Roaring Heroes Battle the Overlord (Ainz)

Chapter 60: Clash of the Hundred-Level Powers

"Master Tian, are you alright?" Tuareninya shouted anxiously from the stands.

Tuareninya was originally an ordinary human, but after a series of unfortunate events, she was saved from death by Sebas. Since then, she had voluntarily stayed in the Great Tomb of Nazarick. As an ordinary person, she had never witnessed such a fierce battle and was deeply worried.

Sebas's meticulously groomed silver hair was now somewhat disheveled, and his white shirt was torn in several places. His once pristine black leather shoes and suit pants were covered in dust. He waved at Tuareninya to signal that he was fine.

Meanwhile, EeDeChi was slowly regulating her breathing, stabilizing her breath. She exhaled two long streams from her nostrils, blowing up stone from the floor.

Barrett ran up to EeDeChi, checking on her condition. He looked somewhat anxious. "Captain, can you still fight? If not, it's okay to concede."

EeDeChi turned her head and glanced at him, taking a deep breath. "Young man, there's no need to worry about me. This is just a warm-up. I haven't faced such a strong opponent in a long time. It feels great. My mind is buzzing with the tune of 'Megalobox.'"

"What?" Barrett was taken aback.

"'Megalobox'?" Sebas, not far off, heard their conversation. "The supreme creator of me, Touch Me, particularly likes that anime."

He looked up at Ainz in the stands. "Ainz, could you play a track from 'Megalobox' using the arena's sound system?"

"Sure." Ainz nodded and summoned a green control console, adjusting the sound system's settings. He understood that Sebas was about to give his all in the fight.

"Let's end the match when this song finishes," Ainz ordered.

Since EeDeChi now demonstrated equal strength to Sebas, Ainz wasn't aiming to defeat her this time. With time on their side, the priority was to prevent Sebas from getting injured.

The thrilling drumbeats of the music filled the arena. Sebas's form suddenly expanded, his muscles bulging, growing to twice his original height.

His arms swelled, muscles bulging, and his white shirt tore into strips like fluttering white butterflies. Dragon-like scales covered his body, and his golden vertical eyes burned like the sun. A thick, scaled dragon tail emerged from behind him, slamming against the ground, causing bricks to shatter and dust to fly.

"Whoa!" EeDeChi stepped back in surprise. "Horns on the head, a tail at the back. Old man, you can even transform into a little dragon!"

The dragon-kin Sebas charged at EeDeChi like a wall. He raised his hand high, his fingers transforming from slender digits into the steel claws of a dragon. The claws slashed down towards EeDeChi.

Spatial Slash!

Five sharp, clear sword lights sliced through the air, cutting through wind and dust.

EeDeChi's pupils narrowed. She pushed off the ground, activating her Martial Art—"Flow Acceleration" for the first time!

Her body became a narrow black shadow, darting through the fierce blade light. The place she had been standing was cleaved into five deep gashes, and a section of the stands was shattered and collapsed.

"I really don't want to fight someone with a Justice Value of 300!" EeDeChi steadied herself, forced a bitter smile.

But in an instant, Sebas was at her side, his dragon claw sweeping through the air and striking down again!

EeDeChi sidestepped, the blade light flashing before her eyes, and a few strands of hair were severed cleanly.

Barehanded, she couldn't take Sebas's attack head-on. She stomped backward with force, her body turning into a streak of light as she quickly retreated, the situation rapidly turning against her.

She sprinted swiftly on the walls of the arena, as if running on ground. Sebas pursued relentlessly, his powerful hind legs leaving deep craters in the ground, his dragon claws shredding walls.

Dragon Breath!

Scarlet flames roared from Sebas's mouth, instantly enveloping EeDeChi and raising the temperature of the entire arena by six or seven degrees. The sand and stone on the walls melted into glassy liquid under the extreme heat.

In a dire situation, EeDeChi landed and rolled eighteen times on the spot, crushing the stone bricks beneath her and narrowly avoiding the searing flames.

Using the cover of the Dragon Breath, Sebas leapt in front of her, his steel claws slashing through the air. EeDeChi bent low, barely evading the strike. Seeing the attack miss, Sebas immediately twisted his body, his thick dragon tail whipping towards EeDeChi like a steel whip.

The dragon tail whipped past her face, covered in razor-sharp black scales. This was the only place EeDeChi could act. She crouched low, ducked under the tail, and with her hands moving like a swimming dragon, used a technique to grapple the dragon tail with minimal effort.

Martial Art · Move Mountain!

EeDeChi's legs pushed off the ground as she solidly planted her stance, twisting her waist. Her feet spun on the stone floor, raising wisps of white smoke. With a powerful motion, her arms and torso worked in unison, gripping the dragon tail with alternating force, and flung Sebas away!

The dragon-shaped Sebas tumbled through the air but landed steadily. His claws dug into the ground, carving a deep trench into the marble floor, absorbing the impact from being thrown.

The arena was a mess, resembling a bombed-out Roman-style building, with hardly a patch of intact floor or wall.

Dust filled the air, and beneath the haze, EeDeChi's face was cold and stern. Sebas also stood up, shaking the debris from his claws. His gaze was as cold as iron, showing neither joy nor sorrow, only endless battle intent.

Anger flashed in EeDeChi's eyes, a surge of fury coursing through her heart.

She couldn't understand it—this was just a sparring match, and she had been very restrained. Why did he persist so relentlessly? Don't push your luck. Do you really think that because your Justice Value is 300, I won't be able to take you down?


EeDeChi roared fiercely. Without more words, they both turned into blurs and charged at each other again!

The adventurer captain unleashed her Martial Art—"Unyielding Fortress"!

She used this defensive Martial Art as an offensive move, her body enveloped in swirling air like a cannonball crashing forward! Sebas's dragon claws, sharp as five long blades, came crashing down upon her.

The agile dragon-kin and the black-clad adventurer were about to collide mid-air when the music abruptly stopped—the song had reached its end.

The claws and iron fists retracted simultaneously as they passed each other in mid-air, creating a shower of sparks. Both landed at the same time, shaking the ground and kicking up a layer of gray dust.

The fight was over; the first round of their "sparring" was complete.

"Master Tian!" A golden-haired maid emerged from the rubble of the stands, stumbling through the pitted arena in her maid's dress, running straight to Sebas. Upon confirming that Sebas was unharmed, she threw herself into his arms, still in dragon form.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Tuareninya choked up, tears streaming down her face. It was her first time seeing Sebas in his dragon form, but she wasn't afraid of his solid scales and sharp claws at all.

Sebas looked gently at the golden-haired girl in his arms, the battle intent in his golden vertical eyes diminishing considerably. He was covered in armor and weapons, afraid to move even slightly, to avoid hurting Tuareninya, allowing her to rest in his embrace.

Ainz, floating in mid-air using magic, breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the black-clad adventurer in the arena, who appeared both lonely and proud, and declared loudly:

"Since the first round of hand-to-hand combat has ended, let's begin the next round with weapons."

Megalo Box Theme Song - MEGALOBOX by mabanua

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