Rival In Love Says He Must Marry Me

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 – Companion King Is Like Companion Tiger

Chapter 31 A companion is like a tiger

This is probably the original owner’s way of relieving the pressure, although in Xiao Jiuhan’s view, this approach is a temporary solution rather than a permanent cure.

Xiao Jiuhan doesn’t like the smell of tobacco, and doesn’t intend to let the addiction control her body, so she tried her best to restrain herself today, which was really hard.

“Master, are you addicted to cigarettes? There is still…”


“Huh? What did you say?”

Xiao Jiuhan rubbed his forehead, suppressed his irritability, and said: “Go back and get rid of all the cigarettes in the car, I don’t want to see it again.”

“Oh… oh, are you planning to quit smoking?”

So sad!

Xiao Jiuhan patted the back of the front seat: “The supermarket parks in front!”

The car stopped in front of a small supermarket on the side of the road, and she immediately opened the door and got off the car, walking quickly into the supermarket.

“Welcome!” The voice at the door welcomes you automatically.

Sweeping around, she took a few boxes of pure mint-flavored sugar-free chewing gum from the shelf near the door, packaged in black and blue flat square cardboard boxes.

“Twenty-four and eight, thank you.” The aunt of the salesperson was looking down at the show, casually scanning the code with a barcode scanner, and quoting the price.

Xiao Jiuhan hadn’t had time to buy a new mobile phone, so he took out a whole hundred from his wallet, put it down, and left.

“Hey, I haven’t asked you for any money yet!”

There was a shout from the salesperson’s aunt behind her.

Xiao Jiuhan had already gotten into the car, and stuffed a piece of blue chewing gum into his mouth.

Quitting smoking is not a one-day achievement, but she will never touch cigarettes again. If she doesn’t even have this kind of self-control, then Xiao Jiuhan’s life for so many years will be in vain.

“Let’s go!” Her voice was hoarse.

In the car behind.

Fu Ronglan kept watching Xiao Jiuhan walk into the supermarket, and saw through the glass doors and windows that she seemed to have hurried out with a few small boxes.

The driver in front obviously saw it too. Fu Ronglan saw in the rearview mirror that his driver had a secretive smile on his face, which looked very obtrusive.

“What is he holding?”

“Ah, isn’t it just… um?” The driver blurted out, suddenly belatedly realizing that this was the big boss asking him, and quickly sullen, not knowing whether to say it or not.

“What?” Fu Ronglan’s tone was faintly impatient.

The driver hurriedly said: “It’s like… it’s that… uh… the one used by men… tao…”

After the driver finished speaking, his face was flushed, and he really wanted to get under the seat of the car.

It’s so far away, and he can’t see it very clearly, but usually the things in the supermarket next to the door are probably the same, and the rich young master’s hands are indeed about the same size. Box.

There was no more movement from the back seat.

Seeing that the silver-white car in front had already driven away, the driver was a little anxious.

“Master Rong, are you still following me?”

“Return to the imperial garden!” The voice from behind was deep and cold.

The driver’s spine was so cold that he didn’t even dare to look up and take a peek in the rearview mirror.


The car started, and the driver was about to turn when he heard a cool voice from behind——

“If you lose track, you don’t have to do it.”


The driver looked confused, who said he was going home just now?

Sure enough, the emperor’s heart is unpredictable, and accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger.

“What are you still doing?”

“Yes Yes Yes!”

He is so miserable!

The silver-white Maybach gradually drove out of the hustle and bustle of the city and entered the villa area, with no shuttle traffic along the way.

Xiao Jiuhan leaned on the back seat, rubbing his forehead while regulating the spiritual power in his body. If the spiritual power is cultivated smoothly, it will be very helpful to help quit smoking.

(end of this chapter)

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