Rising up from a Nobleman to Intergalactic Warlord!!

Chapter 27

---Victor POV---

After returning from the palace and sitting through orientation, I took the opportunity to explore the campus to get acquainted with the facility. As I walked around, students went out of their way to give me a wide berth like I had the plague. Assuming this had something to do with my exchange with Mylene this morning, I asked Luxion for a recap of what occurred after I left.

<The filthy pigs here believe you used some dark arts to seduce Queen Mylene. After you left, Julius and Jilk had to be taken to the Infirmary as they fainted from shock. When they woke up, they began spreading that rumor to sully your name. If you would like, your security team hiding on campus can silence them permanently. Just give the order and it will be done.>

“Haha, are you serious? He has been reading way too many sketchy books in the palace library.”, I sighed, “Mylene and I have a professional relationship…though I would happily pursue her if she were single. If that idiot actually paid attention to what goes on at the palace, he would know why his mother acted that way.”

<Do you intend to correct the rumors?>

“At this point, it is too late.”, I said, walking into the garden at the center of campus, “They have already opened their mouths so nothing can be done about it now. If I try to argue it, he will only double down on it because he is a fucking moron. I have better ways to use my time than trying to reason with a neanderthal. Anyways, I am a bit surprised no one has approached me yet to discuss marriage. Even with the rumors, I would expect at least a few to tempt me.”

<Based on my analysis, I do not believe that the riff raft will bother you. None of the students appear to know who you are.>

Stopping dead in my tracks, I turned and looked at him in disbelief. I was a household name in the Holfort Kingdom as my party cleared all the Rank 4 and 5 dungeons in our nation. Not only that, but I also held most of the wealth in our nation and had personally met every currently active nobleman. All the nobles knew who I was, how could their children not know me?

“How did you come to that conclusion?”, I inquired.

<The women are looking for a Viscount Leon Fou Bartfort, not Viscount Victor von Stark. None of the students appear to know of your name change several months ago.>

“So…none of these idiots bother to read the monthly royal decrees…”, I sighed, disappointed by their lack of awareness, “Well it will make my life easier. Have you had any luck finding perspective partners for me?”

<All the pigs here are trash, Master.>

Understanding that Luxion was probably not the best judge of character, given his disdain for anything New Human, I decided to do it the old fashion way. Since my core courses were done for the day, now was the time to intermingle with other students. Heading toward the cafeteria, where I assumed most students would be at this time of day, I barely made it out of the garden when I ran into Stephanie Offrey and her ilk bullying the scholarship student Olivia.

“Stop acting like you belong here because you do not! It was a fluke that you managed to get a scholarship and placed into the noble course. Just because you get to rub elbows with us does not make you special. You are nothing more than a slightly smarter idiot!”, Stephanie berated her, shoving her into the water feature that encircled the garden.

“My Lady, I bet she slept with the administrative staff to get into our class. She is a commoner after all, how else could she hope to get this far.”, one of the goons chimed in.

“I…I did no such thing!”, Olivia argued, on the verge of tears, “I worked hard and studied even harder to get here.”

Irritated that Olivia still had the strength to argue with them, Stephanie went to kick her, but I stepped in to stop her. Getting between the two of them, I demanded to know what she thought she was doing.

“Do you have any proof that what you are accusing her of is true? If so, why have you not taken this complaint to the Headmaster or Vice Principal?”, I demanded, staring at Stephanie and her group.

“Who the hell do you think you are?!”, Stephanie shouted, jabbing her finger into my chest.

“I am Viscount Victor von Stark.”, I said, taking a step forward, “Now where is your proof?”

Stumbling backward, as she did not expect me to advance on her, Stephanie fell flat on her ass with a soft squeak. Quickly shielding her from me, her group began to threaten me by saying she was the daughter of an Earl. Disregarding them, I used the Force to knock the groupies away. Taking another step toward her, Stephanie quickly climbed to her feet and attempted to flee.

“I…I do not have any! That said, there is no way an uneducated commoner managed to get into the noble course! She clearly used underhanded measures to get here!!”, Stephanie argued, trying to walk away.

“So, you have no proof and are making baseless allegations on what you believe to be true. It sounds to me that you are upset she scored higher than all of you.”, I stated, recalling the entrance exam scores, “She scored slightly above average while all of you are almost at the bottom of our class. You all must feel terrible that your family names are sullied by your own stupidity. If you have time to hassle her, you have time to improve yourselves. Go study before you drag our class into the gutter even further, idiots.”

Unwilling to take that insult lying down, Stephanie turned around and glared at me, fuming with anger. Marching up to me, disregarding what had occurred moments ago, she began shouting at me.

