Road To Redemption Book I

Chapter 2: Judgement

Oh yeah! Chapter 2 is ready and lock n’ loaded to be launched. So without further Adieu…Enjoy the chapter!




“My name, is…… Eren Yeager


The silence was so deafening, even a pin drop could be heard at any corner of the hall entrance. Eren doesn’t know if he had said something wrong, but nonetheless he had given his answer.


The silence was broken by the anxious but obviously terrified chuckling of Peter.


 “O-okay, that has to be a joke, right?” Peter questioned, somewhat hoping for a different answer; but not a single sound came from the teen in front of him.


“Right?” The angel insisted desperately. Still no answer.


Eren could clearly see the fear written on the angel’s face no matter how hard he tried to hide it. The angel stumbled back a bit as he kept his stare fixed on Eren; he looked like he was going to go on a flight or fright mode at this rate. Eren felt hurt at the change of the angel’s demeanour, one point Peter had a giddy expression, but now.... it looked like he was looking at a-


“-Monster”. Eren could have sworn that he heard Peter just called him that, but his lips didn’t seem to be moving.


“What?” Eren sounded confused, like he wanted the words to be confirmed.


Just as quickly as the atmosphere drastically changed, St Peter let out a forced laughter leaving a stunned Eren.



“Ha ha ha ha, forgive my sudden outburst; I just thought you looked like someone familiar just now. It tends to happen alot.” Peter spoke with a hearty voice.


Eren felt something odd, one moment he looked like he wanted to piss his pants, now he is all joyful now. The expression of the angel was hard to tell, like it had been perfected by a long time of experience and training. He just couldn’t pin point if he was lying or not.


‘What the fuck just happened?’


Before Eren could even voice out his thoughts, a bright golden light shone above him and Peter where a figure appeared. At first sight it looked like it had many eyes, however they got flashed out of existence to reveal a more human appearance. The being floated down beside Peter; In contrast to Peter, they had three pairs of wings summoning up to six wings.


Tall in height and of slender stature; the person appeared more feminine due to her facial features and clothing, comprised of an elegant gown coloured in white and purple; a blue halo in a crown fashion and another mini halo at the top of it. She had a dark skin complexion with white spotted freckles on her face with a white waist length hair. However, the disturbing feature to Eren was her eyes, having a grey outline with black and white irises. Her appearance became more prominent with the air of authority surrounding her.


“You must be Eren Yeager correct” A statement rather than a question it seemed as She looked down on Eren with a calculated stare despite the gap between them.


Eren kept his on gaze on her, unwilling to back down from her gaze as he answered.




“I see. Forgive my associate for his behaviour, he tends to be ... emotional at times.”


“That’s not a problem.”


“My name is Sera, and we have a lot to discuss about. If you can come along with me, I will discuss the details as we walk.” The angel ushered him to come along, pointing to the gateway entrance. “So, what do you say?”


Should he trust her?


For some reason, Eren couldn’t shake of the feeling of this being a trap. But at the same time…


Would it matter?


A tingling sensation started creeping from the back of his body; more specifically his spine; almost as if it was acting on its own.




Despite his insides screaming at him to flee, he supressed them down and followed the angel to wherever she was taking him to.


Just as they entered the gateway entrance, Eren was immediately greeted with a contradicting sight. Rather than a peaceful and breath taking environment that Heaven should be portraying, he was greeted to a dimly lit room.


Eren is getting a bad vibe from this place. “Sera, where exactly are-”


The remaining words died in his throat as soon as Eren made eye contact with the angel. Even with the surrounding darkness, he could make out her expression. And boy was it terrifying.


Her eyes glowed vibrant white with blue hues, several eyes popped out of her body and crown. The eyes on her spread wings doesn’t help at all as they all glowered down at him. The lightning showed more of her face that contorted to a mix of anger, disgust and absolute hatred.


“Eren Yeager. Do you realise the weight of what your sins carry?”


Eren was panicking again, the tingling sensation intensifying as his spine felt like it was vibrating. Adding to the uncomfortable feeling, nightmares crawled back into his mind. They had retuned.


He couldn’t breathe properly, his chest cavity deflating more air than he could inhale. The memories of the rumbling were replaying back in his mind. How he saw Ramzi and his friend squashed under the foot of a wall titan. Horror and dread written on their faces.


Eren held his chest were his heart lay, fearing he might be dying again. He couldn’t even look at the angel in the eye.




