Roaring Heroes Battle the Overlord (Ainz)

Chapter 47: The Suicide assassin

The emaciated beggar, his body covered in bloodstains, continued to groan on the cold, unforgiving street. Oblivious to the presence of the kingdom's most esteemed princess, the whipping had ceased, yet he remained trembling.

Princess Reneer knelt beside him, taking a bottle of crimson magic potion from her exclusive guard, Climb, who had golden hair and blue eyes. She unscrewed the copper cap and poured the potion gently into the beggar's parched lips.

Several drops of the costly magic elixir trickled down the beggar's lips, but the princess paid no mind, emptying the entire bottle into his mouth.

Barrett, who was watching nearby, exclaimed in astonishment. EeDeChi glanced at him, asking sharply, "What are you shouting about?"

Barrett whispered to his adventurer captain, "That's an extremely high-tier magic healing potion, incredibly expensive! Even if he begged for a hundred years, he couldn't afford that potion! The Golden Princess's kindness and wisdom are truly genuine!"

"She's the Golden Princess?" EeDeChi was surprised.

Long before in the Baharuth Empire, she had often heard about the beauty and intelligence of the Golden Princess. Now, seeing her in person, Princess Reneer left an excellent impression. Not only did she have a high Justice Value, but she was also kind-hearted and cared for her people like her own children, far better than the emperor of the Baharuth Empire.

Thinking back to encountering the undead with a Justice Value of -500 in the imperial palace, who claimed responsibility for recording the emperor's actions and words, EeDeChi felt a surge of anger. Nevertheless, that brat of an emperor later somewhat mended his ways by gifting her a chest of gold coins, significantly improving the economic status of the "The Last Defender of the Way" adventurer team.

However, Reneer's Justice Value fluctuated greatly, which left EeDeChi somewhat perplexed.

Just now, when facing Kurar, Princess Reneer's Justice Value dropped from 167 to -92, but now, while treating the beggar, her Justice Value has risen back to 240.

EeDeChi possessed the innate ability to see others' Justice Value, which represented a person's moral alignment. According to her experience, Justice Values typically fluctuated within a range of -10 to +10 and did not usually undergo significant changes in a short period.

However, Princess Reneer's ability to swing from positive to negative and back again was unprecedented to EeDeChi, challenging her worldview.

Fortunately, Princess Reneer's Justice Value mostly remained at a very high positive state, which reassured EeDeChi.

The wounds on the beggar's body, inflicted by the whip, healed visibly quickly. Seeing a beautifully dressed girl kneeling beside him, he knew she had saved him. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he whispered tearfully, "An angel has descended..."

Princess Reneer handed a few silver coins to the beggar, not minding his hands covered in mud and grime. The people around looked at her with reverence and admiration. Many believers silently prayed with folded hands.

Some ragged individuals surged forward, facing the princess, half-crawling and kneeling on the ground, stretching out their hands as if Princess Reneer were their sun. Touching her highness meant relief from all worldly poverty and disease.

This area was akin to a slum-like street, surrounded by a few beggars in tattered robes emerging from the alleys, pushing into the crowd. Their unkempt hands grabbed at the princess's pink gown, eager to beg for coins.

Princess Reneer's heart was kind, but they were perhaps too impatient. Despite their improper behavior, Princess Reneer remained unruffled, her gentle smile akin to that of an angel, distributing silver coins to them.

Sudden changes occurred!

The beggar in the brown tattered robe, half-kneeling closest to Princess Reneer, stretched out his trembling left hand for alms, while suddenly thrusting his hidden right hand from under the ragged robe, wielding a black dagger aimed at the princess's abdomen!

The clearly poisoned black dagger pierced through Princess Reneer's pink dress but met resistance from a layer of silver-white metal.

The beggar assassin's pupils constricted. He hadn't expected Princess Reneer to wear an adamantite armor beneath her attire.

