Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 294

Chapter 293 10-word army

“Your father is right. Some people are as old as you and even have children. You should also share some pressure for the family.”

Fabia said.

Even his mother said so, what else could he do?

“I’m going to prepare. In a few days, the two of us will go to Rome.”

Memius said.

“What are you going to do in Rome? Why not go to Dragon City? If you go to the wife of the Prophet, the wife will arrange a job for you.”

Fabia asked.

“I want to find Anius. He is now the veteran of the Senate, to see if he has any good jobs. If it doesn’t work, I will go to Longcheng.”

Memius said.

“Well then.”

Fabia knew that he and Anius had always been in correspondence, and maybe he would introduce two good jobs.

In the past few days, the family prepared for the trip to Rome. Mieus went through the withdrawal procedures. He was very reluctant to leave the school, but there was nothing to do.

Fabia prepared food for them for two days. The journey to Rome is very simple, as long as you follow the Avenue of Appia to the north, it will be there in one day if the speed is fast.

In the evening of the next day, Memius took his son to Rome.

He came to a detached house in Subra district with a good drive. Although Anius was a veteran, he was very short of money, so he lived in a civilian area.


At the door of Annis’s house, they unexpectedly ran into a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy.

The teenager was wearing a white short coat, with curvy short black hair, and a touch of acne on his face. He said in surprise when he saw them.

“It turned out to be little Anius, I didn’t expect you to grow so tall.”

Mimius said with a laugh.

This young man is the eldest son of Anius. He used to have a very good relationship with Mimius. He often played together, and he had a very good relationship.

“Uncle Mimius, it’s been a long time.”

Little Anius said very enthusiastically, and then took them to his home.

Memius praised him again and again, and Little Anius looked very capable, not like a child at all.

On the contrary, Mieus was much shy, even with a shy smile on his face.

“Memius, why are you here?”

After seeing Memius and his son, Anius gave them a big hug.

Feeling the enthusiasm of Anius, Memius was very moved. Although Anius was in a high position, he still did not forget his old friend.

“This time I actually have something to ask you.”

Memius said with a sigh.

“If there is something to tell you, should we still ask for it?”

Anius said very grandiosely.

“This year there is a severe drought in our place, and Xiao Meimius is not too young. Both he and I wanted to find something to do.”

Memius said straightforwardly, the relationship between them does not need to be twisted and twisted.

“It turned out to be so.”

Anius thought for a while and said.

Anius didn’t answer right away, but thought about it.

After a long time, he said, “It is very easy to find a job, but it is not easy to find a promising job.”

Memius’ eyes brightened. Could Anius still provide them with promising jobs?

“Are you believers of the holy religion?”

Anius asked.

“Yes, our whole family is.”

Mimius said quickly.

Since the last time Li Wei showed a miracle in Longcheng, he has become a believer in the holy religion.

After all, the **** of war did not show miracles, but the holy religion did.

Moreover, the shock of the miracles at that time was so great that he still can’t forget it.

“This is easier, I can offer you two options, these are related to the church.”

Anius said, “One of them is going to the church’s bank. Do you know the church’s bank.”

Memius nodded. According to the teachings of the Holy Religion, only believers of the Holy Religion can open a bank, and the believers of the Holy Religion can only deposit their own money in the church bank or the bank opened by the believer.

Li Wei from later generations, of course, understands the important role of banks. This is the lifeblood of the country. He will not be so stupid that he will put his lifeblood in the hands of the Jews like Christianity. He wants the church to firmly control the banks.

“I can find a job for you in the church bank, such as bank security, but this is not very promising. After all, it is not the core business of the bank. But the benefits are very good, and there is no need to worry about the safety of life.”

Anius said.

“So what about the other one?”

Memius said.

“The other is the Crusade Plan. The church decided to form a Crusade.”

Anius said.

“What is the Crusader?”

Anius asked curiously.

“The Crusade is a very important plan for the church. You know my father is the head of the monastery, so I got some news in advance.”

Anrius said, “The Crusader is an armed organization used to protect the church and is usually scattered in the cathedrals. The church has decided to establish a crusade of a legion, which will be used as a core officer seed to train Therefore, the requirements for loyalty and conditions are very high.”

Having said that, he took a deep look at Memius.

Memius was in a trance, he was also an officer seed of the escort.

“You are the doorman of the Patriarch. You have participated in the civil war and the expedition to Africa. You also participated in the last time to put down the pirates. Therefore, you fully meet all the conditions of the Crusaders. If you participate, at least the tenth commander will start. Even I will give If you run it, the Centurion is not impossible.”

Hearing this, Memius couldn’t help but let out an exclamation.

Centurion has always been his dream. Does he still have a chance to realize his dream?

“is this real?”

Mimius asked nervously.

“Of course, but there is a price to pay. Although my father has a great say, he can’t decide everything. Many people are staring at the centurions.”

Anius said.

Although many retainers either became veterans, stayed in Longcheng, or followed Li Weidong, there were too many retainers under Li Wei.

Those centurion positions still make many retainers salivate, and their descendants and relatives also need these positions.

Especially the descendants of the retainers who died in battle, many of them have already approached Emilia for this.

If it weren’t for his father to take charge of this matter, Anius would not dare to make such a package.

Memius admitted that he was moved, and at this time he thought of one person’s problem.

“So what about Mieus?”

Memius said, “He is only 14 years old this year and he is not an adult yet.”

“Don’t worry about this. My father has already proposed the establishment of a young officer regiment, and let some descendants of the defenders who died in battle join them, and then let him go in together.”

Anius said.


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