“You…you…!”, Stephanie stuttered, on the verge of blowing a gasket, “How dare you talk to me that way!! My father will- “

Using the Force to put her in a chokehold and lift her off the ground, Stephanie began gasping for her as she thrashed around violently. Running over to her, her subordinates attempted to dispel my magic and threaten me with harsh punishments. Unfazed by their empty threats, I momentarily turned my focus toward the groupies.

“Your presence here is beginning to test my patience. Take your leader, and begone from my sight immediately. If you linger, I will personally toss all of you into the fountain face first!”, I said, exuding pressure on them as I motioned to the water fountain in the center of the garden.

Releasing my grip on Stephanie, she crumpled to the ground for a moment before staggering to her feet. Quickly leaving the area, Stehanie glanced back at me and threatened me yet again.

“You will regret crossing me!”, she shouted.

“Begone!”, I shouted, launching the group through the air with a Force Blast, ‘I swear, I am going to end leaving a trail of bodies in my wake at this rate. I cannot fathom how Brad managed to put up with her till now. If I were in his place, I would have kicked her to the curb years ago.’

Turning my attention toward Olivia, I reached out my hand offering to help her up. Graciously accepting my assistance, she stumbled to feet sopping wet. Looking back at her bag and books, Olivia let out a defeated sigh as she collected her belongings.

“Thank you for stepping in to help me.”, she said, turning back and bowing her head.

“No problem, I am sorry your experience with nobles so far has been poor. Unfortunately, most nobles are mongrels like her, but there are a few of us with a heart.”, I chuckled, using magic to dry her clothing and belongings, “As I mentioned a moment ago, I am Victor von Stark, a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.”

“My…my name is Olivia.”, she meekly said, bowing her head in respect, “Thank you!!”

“Haha, you do not need to be so ridged with me. We are fellow classmates and will be seeing each other frequently over the next three years.”, I told her, offering her my hand, “I hope we can become friends during that time.”

“Me…me too!”, Olivia replied, with a radiant smile as she shook my hand, ‘Why is he being so nice to me? Is he after my body or is he playing one of those punishment games Dad told me about?!’

“Care to join me for lunch?”, I offered, motioning to the school cafeteria.

Before she could respond, her stomach growled loudly giving an answer for her. Turning beet red with embarrassment, she meekly nodded her head and began scurrying off toward the lunchroom. Chasing after her, it took her a few minutes to collect herself and talk to me normally again.


Returning to my residence on the edge of the capital, Lucoa and Roxanne greeted me as I walked in. Handing my briefcase over to Luxion, the drone and briefcase promptly teleported to my laboratory beneath the home. Taking my shoes off, the three of us began walking to the dining room as we began talking.

“I am happy to see you recovered from this morning.”, I teased Lucoa, “Did you have an eventful day?”

“Yes, our team registration has been completed now. The Guildmaster said he would personally deliver your updated card tomorrow during your lunch break.”, Lucoa informed me, “We also bought what we needed for tonight…”

Noticing that Lucoa was not acting like her normal, flirty self, I inquired if she was having second thoughts. As this was to be our first time, I did not want to force her into this.

“Having second thoughts? If you need more time to prepare, we can put this off till you are ready.”, I said, trying to be supportive.

“Oh no, I have waited long enough for this moment. I knew you were the one back when we first met, and I am looking forward to deepening our bond. What I am hesitant about is…is the difference between our races. Roxanne and you will have similar life spans, but me, a Dragon Kin, will outlive both of you by several thousand years.”, Lucoa remarked, looking at her meal, “Having met you, I do not know if I can continue to live without you once you pass on. Sure, we will have kids, lots of them I hope, but it will not be the same without you.”

“I would not write me off at a hundred years of age. My body and mind will live much longer than that.”, I assured her, with a smirk, “Jarvis and Luxion have already confirmed that I could live to be several thousand years old without any outside assistance. Once we are out in space, I can probably further expand it even more.”

“You are not joking around or trying to make me feel better, are you?”, she pressed me.

“Of course not, I intend to make it so that we all die around the same time. I do not intend to travel the stars alone nor would I want to leave either of you alone out there.”, I said, with a smile, “You are stuck with me till the day we kick the bucket, and I honestly hope it is in bed making love. My ideal way of going out is surrounded by the women I love and cherish.”

Breaking out in a loud laugh, Lucoa pounded her fist on the table unable to control her laughter. Nodding her head in agreement, she acknowledged that it sounded like a nice way to die. Glancing over at Roxanne, the poor girl was beet red and unable to look at us. Assuming she was just as excited, I looked forward to savoring dessert in bed tonight.


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