Rival In Love Says He Must Marry Me

Chapter 653

Chapter 653 – I Wish, Kill!

Chapter 653 I wish, kill!

The figure had long hair hanging loose, and blood was stained on the long white dress. She slapped the cage desperately, like a captured wild animal trying to break out of the cage.

They saw the beast clearly.

All the people were dumb all of a sudden, as if the hand of the beast was firmly clamping their necks, making it extremely difficult for them to even breathe.

High Priest?

That is the proudest little princess of the Hanyue Sect!

That is their high priest!

How could the dignified High Priest of Shenjiang look like this?

No! Their high priest is noble, holy, and inviolable, but he must not look like this!

At this time, they saw another figure slowly coming out.

Pure white long dress, silver long hair like snow mountains and frost, cold and noble silver eyes, majestic, proud, beautiful, elegant, extraordinary and refined, not to be offended.

This is the attitude that a real high priest should have in their minds.

However, this was the “former high priest” who was betrayed by them and pulled down from the altar, the “traitor” they called.

“Eyes! Red!”

Suddenly a scream broke the silence.

This sound was like pressing the switch key, and then people began to discover the key.

“Is it a red-eyed monster?”

“How is this possible? Impossible! Impossible!”

After a brief suffocation, there was a loud noise, like boiling water.

Didn’t you say that the red-eyed monster was the former High Priest?

Why has it become Han Changge now?

Han Changge is a red-eyed monster?

Supported by them, the new high priest who ascended to the throne is actually the devil who murders people like hemp and turns Shenjiang into a deserted city?

My God!

It turns out that the rumor released by Cang Haizhou is true!

They actually regarded such a devil as the high priest, and followed the devil to betray the real high priest!

No, it should be… the Lord God!

“It turned out that it was not the high priest who betrayed the Lord God, but us who betrayed the Lord God!”

In the crowd, someone couldn’t help expressing their inner thoughts.

And it wasn’t just his thoughts.

It was the only thought of almost everyone present at the moment.


Not only did they betray the main god, they also prayed to the devil together and killed the main god.

They actually killed their main god!

The crime of killing God!

The voice of the gods resounded over the sky of Shenjiang again. It was so cold that there was no warmth, like a ray of cool wind blowing from the snow-capped mountains.

“Cold Moon Sect, the rebels committed a crime, conspired to seize Zhen Lingtong, and murdered the elder Yanmu. This crime cannot be pardoned. I wish: kill!”

There was a straight and indifferent sound of “Kill”, but it was divine punishment coming, majestic and solemn.

Everyone in front of the main shrine heard the killing sound resounding through the clouds, and saw Han Changge being wiped out amidst the shrill screams.

Her screams were still echoing in the square, but her person had long since disappeared before everyone’s eyes, not even a single speck of dust was left behind, together with her pair of filthy eyes that had been polluted long ago. The Lingtong was also destroyed together.

Zhen Ling Tong, which has been polluted and corrupted, will only be a disaster if kept.

“Master Lord God!”

A cry sounded in the square, with crying and great regret.

A person knelt down and wailed loudly.

Countless people on the square were like dominoes, one after another, row after row, all kneeling down.

worship, shout, cry, repent, repent, beg.

This time, no one came forward to say that she had betrayed Shenjiang and the Lord God, and no one called her a red-eyed monster who colluded with Canghaizhou.

There were only unanimous surrender and prostration, crying loudly.

“May the Lord God forgive us!”

“I wish: Lord Lord God returns to God’s Land, we need you!”

“Please forgive us, Lord God, and return to the land of God!”

(end of this chapter)

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