Rival In Love Says He Must Marry Me

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 – This House Is Very Disorderly

Chapter 7 This family is very unruly

Xiao Sheng’er shook her head immediately: “No, it’s not, it’s very pretty, big brother…it’s pretty in any way.”

In the past, she had neat short black hair and was unsmiling. She looked much more mature than her actual age, but now she looks younger and handsome, with a different kind of aloofness and arrogance.

Really… nice looking!

Xiao Jiuhan stared at his own eyes in the mirror. The dark tea-gray color may not be noticeable for the time being, but it may completely turn into silver at some point.

Although wearing colored contact lenses can be used as an excuse, it is better to practice as soon as possible, and it is more reliable to use spiritual energy to change the color of the eyes.

The tie in his hand was still the same after fiddling for a long time, Xiao Jiuhan frowned impatiently.

Xiao Sheng’er walked up to him timidly and said, “Brother, let me help you?”

Xiao Jiuhan nodded slightly, and lowered his hand.

Xiao Sheng’er’s onion-like hands are wrapped around a dark tie deftly. The silky tie has a slightly cool texture, which is very similar to Xiao Jiuhan’s cold temperament.


It would be great if I could wear a tie for my eldest brother for a lifetime!

Put on the silver tie clip, Xiao Sheng’er raised her head and showed a gentle and sweet smile.

“All right.”

Xiao Jiuhan was a lot taller than her, and he saw the light shadow under her eyes at a glance.

The huge Xiao family has a large population. In such a serious car accident, Xiao Sheng’er, who was far away in a foreign country, rushed back overnight, but no one under the same roof knew about it.

Taking out a new watch and putting it on, she put the suit jacket flat on her arm and said, “Let’s go downstairs and have breakfast together.”

Hearing this, Xiao Sheng’er’s nose felt a little sore, she quickly restrained her emotions, and nodded her head heavily.

When the two went down to the dining room, there were six people seated at the long French-style carved dining table that could accommodate more than a dozen people—

Second uncle Xiao Ronggui and his wife Zhuang Wanqiu.

The two have a son and a daughter. The daughter Xiao Ningxi, the eldest daughter of the Xiao family, lives alone away from home; the son Xiao Mingbai, the second eldest in the family, stays out all day and night. Obviously, it was the same last night.

Fourth Uncle Xiao Yijin’s family is full of four.

His wife, Jiang Mingmeng, is a charming female star, and she is very shrewd.

The son Xiao Fengzhuo, the third eldest, is timid and cowardly.

Daughter Xiao Yuwei, the second young lady in this family, is a typical proud daughter.

The people in the two rooms were sitting on one side, and they had already started their own work, without waiting for others.

The third aunt Su Han Liuzheng and the servants at home were busy in and out of the kitchen, and the fourth brother Xiao Chenxi was helping his mother from the side.

Xiao Jiuhan’s late father was the eldest son in the family, and she was regarded as the “eldest grandson” in name. The following three uncles, the second uncle and fourth uncle, and her father were all siblings of the same mother, except the third uncle, who was the grandfather An illegitimate child outside.

The third uncle was nearly 30 years old when he came back. He had already married a wife and had children. Unfortunately, he died of illness within a few years, leaving orphans and widows in this family to be cautious and watch people’s faces.

Like this time—

“Sister-in-law, didn’t I tell you? I don’t want purple onions in my salad, and this milk is not hot enough.”

The young servant girl hurriedly said: “Fourth madam, it’s all my fault. The third madam told me, I, I forgot, I’ll redo it for you right away.”

Jiang Mingmeng’s meticulously drawn eyebrows raised slightly, with a bit of fierce arrogance, he threw the silver fork into the salad plate, and mocked bitterly: “If the third sister-in-law is not willing to help, tell me earlier, why bother to push a servant out to dismiss her?” People? Forget it, I won’t eat this breakfast!”

The third wife, Su Hanliu, stood at the door of the kitchen, holding hot porridge in her hand, said “I’m sorry”, and silently lowered her eyes.

Fourth Young Master Xiao Chenxi saw his mother getting up early in the morning to prepare breakfast, but was still being ignored. Although he was used to it for a long time, he still showed displeasure.

Others watched the fun with a sneer, or were indifferent, and it had nothing to do with them.

Xiao Jiuhan had a panoramic view of these situations, his expression was indifferent, and his eyes were bottomless.

This home looks very unruly.

(end of this chapter)

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