That made Eren recoil and flinch in fear. All he could do was stare back up at her, the vibrant green in his eyes had faded to a pale and ghostly green. Eren tried to talk, but what was leaving his mouth was exhaled air and the sound of gasping, making it look like he was deprived of oxygen.


To which he might be at this point. Sera stepped closer to Eren, moving so with grace yet intimidation, and it was working perfectly. A step she took made Eren step back two more, who was still holding his chest cavity.


This man.


No. This Devil.


He was far worse than Roo herself.


The real devil himself.


“Filthy, disgusting, a lowlife like you. You Eren, had single handedly committed the worst crime known to all of mankind. Far greater than what your race and every other mortal’s sin combined. And what do you have to say for yourself…”


Eren had not noticed movement around him. Inside that room, were several sets of white glowing eyes. They were closing down on him, surrounding him in a circle. He only noticed when he was standing in the middle of the room.


It didn’t help that those eyes were morphing into the eyes of all those he had killed during the rumbling. The eyes turning to hollow sockets that stared back at Eren.




Sera looked down on him with sneer. Was he seriously trying to defend himself for all the atrocities that he had committed not even too long ago?!










Sera was perplexed. This mortal was something else.






Sera’s aura had repressed down a little. But something this evil was saying was making her extremely worried.


“Are you telling me. You. Can see. The FUTURE?!”


Eren’s eyes shone with realisation.


They didn’t know?


Now that he looked around himself, he saw several angels armed with weapons; ranging from spears to swords. Unlike the previous two angels he had seen, these ones were clad in black and white; wearing masks that had horns and X inscribed on the eye sides. They don’t look like Angels of light to him. If anything, they looked like angels of death.



They had been prepared for him the whole time.




Were they the ones that were going to kill him? He just hopes that it is a quick death.


A snap of a finger resounded in the room before Eren suddenly found himself strapped by glowing ropes that had strange engravings on them. Agonising pain instantly coursed through his body. Eren screamed his lungs out as his body was collapsing on itself inside out, volts of electricity electrocuting his body and brain.


“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” But the pain refused to stop.


His spinal cord felt like a worm wriggling violently in his body, latching harshly unto his ribs to the point of crumbling them. The agony was so intensifying that Eren didn’t notice the change in his voice. Nor the shifting of the other angels or Sera’s fearful expression.


He reared his head back to let out a pained cry. But to anyone hearing in the vicinity, it was the sound of a demon’s.






Something else was crying out as well.




Flashing headache exploded to a mind bulging pain as once again Eren was seeing visions:



The half face of a pale white being stretching his hands to him.


The silhouette of a woman smiling deviously, her black lips shining in the darkness.


A woman with red eyes and black irises looking at him with distrust.


Several set of unique… people? (Demons???) brisked like a slideshow.


Angels gathered around a hall, Sera and a little one sitting at the top chairs.


Him looking down at his hands covered in blood.


Eren looking up at a set of glowing wicked red eyes that flashed a golden tooth. A cigarette dispersing pink fumes and puffs of clouds.


Several killer angels swarming down from a bright light. Aiming their sights on a lone building with the captions ‘Hazbin Hotel’.


A deafening roar reverberating around a barren waste land shed with bloody bodies. A humongous titan like figure with glowing eyes looked down on an injured Eren with an uncanny smile.


The silhouette of a demonic beast titan having antlers on each side of its forehead running towards a titan that disturbingly resembled his brother’s beast titan.


Demons armed with weapons charging to the descending angels.


And far beyond…was a plain land field with sandy soils and beautiful ozone that led to a red and blue glowing tree known as the paths. Standing at the front of the tree, was none other than Eren and the devil of all earth. Facing each other as Eren held out an apple.



Everything went white as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. His body went numb, legs giving away in an instant making him collapse to the ground. His ears ringing from the scorching pain.


Looking back with the angle he was laid down, Eren saw an angel with glowing golden eyes looking down on him with devoid emotions. Then Eren fell into a blissful unconsciousness, letting the darkness embrace him to its depths.



Every single angel looked down at the downed soul in front of them, heavily secured by the Holy restraints. The exorcists still held their weapon in anticipation, not willing to let their guard down just yet. Holding the loose ends of the Holy binding, was the archangel Micheal; the right hand man of God.


His face was collected and calm, even after the ordeal that had just taken place. His golden brown hair was tied back to an elegant ponytail, he cladded a royal and prestigious clothing consisting of a white robe with golden embodiment and a golden lace. A sword strapped securely to the side of his waist while a bow and set of arrows at his back. His beard neatly shaved to a trimmed goatee.


