Rising up from a Nobleman to Intergalactic Warlord!!

Chapter 57

---Alzer Republic, Two Days Later---

Dispatched to the Alzer Republic, to speak with their leader Chairman Albergue Sara Rault, Duke Redgrave and I reviewed the information we had on the republic. Originally controlled by the Seven Great Houses, currently six after the Lespinasse Household fell from grace over a decade ago, each house oversaw an equal portion of the country. While maintaining the appearance of a united nation to most of their neighbors, the truth was they were heavily divided with each of the Great Houses seeing a different future for the republic. Somehow managing to keep them all together, against monumental odds, Chairman Albergue was truly an exceptional leader.

Even though Albergue was doing an excellent job, one major problem he could not resolve was their nation’s superiority complex. Due to the power each noble bloodline received from the nation’s Sacred Tree; they had come to believe they were better than the neighboring countries. The technology they gained access to thanks to the Sacred Tree gave them a marginal battlefield advantage, but it came at the cost of their physical strength. Ignoring this weakness, they made a point to disgrace and humiliate every foreign noble that visited their nation. This ultimately alienated them from all other nations, but they did not seem to mind all that much.

“I was surprised to hear from you, Vince, it has been quite a long time since we spoke last.”, Albergue said, rising from his seat to shake Vince’s hand, “Who might this young man be?”

“It is good to see you again too, Albergue. This is my future son in law and the infamous Holfort Prodigy, Victor von Stark.”, Vince replied, with a big grin on his face.

Hearing my name, the color began to drain from his face as he turned to look at me. Likely having heard all sorts of rumors about myself, he had every right to be fearful of me.

“It…it is a pleasure to meet you, Victor.”, he stated, shaking my hand nervously, “Please tell me, did any of our nobles give you trouble on your way here?”

“A few of them did yes, but it has been dealt with accordingly.”, I informed him, “Rest assured, I do not hold the Alzer Republic responsible for a few bad eggs. Hopefully they will not take my technology lightly next time.”

Feeling a knot forming in his stomach, Albergue shifted around in his seat uncomfortably. Not wanting to provoke a war with the Holfort Kingdom, he quickly asked for the details so he could deal with this accordingly.

“Forty vessels from the Feivel Household and their vassal houses besieged us when we entered your nation. I believe they knew our reasoning for being here and wished to prevent us from warning you about their illegal activities.”, I stated, as the duke and I took our seats, “They fired on us without warning, so I returned fired and obliterated all of them.”

“The Feivel Household…ugh…”, he groaned, rubbing his forehead, “What have they done now?”

Handing him the evidence I collected, Albergue took a moment to review the information. Watching his face turn from exhaustion to rage in a few minutes, he understood that the Feivel family had gotten them into hot water. Under normal circumstances, any other nation would have just declared war on the Alzer Republic without a second thought. Realizing we were being generous and offering him a way to avoid war, he jumped at the chance without hesitation.

“I swear, the Alzer Republic does not condone or support the Feivel Household’s actions! Please rest assured that I will personally deal with this matter and see that they are stripped of their nobility!”, Albergue swore, “We will see to it that all supply shipments to the principality are stopped immediately!”

“Albergue, there is more in there than just them selling Lost Items and equipment to our enemy. The Feivel Household is conspiring with the Holy Kingdom to overthrow your government.”, Vince said, motioning for him to continue reading.

Continuing to review the information thoroughly, Albergue gripped his hair in frustration. Having felt something was amiss with them for some time now, he had no idea things had reached this point. The Feivel Household was the lowest ranked house among the Six Great Houses, and that was mostly due to gruesome rumors that had been running rampant about them for generations now. They apparently took great pleasure in torturing innocent people, and some said even their own relatives. What made it all the worse was their choice or inability to deny the rumors, leading everyone to believe the rumors were truthful.

“To weaken our military and sell us out to the Holy Kingdom…I am honestly at a loss for words.”, Albergue stated, looking at the documents and photos, “They would sabotage their own homeland just to gain more authority and power. Of all the stupid things they could have done, why did it have to be this? Lambert should know that the Holy Kingdom will not honor their promise. Once we lost the war, he would no longer have a leg to stand on to demand they follow through with their promise.”

“We brought this to your attention as in a few days’ time, Victor will begin reclaiming the principalities lands for the Holfort Kingdom. During his invasion, we anticipate that the Holy Kingdom and Feivel Household will join the war on the principality’s side. King Roland wants to establish an alliance with the Alzer Republic to crush the Holy Kingdom when they do so.”, Vince explained, “The seized assets and territory would be split equally between both sides. Once the Principality of Fanoss and the Holy Kingdom are gone, the Feivel Household will be left without any allies and should be easily crush by your forces alone.”

“I understand but will the Holfort Kingdom have enough ships to invade both countries?”, Albergue inquired.

“We are not dedicating any vessels to the invasion, everything is being handled by Victor’s forces alone.”, Vince explained, “All of our resources will be directed at the Holy Kingdom, all thirty thousand vessels.”

“Can you really do it alone? I heard your navy possesses fewer than two hundred ships.”, Albergue remarked, looking at me with concern.

Giving him a smile, I nodded my head with certainty.

“I expect to wrap up the invasion within two to three days. Once the principality is no more, my forces will come to reinforce both sides.”, I stated, without a hint of doubt in my tone, “While the numerical difference is staggering, my technology renders that advantage moot. I doubt they will be able to scratch the paint on my ships let alone damage one.”

Unsettled by how calm I was, something in the back of his brain told him I was not joking. Believing he did not have all the information he needed to ascertain my military combat power, the Chairman accepted our proposal. Knowing it would be easy to convince the loyal Great Houses to go to war, Albergue drew up an official document establishing the alliance between our nations. Signing it on behalf of the king, Albergue and Vince shook hands again with a firm nod.

“I believe drinks are in order to commemorate this momentous occasion.”, I said, pulling out an experimental whiskey bottle from my storage, “Would you gentlemen care for a taste?”

“Is that…is that Bartford Barony Whiskey?!”, Albergue gulped.

“That it is, it is a new product that will be coming out later this year.”, I explained, “It is smokey salted caramel flavored.”

Rushing over to his liquor cabinet, Albergue brought over three glasses for us. Chilling the glasses with ice magic, I poured each of us an equal serving before tasting it. Savoring their first sips, the two of them let out a satisfied sigh as they sunk into their seats. Content with taking a moment to relax, we began to talk a bit more casually with one another.

“You have outdone yourself again, Victor. This is by far the best one I have tried yet.”, Vince conceded.

“I wish we had a distillery that was half as good as yours, Victor. For all our supposed superiority to everyone else, we cannot make good booze to save our lives.”, Albergue chuckled.

“There is always room for improvement, but I thank you for your compliments.”, I said, ‘Time to expand my sales to the Alzer Republic it seems.’

Offering the men cigars, the graciously took them and promptly lit. Letting the two old friends catch up with one another, I used the time relax and unwind.

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