time to alert the rest of the group, if the shouts of Jeff's subordinate hadn't already done so.

Kaizen was so focused on his prey that his eyes glowed with a mystical energy.

As a result, Kaizen's surprise attack was swift and accurate. He extended his hand forward and concentrated to use <Telekinesis>. Caught off guard, the archer barely had time to react before he felt the eerie sensation of something enveloping him and preventing him from moving.

"Shit, what is that? Let me go!" Confused, the archer struggled desperately to free himself from the embrace of <Telekinesis>, but it was in vain.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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