Roaring Heroes Battle the Overlord (Ainz)

Chapter 23 The Four Knights of the Empire

A young man with luxurious attire and strikingly handsome features, Emperor Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix of the Baharuth Empire, strolled leisurely down the corridor. Reports had already come in about intruders breaking into the palace, but Emperor Jircniv paid it no mind.

In this world, only the powerful figures from the Sorcerer Kingdom could threaten the heavily guarded imperial palace. If Sorcerer Kingdom's people came, there would be no need to resist; it would be best to surrender and accept one's fate.

He still vividly remembered that nightmarish day. A pair of dark elf twins descended from the sky on a dragon, wielding High-tier earth magic to annihilate the fully armored knights in the palace, marking the first display of the Sorcerer Kingdom's—specifically the Great Tomb of Nazarick's—terrifying power.

After that, the situation spiraled uncontrollably into the darkest depths of the abyss.

The royal family was invited by Ainz Ooal Gown to tour the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

The empire's most trusted court mage, Fluder Paradyne, defected from the empire and pledged allegiance to Ainz Ooal Gown.

Ainz Ooal Gown used an unprecedented Super-Tier magic to obliterate tens of thousands of soldiers from the Re-Estize Kingdom.

Ainz Ooal Gown engaged in a martial arts contest with the Martial Champion, subtly warning the imperial emperor not to act recklessly.

The Baharuth Empire officially announced its voluntary status as a vassal state of the Sorcerer Kingdom.

Jircniv rested his hand on the white stone railing of the palace and gazed at the majestic castle. A bitter smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. When he first ascended the throne of the Baharuth Empire, he was brimming with ambition, eager to accomplish something legendary.

To achieve this, he had ruthlessly purged the nobility with whom he shared considerable blood ties, concentrating power within the royal family. After that, he planned to crush the capital of the empire's longtime enemy, the Re-Estize Kingdom, with the empire's iron cavalry, then march south to conquer the ever-arrogant Slane Theocracy.

Following that, he aimed to subdue the rebellious demi-human tribes around him, expanding the empire and establishing the Baharuth Empire as the strongest human empire in the world.

But the sudden appearance of the Great Tomb of Nazarick had completely derailed all his plans. Ambitions, aspirations, strategies, and grand dreams all seemed as fragile and laughable as a child's sandcastle in the face of overwhelming power.

He had longed to end the century-old war with the Re-Estize Kingdom using the empire's knights and magic, but seeing the Re-Estize Kingdom's main force fall like harvested grain under the terrifying magic of the Great Demon King Ainz Ooal Gown, he felt no satisfaction, only boundless fear.

If Ainz Ooal Gown could mercilessly wipe out tens of thousands of Re-Estize Kingdom's soldiers, then he could easily destroy the entire Baharuth Empire.

Reports from the intelligence department also mentioned that 70,000 Quagoa in the Azerlisia Mountains had been slaughtered to near extinction by Ainz Ooal Gown's subordinates.

Facing a ruthless demon king, Emperor Jircniv now only wanted to do his best to preserve the lives of the people of the Baharuth Empire and his own life, with no hope left for grand conquests. Even attacking the war-weary Re-Estize Kingdom had lost its appeal.

Under the supreme intimidation of Ainz Ooal Gown, the Baharuth Empire and the Re-Estize Kingdom, which had been at war for nearly a century, were merely two shivering rabbits in the winter. If one was killed, the hunter's arrow would quickly turn to the other.

Jircniv sighed and stopped his thoughts. Recently, he had become quite despondent. Once diligent and uninterested in women, he now wallowed in indulgence. When he realized that all his efforts were in vain, he questioned what meaning his life had beyond pleasure.

He pushed open the doors to the main hall of the palace and walked inside. Normally, he would meet with ministers and generals here, discussing state affairs and handling administration. But now, the resplendent palace was empty. Some senior officials had been terrified into resignation by Ainz, returning to their homes, while others had left, unable to tolerate the emperor's despondency.