Micheal looked at the oblivious soul staining their holy ground with his presence. He could only inwardly look on in dismay at the dimmed foul soul.


‘How far have you fallen, little brother.’


If Lucifer had just obeyed, if only he hadn’t foolishly mingled with the affairs of the creations of their father and the other seraphims…


This was far worse than he had imagined it will go. The powers of the titans are something that should have never fallen into the hands of any being much less a mortal.


If this wretched soul enters the premises of hell…the gates of hell will break loose. Heaven cannot allow such a folly to happen under their watch.


Micheal looked at the exorcist and the Seraphim who had fallen to a bow at his front. Then his eyes gazed to…


“Adam. Leave the soul alone.”


Adam; the first man to ever live; also the leader of the exorcist had his angelic Axe close to the neck of Eren, ready to detach the unconscious teen head. His axe had already cut a part of the nape as it drew blood, if he hadn’t warned Adam, they will be having a cut off head rolling on the floor…which in turn will stain heaven’s ground.


“Bu-But Lord Micheal. This fucker doesn’t even deserve to be breathing. Heck I would have shoved my whole axe into his cumdump throat if I have to!” A raised brow and a disapproving frown made the Exorcist leader to chuckle nervously.


“He he. Oooor maybe not?”


“Adam, how many times have I warned you about your use of profanes.”


“Shit. My bad” Just realising he cussed again, he tried to retract his words “I mean, fuck-sorry- ah shit I am really bad at this-”


“How about not talking will be the best advice for now.” Micheal told Adam.


How a zip formed around his mouth was a mystery to Michael himself.


“Your Majesty. I deeply apologise for not informing you of Eren Yeager’s presence on time. Bringing him directly to you will cause people to see him, leading to a mass panic to heaven’s occupants.”  Sera apologised while bowing her head down.


“That is easily understandable. I can see you are still doing a fine job even after these many years Sera. Your concerns are deeply appreciated.” Micheal smiled at her.


This caused Sera to blush slightly. It’s not every day you get an approval of an archangel, or the smile of Archangel Micheal himself.


“Normally I would have him sent straight to the lower depths of hell, where people like him belong. But unfortunately, the power he holds could shatter the very reality of not just hell and heaven, but the whole world itself.” Michael elaborated to Sera, her eyes widened at the revelation.




Michael looked back at the unconscious shifter. Slight fascination evident on his face as he sees the small wound already closing in back on itself, whips of steam clouding the injured part for a while before dissipating.


“It’s a miracle that the humans never learnt the full power of the titans to a glimpse. This power…was a mistake to be made in the first place. It mustn’t be allowed to dwell in hell.”


“So does that mean we can kill this corrupted Yeager too Lord Micheal?” An exorcist asked beside him.


“Lute, for the love of fuck don’t interrupt the OG himself. That’s fucking rude!” Adam had zipped open his mouth, only to instantly zip it back on as Micheal turned to his direction. He turned his attention back to the now named angel Lute.


“Yes and No. No, meaning we have to wait first. And yes, meaning we have to uproot his powers. In other words, Cleanse him.”


Before taking his leave, Micheal looked at all the angels present in the room. A serious demeanour taking over his face.


“Whatever happens here, must never leave this premises. Understood?”


Resounding ‘yes sir’ and ‘yes your majesty’ filled the room.


“Ya got it chief. This cunt ain’t living to tell his shitty tale.”








“…I did it again didn’t I?”


Lute confirmed Adam’s suspicion, “Affirmative sir”







Everything felt, peaceful to say the least.


[[[ Yeager]]]


Almost like he had wings. All he had to do was just spread them so he could soar high into the sky. Opening his eyes, he saw he was in his childhood form, but adorning his teenage clothing. A dark blue coat with green shirt that had string tassels. Eren looked around his surrounding and saw he was standing on the top of clouds that hung on the sky.


The breeze was nice, it almost felt liberating.


[[[ Yeager]]]


Eren stretched his arms wide open, welcoming the strong flow of air as it ruffled his hair and blew his coat.






He had almost attained freedom before. But this feeling; the wind, the clear blue sky, the sun reflecting on his prepubic face. And the sight of Armin frowning down at him. Wait…Armin? What was he doing here-




A jaw breaking punch landed him to the earth below, landing on the ocean instead with a big splash.


