Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 179

Chapter 178 Castus

Still can’t let go of the resentment in my heart? Fabia sighed. Perhaps it was for this reason that he refused to convert to the holy religion.

“Yesterday the priest asked us whether to convert to the Holy Religion. I think we took so many benefits from the priest. If we do not agree to this request, I am really sorry for the priest. Moreover, he is the principal of the school. As long as he converts to the Holy Religion, he can be exempt Half of the tuition fee.”

Fabia said, “So I want to convert to the holy religion with Mieus and two slaves.”

“it’s up to you.”

Memius said.

Doesn’t it mean to believe in one more god? What’s the big deal about this.

In this life, he suffers from lack of loyalty. Xiao Mei Mius’s conversion to the holy religion may be helpful to his future.

“This is really great.”

Fabia said.

The next day, inside the small church in the village.

“Febia, Mimius… are you willing to convert to the true god? Acknowledge that the true **** is the only **** in the world and promise to abide by all the precepts of the holy religion?”

Longus said to Fabia and them kindly, and the chairs behind were full of villagers in the village.

“I do.”

“I do.”



They said one after another.

“Now I declare that you are believers of the true God. From now on, everyone will be the church members. We should help and love each other and obey the precepts of the church.”

Longus said, “Febia stepped forward.”

Fabia stepped forward, Longus took a little from a basin of warm water, and lightly tapped her forehead three times.

“I baptize you in the name of the true God.”

This is commonly known as baptism. Catholic baptism includes immersion baptism and water baptism.

For example, at first, **** was baptized in the Jordan River by John the Baptist. Later, it developed into the ability to nod three times on the forehead of the believer.

Li Wei felt that the immersion style was too troublesome, so he set the baptism as a water ritual.

“Baptism is an agreement between us and the true god. At the beginning, the world was in chaos, there was no up, down, left, right, southeast, northwest. The true **** woke up from the chaos, so he decided to avoid the ground. He picked up the artifact and opened the sky axe to split the world. When the qi rises, there is the sky. When the turbid qi falls, there is the earth.”

“All the demon gods wanted to interfere with him to open the sky and attack the true god, but he was killed by the true god, so the true **** became the only **** in this world. But because the demon **** fell on this world, all the lives in this world were contaminated. Devilish energy. People have the seven deadly sins of arrogance, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, **** and gluttony.”

“If you want to be saved by the true God, you must be baptized so that you can wash away the devilish energy from your body. This is an agreement between us and the true God, you can understand.”


Fabia said quickly.

“Xiao Mius, come forward.”




Kafia’s arena was full of voices, and there were noisy voices everywhere.

“Kill him! Castus!”

“You are the best, Castus! I love you!”


The audience was hysterical, and shouted frantically at the two gladiators who were fighting in the arena.

One of the gladiators was naked, with long red hair, a charming smile at the corners of his mouth, and two short swords in his hands.

The other gladiator is fully armed, with a heavy shield in his hand.

The gladiator with two swords in his hand was relaxed, and he obviously had the upper hand.

But he didn’t seem to want to solve his opponent right away, he was teasing his opponent.

Every time his teasing caused the audience to scream, some people even threw copper coins into the arena.

“Castus is amazing.”

Quintus Batitas said excitedly.

“Yes, he is the most powerful gladiator in our family.”

Ludia said with a smile.

“Li Wei hasn’t come yet?”

Quintus asked a little.

This time he wanted to ask Li Wei for help. After learning that Li Wei was going to watch the gladiator match, he wanted his top player to perform well in front of Li Wei.

“It should be coming soon.”

Ludia said.

“Castus slow down, don’t solve the enemy so quickly. Levy is coming soon.”

shouted desperately to Castus, but his voice had long been drowned in the cheers of everyone.

Castus seemed to be tired of this weak opponent, and soon solved his opponent, then raised his swords high, a bright smile appeared on his face.

“damn it!”

Quintus couldn’t help cursing.

At this moment, Li Wei took Emilia to the VIP table, and Tulius and the others saw Li Wei’s arrival and quickly got up to greet each other.

Although Li Wei’s **** was broken up and scattered in other cities, he is now the Admiral of Campania, General Triumph, and general under Sula. No matter which one of these identities is taken out, it is enough to make them awed three points.

“I seem to have missed a great game, who is that person?”

Li Wei said.

He pointed to the red-haired gladiator who seemed to have an uninhibited temperament and said.

“Kastus, a slave gladiator of the Batitas family.”

Tulius said.

Castus? One of the important helpers of Spartacus?

Li Wei thought.

His face quickly collapsed because he remembered some very bad memories.

Do you want to kill these gladiators, but soon he denied this idea.

Because they are very important, it is related to whether he can become the consul of Rome in advance.

According to Roman law, the minimum age to be a consul is 40 years old, but Sura postponed this age to 42 years old.

Can he stand the consul at the age of 42?

Of course this is impossible!

I am so talented, how can I be a consul until 42 years old?

Pompey couldn’t stand this, so after returning from the Spanish expedition to Cedo , he refused to disband the army, forcing the Senate to agree to him for the consul, and the result was the same as the suppression of Spartacus. Crassus in the uprising joined hands to become consul.

This is the only opportunity for me to become a consul in advance, so I must not let it go.

Li Wei’s eyes flashed with light that other people couldn’t understand, and then he sat down.

He was talking to Emilia in a low voice, if it weren’t for an important festival in Rome, he wouldn’t have come here to watch the gladiator game.

After three years of training, Emilia has become more and more refreshed, looking like fresh and delicious Chinese cabbage, which makes people want to take a bite.

This makes Li Wei very irritated. When did I pick this Chinese cabbage?

“Look, what’s going on over there?”

Emilia pointed to a distance and said.

Li Wei looked in the direction and found that Quintus was trying to come here, but was stopped by some soldiers.

Didn’t expect it to be him? It’s been a long time since I saw him.

Li Wei’s vision is a bit complicated. He still remembers Titus’ rejection at the time, and the intelligence team reported to him that they seemed to say something very bad when they attacked Capua.


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