Rising up from a Nobleman to Intergalactic Warlord!!

Chapter 61

---Several Hours Later---

With the principality firmly under my control now, I left clean up operations to Commander Dance and Lawson. While they began restoring order and peace to the territory, Yamato ferried the disgraced, noble prisoners and I back to the capital. As we pulled into port and completed docking procedures, a crowd began to form along the boardwalk as the populace wanted to see what was going on. Unaware of the invasion, they initially thought something had happened and were beginning to grow restless. Having the androids and troops onboard begin the unloading of prisoners immediately, the mood began to shift amongst the onlookers.

Recognizing the faces of several prominent nobles from the principality, the people began to get rowdy. Wanting their pound of flesh for generations of conflict and lost friends and family, they began to swarm the pier. Rushing towards the prisoners with whatever objects they could find, they tackled the first few nobles to the ground and began pummeling them. Shielding their faces from the mob, the nobles began screaming for aid while the city and royal guards ignored their pleas.

‘It is a good thing I thought to send children fifteen and under to the palace in shuttle pods. There is a chance these people would not notice the difference and potentially kill them without realizing it.’, I thought, as I flew down to restore order, “Everyone, wait a moment!!”

Hearing my booming voice, the mobs quickly quieted down and turned their attention toward me. Signaling my troops to get the nobles back on their feet, I told the mob to simmer down and keep physical violence to a minimum…for the time being.

“Pelt these fools with rotten food and stones to your heart’s content, but their lives belong to the Crown now. King Roland and the Royal Court will see that fair punishment is passed upon these mongrel mutts, I will personally be recommending death by stoning so every citizen may exact revenge for those we have lost.”, I informed the mob, “While I know this will not sit well with some of you, there is something everyone here will rejoice in knowing…”

Pulling Vandel’s head out of my storage, I held his head high for both the disgraced nobles and the public to see.

“No longer will young men and women risk their lives along our southern border. The Black Knight of Fanoss and the principality are no more!!”, I proclaimed, as the crowd began to cheer loudly and celebrate this momentous occasion, “Our darkest hour is at end, the rogue ducal territory is back under the kingdom’s control and our country is now whole again!”

Hanging their heads in utter defeat, while the citizens celebrated joyously around them, my soldiers kept the line moving. Following my suggestions, once the nobles reached the boardwalk, they began being pelted with rotten food and small stones. Fearful of the consequences for fighting back, the nobles just accepted it and kept walking toward the palace. As we reached the midpoint of our journey, we ran into King Roland and several dozen noblemen who were coming down to see what the commotion was about.

Dumbfounded by the familiar faces in front of them, the nobles looked at me to confirm they were not seeing things. Confirming that I had indeed brought all the nobles from the now debunked nation here, the former King and Queen were dragged before them with their heads hung low.

“As I said, forty-eight to seventy-two hours was all I needed to get the job done.”, I said, holding up Vandel’s head.

“I…I am honestly speechless. When you initially gave me that estimation, I did not actually think you would do it.”, King Roland stated, still not believing what he was seeing.

“HAHAHA!!!”, Earl Roseblade boomed, “You killed the Black Knight and brought these once prideful rats before us defeated and in chains!! Victor, you are every bit the man I thought you were!!”

“I wholeheartedly agree!”, Duke Redgrave acknowledged, walking up and patting me on the back, “You have done this country a great service for which it can never repay you properly for! I am honored to call you my future son-in-law.”

“Come Victor, this calls for a celebration the likes of which the capital has never seen before!!”, Earl Atlee proclaimed.

Giving my men orders to show the prisoners to their accommodations in the palace dungeons, I had Luxion add additional security and surveillance to prevent any suicide attempts or escapes. Following my fellow noblemen back to the palace, they began asking me for all the juicy details and stories I had about the invasion. Before I began the storytelling, I returned stolen family heirlooms to those who lost relatives to the principality. Happily accepting the items back, King Roland broke out several kegs of fine wines and inaugurated the festivities with a toast to me.


While I was more than happy to celebrate with everyone, nothing beat being back home surrounded by my lovely ladies. Greeting me the moment I stepped inside, Mylene almost bulldozed me back out the door when she tackled me for a hug. Following close behind her, Lucoa and Roxanne came over to give me hugs and kisses too. Apologizing for not coming home sooner, I informed them that the festivities in the capital were in full swing right now.

“Oh we know, we can hear the partying from the balcony.”, Lucoa giggled, with a mischievous smile, “You happy to be home?”

“You have no idea…”, I acknowledged, “I am grateful to have a few days break before the next invasion starts. My intention is to spend all that time with you ladies, and just relax.”

“Ahem, I assume we are included in that group.”, Deirdre inquired, leaning over the railing in her pajamas.

Surprised to see her here at this hour, I wondered if the women had a sleepover while I was away. Turning to Cleare for an update, she informed me that Angelica, Clarice, and Deirdre had moved in while I was away. Believing it was only fair, as everyone else lived here, surprisingly their families gave their permission without any second thoughts.

“Is that a problem?”, Angelica asked, walking down the stairs.

“Too late to say no now.”, Clarice giggled, following her.

“I have no issue with it, but I wonder…was it really because everyone was already living here or the fact, they got to enjoy the perks of the house while you did not?”, I teased them.

Shrugging their shoulders the three women began laughing as they came over to hug me as well. Wondering where Olivia was, she came running out of the kitchen with oven mitts on.

“Welcome back, Victor!”, she said, giving me a hug before promptly running back to the kitchen, “I am baking a cake to celebrate!”

“Oh!”, I replied, as we all followed her, “Do you need any help?”

“I can handle this part, but could someone set the table with plates and utensils?”, she responded.

“On it!”, Roxanne answered.

Brewing a pot of coffee to go along with the cake, once everything was ready, we sat down together and enjoyed the delicious dessert Olivia prepared. Enjoying the warmth my mansion had now, I was truly happy to be home again.

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