Roaring Heroes Battle the Overlord (Ainz)

Chapter 52: The Second Prince

In a spacious courtyard, the afternoon sun shone brightly, casting shadows of eaves and leaves onto the ground. It was deep autumn, and the warm sunlight made people lazy, even the slightly cool autumn breeze felt comfortable.

(↑ Reference appearance of EeDeChi)

Seated on a wooden bench in the grove, EeDeChi lounged, idly chewing on a large apple. In the open space before her, Barrett, still dressed as an adventurer, was instructing Climb, with his blonde hair and blue eyes, in martial arts.

Barrett wielded a broad wooden sword, clashing blades with Climb, who also held a wooden sword. The "clang, clang" of wood meeting wood echoed around them, while the gentle sunlight danced on their intertwined shadows.

"The Last Defender of the Way" adventurer team had already arrived at the capital of the kingdom via Princess Renner's teleportation circle and were temporarily residing near the princess's sleeping quarters.

In the distance, the high spires of the palace and the white marble castle walls could be seen. It was said that the King and the Second Prince resided within.

The seasoned elite adventurer quickly determined the outcome of their bout against the princess's exclusive guards.

Barrett took a light step forward, his large wooden sword twisting at a peculiar angle to parry Climb's longsword and knock it to the ground. He brought the sword back to his shoulder and thrust forward smoothly, sending Climb tumbling down, sitting helpless on the ground.

"Young people these days, they're really not what they used to be," observed EeDeChi as she watched Barrett effortlessly defeat Climb, shaking her head slowly,  her tone carrying a mix of regret and frustration at Climb's lack of improvement.

"Don't be discouraged, Climb. You've made progress," Barrett ignored EeDeChi's cold remark, extending his large palm to help Climb up from the ground. He advised, "Besides attacking, you need to learn to retreat, adjust your steps, and neutralize the force on your opponent's weapon."

"But behind me are the princess and the common folk. I can't retreat," Climb stood up resolutely.

"Sometimes retreating is advancing; take a step back to expose the enemy's weaknesses, then advance two steps," Barrett, despite being challenged, remained unperturbed, gently guiding Climb.

Unlike the noble-born knights within the palace, Climb was an orphan. Princess Renner of the kingdom found him on the brink of death in his childhood, making him her personal guard.

Although his swordsmanship talent was not exceptional, his diligence and hard work in training placed him among the top warriors of his age.

He was cheerful and determined, and his dedication to martial arts was relentless. Barrett liked him very much and imparted numerous combat skills to him.

Compared to the rigid and orthodox palace swordsmanship of the kingdom, Barrett's techniques and experience gleaned from years of adventurous battles sometimes proved to be more effective.

"Let's take a break for a while," Barrett said gently, pulling out a can of magic distilled water from his spatial ring and handing it to Climb.

Climb took the can, wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead, unscrewed the oak stopper, and gulped it down. The cool water trickled down his throat, quenching the heat from his training.

"Captain, um," Climb set down the can, turning to EeDeChi who lounged half-reclined on a wooden chair in the shade of the trees, his eyes eager. "You must know Martial Arts, right? Could you teach me some?"

"Martial Arts? I know a few. But your basics are too weak; I can't teach you," EeDeChi replied bluntly, taking a bite of her apple.

In this world, extraordinary powers are broadly divided into three types: Martial Arts, Magic, and Innate Talent.

Magic, which includes Arcane Magic, Divine Magic, and Divine Magic, needs no elaboration.

Innate Talent refers to abilities one is born with. In this world, roughly one in every two hundred people possesses Innate Talent. Most have simple abilities like sensing tomorrow's weather, while a few possess powerful and rare skills. For example, EeDeChi's Innate Talent allows her to see the Justice Value of others.

Martial Arts are skills practiced by warriors who lack magical talent. With sufficient innate ability and diligent practice, they can unleash unique extraordinary powers through mental focus and maintaining specific physical postures.

EeDeChi possesses an Innate Talent to see Justice Value, can learn and cast magic. She has also dabbled in a few Martial Arts in her leisure time, though she rarely finds use for them.

Reflecting on her encounters, besides the gothic Lolita in black, none of her enemies thus far have warranted the use of Martial Arts.

Climb took the rejection in stride. He picked up his wooden sword from the ground, squared off face-to-face with Barrett, and prepared to resume training.

On the courtyard walls, ivy swayed in the wind, casting shadows under the sun. The wooden side door suddenly swung open, and a young man of luxurious attire and slightly plump figure stepped over the threshold, striding in with his stubby legs.

His eyes were arrogant as he glanced around, speaking bluntly, "Hey, Climb, where's Renner?"

Climb sheathed his wooden sword, straightened up, and replied, "Princess Renner is not in the palace; she's preparing for tonight's banquet."

"Take me to her; I have something to discuss with her." The elegantly dressed young man raised his leg to leave, his eyes catching Barrett standing with his sword in the sunlight. Round-faced and full of disdain, he remarked, "Who are these two?"

"Inform His Highness, they are guests invited by Princess Renner," Climb replied calmly.

"Adventurers, I suppose. Renner always enjoys mingling with the lowly, using filthy soil to contrast her own nobility, thinking it shows her kindness and closeness to the people. Hmph." With this final remark, the slightly plump man walked out of the courtyard.

Climb's determined face was filled with deep anger, yet he still nodded apologetically to EeDeChi and Barrett before following the man out.

"Who's this fatso asking for a beating?" Climb barely stepped out the threshold when EeDeChi asked Barrett.

"Keep it down! We're in the palace right now. He's the second prince of the kingdom! His name's Zanac, and I hear he's just an average guy. His full name is Zanac Valleon Igana Ryle Vaiself. Ever since the eldest prince died in battle a few years ago, he's been the kingdom's designated heir to the throne."

EeDeChi frowned. "I can't stand this boy. His Justice Value is really low, even lower than the emperor of the Baharuth Empire."

Barrett couldn't help but laugh. "Is that Justice Value you're obsessed with really that useful? If it is, why do you always end up buying fake stuff from the shopkeepers?"

"Of course it's useful! It definitely is!"  EeDeChi's face reddened, but she remained stubborn.

"Then why do you keep buying fakes?"

"Well, that's because... because... because I feel sorry for the poor shopkeepers and want to support them." EeDeChi hastily made up an excuse.


"Stop laughing!" EeDeChi glared fiercely at Barrett.

Barrett pressed his lips together, muscles twitching in his cheeks, forcing the laughter down. He wiped his eyes and curiously asked, "You're always nitpicking about other people's Justice Values. What's yours then?"

"Mine's 250!" EeDeChi proudly placed her hands on her hips.

"Well, that's indeed quite high." Barrett remembered his own Justice Value was 146.

(Author's note: In the author's country, 250 has a slang meaning similar to "Dimwit", so there's an implied layer here: EeDeChi proudly claims she's a Dimwit.)

"Why couldn't Princess Renner become the heir to the throne after the death of the eldest prince?" EeDeChi asked.

She tossed away the apple core in her hand, shattering a thick branch of a pine tree in the woods. Several furry squirrels clung to pine cones, hopping around on the branches.

Barrett gave EeDeChi a strange look and said, "Captain, don't you know? Women don't have inheritance rights, not just in the royal family but among the nobles too. Throughout history in Re-Estize and Baharuth, there has never been a female ruler. Where exactly are you from? I always feel like you're clueless about some common sense."

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