Eren groaned at the bruise starting to form on his cheek, his now adolescence hands reaching to touch his swollen cheek. He winced at the contact, then looked at his body that had now returned to his teenage years.


Did Armin just punch him in the face for no reason. Speaking of Armin, where was that smart ass blonde?


His answer came with an accompanying thud that landed beside him in the ocean waters, the splash completely soaking all his clothing and hair making it damp. Eren looked up to glare at Armin, only to find out…that this wasn’t the Armin he knew.


“What the-”


[[[Seriously brat, do you even realise I had been calling your name for a while]]]




“Oi, who are you calling-” Only to get rudely interrupted again.


[[[ And do you seriously expect for everything to go your way? You must be joking if you think so]]]


Now that he thinks about it, Armin now looks like a mother scolding her child. ‘Armin’ (NOT ARMIN) was wearing the new survey corps cloth, excluding the top and cloak. It was replaced with a white shirt. This was the one Armin wore during his encounter in the paths. The major difference about this ‘not Armin’ had black orbs for eyes and red irises. Another unique feature was the dual twin horn on his forehead. One was red while the other was black. There were also black and red stripes around his arms and the emblem of a snake on his forehead, glowing a vibrant yellow with some green inside.


Eren could only stare at the weird combination this ‘not Armin’ had.


The ‘not Armin’ sighed. The voice was also a dead give away. Sounding too deep to be Armin’s nor anyone he had come across.


[[[ Do you even know what’s happening to you now?]]]




Happening to him? What did he mean-


The memories flooded back to his mind.


Oh. Right. The angels were going to kill him.


But wasn’t he already dead???


[[[ Well you better find a way to live. I’m not particularly ready to die yet, Shitty brat]]] The ‘not Armin’ said with annoyance.


Why does this person’s attitude strongly remind Eren of Captain Levi?




“I am tired of living.”


Now it was the ‘not Armin’ turn to be perplexed.




“My purpose has been completed. I have committed too much to have the will to live anymore. Or even fight.”




WHAM! A punch to the gut was all Eren got as a response.




He grabbed Eren by the scruff of his jacket.




Eren was struggling to remove the being’s grasp on his coat. It certainly had a strong grip. “Hey-Let go of my-”




“WHY DO YOU CARE? IT’S NOT YOUR BODY IN THE FIRST PLACE!” Eren angrily remarked as he yanked his coat off of the being’s hand. “So you have no right on claiming boss or telling me what to do!”


[[[ Ya sure about that kiddo?]]]  The ‘not Armin’ then changed to a ‘not Kenny’!


Does this thing have the ability to shapeshift?!


[[[ Everybody’s a slave to something. Ya think you finally having nothing left to be attached to. But that’s not true]]]


Eren looked at the being with suspicion.


Does this guy know something he’s not implying to tell me?


“What do you mean by that exactly?”


The ‘not Kenny’ turned to him, giving him a small chuckle and a crooked smile.


[[[ YOU’LL SEE]]]


The environment started to fade away, turning to crumbs of dust. Along the ocean and sky, Eren was also fading as well. He looked back at the strange being, his eyes widened at what he saw.


His mother looked at him with a sad smile. The voice not of the being’s own, but her own sweet loving voice. Just the way he remembered it.


It’s time to wake up. Eren





Eren woke up with a gasp but wincing with a sharp hiss at the new found pain concentrated on his arms and legs. The tingling sensation in his back from earlier before had gone. But what greeted him was the fact he had chains connecting his feet and arms to the ground. He was kept in a kneeling position so as for another set of glowing chains to be encircled around his waist then also chained to the ground.


His Hair bun had become undone, making his shoulder length hair to drape all over his back. Sticky sweat had formed on his body, exertion written on his face.


He felt weak and tired all over, but still active enough to move his head… as well as to feel the burning pain in his four joints that are connected with the strange glowing chains. Two exorcists armed with a spare were stationed at both sides of him.

Eren craned his neck a bit and realised he was in an entirely new place. A grand hall with several luxurious chairs were mounted on the walls, the front having at least 5-6 standard rows and chairs. Eren looked back at the restraints and tried to tug on them. Only then did he notice that people were already there conversating and murmuring among themselves as they stopped when he let out a whimper from the flesh eating pain.