No, there was someone in the palace.

Jircniv looked up and saw a girl in black clothes with black hair, leaning against a pillar with a giant sword on her back. She was half-asleep, her head nodding slightly.

Who is this? Jircniv frowned. How did the guards let her in? He adjusted his ornate headpiece and belt, then walked over to the girl and cleared his throat.

The young girl, not very old, was startled awake. She blinked at Emperor Jircniv, her gaze hazy: "Who are you…"


A faint smile played at the corners of Jircniv's mouth. He stood a head taller than the girl before him, looking down at her with a smirk and said:

"Such a pure and unaffected girl. You're the first ordinary woman I've seen who hasn't knelt before the emperor. You really have some personality. I like that."

The black-haired girl looked a bit confused. She tilted her head, thought for a moment, then stood up straight and suddenly grabbed the collar of the golden-haired man's ornate robe, lifting him up!

"So," EeDeChi's dark eyes sparkled with intensity, her drowsiness gone, "you're Emperor Jircniv?"

She lifted the struggling, handsome man with one hand and threw him onto the central, opulent throne in the palace.

"Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix." Jircniv adjusted his crumpled collar, trying to maintain the dignity of the empire's highest ruler, and said with a serious tone, "I am the emperor of the empire. What do you want? You've already committed—"

With a swooshing sound, EeDeChi drew the long sword from her back with one hand. In an instant, the broad blade swept past Emperor Jircniv's ear, the wild sword wind ruffling his golden hair, and he was instantly silenced.

"Your name is too long, hard to remember. I thought an emperor would be an old man, but you're a young guy, and you look pretty clean-cut." EeDeChi nodded, tapping the emperor's cheek with the flat of her sword and said with a grin, "It's good to be young. Young people should listen to advice."

"Your Majesty! Bandit! Release His Majesty!" Several shouts rang out from behind. The palace doors were burst open with a loud bang. EeDeChi turned to see four well-armored knights in magic armor, wielding longswords and greatswords, charging in.

Three men and one woman stood in the palace. Leading them was a burly warrior with a golden beard, clad in heavy armor. They positioned themselves in the spacious hall, blocking off any escape routes for EeDeChi.

Behind them, ranks of fully armored knights surged in, their enchanted adamantine armor gleaming. Longswords, steel spears, and adamantine tower shields formed a fan-shaped formation, surrounding EeDeChi and the emperor.

From the corner of her eye, EeDeChi saw that as the four knights entered, Emperor Jircniv breathed a sigh of relief and reclined in the throne's backrest.

The three warriors were the emperor's most esteemed and renowned Imperial Four Knights! Though one had already fallen, leaving only three.

"Lightning Bolt" Baziwood Peshmel!

"Fierce Gale" Nimble Arc Dale Anoch!

"Heavy Explosion" Leinas Rockbruise!

Baziwood, wielding a broad black giant sword, glared at EeDeChi and the long sword she held against Emperor Jircniv's ear. His expression darkened. "An imperial fugitive daring to infiltrate the palace! No wonder we couldn't find you. It turns out you've advanced right into the heart of it."

Nimble, clad in a black cloak, looked anxious. "This woman has some skills. She's already injured dozens of guards and grand mages. To be safe, let's all attack together."

"Stay calm and don't act recklessly! His Majesty is still in her grasp!"

EeDeChi smiled and withdrew her sword from beside Jircniv. She strolled confidently towards the tightly prepared encirclement.

Although the imperial knights were unsure why the female bandit would voluntarily abandon such a high-value hostage, they were nonetheless relieved. The greatest constraint on their combat ability had been voluntarily discarded by the enemy.

As EeDeChi moved a considerable distance from the emperor, Baziwood roared, "Attack!"

The three knights unleashed their prepared martial arts, slashing through the air like four black, sharp streaks of light, converging on EeDeChi from all directions!

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