With a sudden burst of strength, the beggar from under the robe staggered upright, poised to slash at the princess's neck with the dagger. Before he could rise, Climb, the exclusive guard stationed beside the princess, delivered a swift punch to his temple.

The beggar in the robe swayed and collapsed, still attempting to swing the dagger towards the princess. Climb knocked the dagger from his hand, drew his gleaming sword, and pierced the beggar's heart. Blood gushed from the sword's groove like a small fountain.

Behind Princess Reneer, visibly alarmed, another beggar in rags rose up, brandishing a short sword towards her neck!

Climb grabbed Princess Reneer's arm, pulling her aside just as the long sword grazed her arm and impaled the second assailant's chest.

The crowd and beggars scattered in terror. Two more assassins emerged, advancing swiftly with their slender blades aimed directly at the pair.

Princess Reneer spun around, her pink skirt swaying, half-bent as Climb shielded her behind him. Her white wide-brimmed hat fell from her head, revealing bright golden hair flowing like waves.

Facing the two swords, Climb stood firm, not retreating an inch, swiftly employing multiple martial arts techniques, deflecting with his long sword.

Amidst the flurry of blades, he severed half of one assassin's arm, blood spraying onto Climb's silver-white armor and the princess's golden hair. With a bloodied sword, he swiftly slashed open the throat of the disarmed assassin.

Only one assassin remained. Climb stepped forward, slightly distancing himself from the princess. Dodging the glaring blades, he found an opening, thrusting his sword forward and impaling the last assassin's chest.

Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, a sudden rush of wind cut through the air. A black feathered arrow, tipped with adamantite, shot straight towards the princess's face!

Climb barely had time to swing his sword to block when he instinctively leaped towards the princess, shielding her.

The steel arrow, crackling with thunderous momentum, was about to pierce Climb's neck when Princess Reneer behind him exclaimed in horror, "No! Climb..."

A steady hand reached out and firmly caught the deadly feathered arrow.

The Adamantite tip trembled fiercely in the fair palm, runes shimmering faintly on the black feathers, indicating high-level flight magic embedded within the arrow.

EeDeChi, holding the arrow, grinned broadly at the princess and Climb.

Meanwhile, Barrett rolled over and chased after the archer, who was armed with a short crossbow at the street corner. The assassin, fearing retaliation, fled desperately without returning fire.

Normally, Barrett wouldn't bother with such matters, but with the captain involved and the target being the kingdom's Golden Princess, there was bound to be a generous bounty for catching the assassin.

To Barrett, the fleeing crossbow assassin was just a pile of gold coins on the run!

Bending down, Barrett casually picked up a broken brick from the street. With his expert skill in throwing axes, he swung his arm and hit the assassin's right calf with the brick fragment. The assassin cried out and fell, the crossbow flying far from his grasp.

Before Barrett could approach the fallen assassin, the man tilted his head back, drank from a bottle, and collapsed motionless. Barrett cautiously approached, turning him over with his sword.

The assassin's eyes were wide open, brownish-red eyeballs protruding, froth oozing from his lips, not a breath to be heard. Clearly, he was dead.

Rolling near his hand was a small glass vial on the ground, its dark liquid residue making Barrett furrow his brow.

This was a suicide assassin!

Suicide assassin were professional killers nurtured by major noble families, skilled in combat and unwaveringly loyal, specialized in carrying out covert missions for their masters. In the event of failure, a suicide assassin would take their own life to avoid capture and interrogation, protecting their master's secrets.

Those capable of training suicide assassin were invariably powerful nobles or wealthy merchants who could rival nations.

Now, with Golden Princess Reneer targeted by a suicide assassin, it was evident that she had become entangled with powerful forces. 

Barrett wasn't familiar with the internal affairs of the Re-Estize Kingdom, but he knew enough as a freedom-loving adventurer not to get involved.

As Barrett turned to alert his captain, he saw EeDeChi standing with arms crossed, stepping on a broken black feathered steel arrow, engaged in conversation with Princess Reneer.

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