Silence engulfed the hall, but resumed ten times fold as they looked at Eren. (Were they even people to begin with, some had strange looking heads!) A raised hand silenced the angels once more. Seeing that everyone had quieted down, Michael put his hands down. Beside him, were Gabriel and Raphael. Together, they were the big three angles, the strongest archangels of them all. Only bested by God Himself. (Well, He’s their creator afterall…). On the left side wall was stationed Sera, and while on the right was an angel with questionable choice for wear. Definitely looks like a Killer angel, beside the tall angel was one of those angels that he saw back in the dimly lit room.


As much as he doesn’t know those three angels at the front wall, seeing them made his heart ache in sadness? Or was it loneliness?


“I see that you have awoken, Eren Yeager.” Micheal spoke with slight venom, barely concealed by his face of indifference.


Gabriel was clearly making no effort to hide his emotions has he glowered down at Eren, then turned his face to the other side, clearly not wanting to see his face.


And if looks could kill, Eren did be dead where he’s kneeling long time ago with that heated glare Raphael was giving his way.


“Do you know why you are here?” Eren knew why; had a feeling; but opted not to speak. Scorns were thrown his way as some of the angels were talking about Eren’s audacity to not reply to Micheal’s question. Some already calling him a true devil.


Hey, he knew that much already. No need to rub it in.


Micheal turned to the other occupants in the hall. “My fellow brothers and sisters. Today, we are here to judge the fate of the soul known as Eren Yeager. Whether we should exterminate him immediately…” Micheal’s hand pointed towards the face of Eren, everyone following the direction of the finger like stray dogs.


“…Or cleanse this foul stench off this vermin of a soul.”


The way how Micheal implied the last words in his sentence made Eren’s heart skip a beat, not in a good way.


“Cleanse?” Eren asked meekly, a mix of terror evident in his voice.


Micheal just looked down at Eren. “Yes, cleanse. And I do hope for your sake…” A predatory gleam flashed through the archangel’s eyes only Eren could see. Unbeknown to him and the angels, Eren’s spine was glowing red with green veins, slightly illuminating his clothes. A quiet hissing sound emitting from his spine. But all Eren felt at the moment was the return of the vibrating tingling, and utter fear for his life. (Or was it soul now?)


Ironic how a few minutes he said he wanted to die.


“It’s the former. But I hope for the latter myself though.”


Eren does not like where this was going.


Bloopers: Chapter 1:

Back in the living word, few minutes after the rumbling:

A portal appeared where our valiant heroes stood:

Blitz: Alright! (Turns to the aot gang) Hey fuckfaces! Have you seen a fucker named Eren Yeager!

Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Connie, Reiner, Annie, Gabi and Falco could only stare incredulously.

Moxxie: Er sir, I don't think we are meant to be in this scene.

Millie: Are we even born during this time?!

Blitz: Weeeell, that's a shame. See ya bye! (All three imps jumping back into the portal before it closed)

Connie: What was that?

Everyone else:…..

Jean: On the bright side captain Levi is no longer humanity's shortest.

Levi: I might be injured, but I can still kick your ass horseface.


Chapter 2: 1st scene:

In the dream void, the 'not Armin' turns to a'not Madara': [[[ Wake up to reality. Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world]]]

Eren: …I'm sorry, who are you supposed to be?

'Not Madara' : [[[I'm the ghost of Uchiha. Seriously, how many things you do not know brat?!]]]

Eren: Well I don't know you.

'Not Madara': [[[ I'm fucking famous!]]]

Scene 2:

Eren: …Is this supposed to be some kind of joke?

'Not Armin' : (Confused) [[[ What?]]]

Eren: A rip-off Sukuna? Are you trying to start a JJK controversy here?! Try to be more original!

'Not Armin' : (Perplexed) [[[ HOW THE HELL DO YOU EVEN KNOW THAT?!]]]

Eren: (Smug) I searched online.

'Not Armin': (Enraged) [[[ YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE INTERNET IS!]]]

Eren: It's 2024 dumbass! Live with it!

'Not Armin': [[[YOUR TIMELINE IS STILL IN YEAR 854?!]]]




Ahh, cliff hangers. I'm so evil. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Wasn't expecting the big three appearance were you? I really don’t like to torment Eren…But I have to for mental breakdown-AHEM- I mean character development (Author-san’s poor excuse to crucify Eren) Heaven has began their judgement on Eren. And next chapter: You’ll just have to wait and see. And boy; IT.WILL.BE.WILD. I forgot to add in bloopers for my first chapter of this story (No promises for bloopers in all chapters!). So above is the blooper for both chapters. So what do you think? Let me know in the comment section. As usual Constructive criticism is accepted as well.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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