Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 321

Chapter 320 Wit and courage

“Bring him here.”

Spartacus said.

Soon, the five-flowered Aetius was brought up, and it was him!

Both of them looked at each other with complex expressions. They never thought that this would be the case when they met again.

“Aetius, I didn’t expect it to be you. We haven’t seen each other for a long time.”

Spartacus stepped forward and untied the rope for him, then gave him a hard hug.

Aetius resisted his embrace, and said, “Spartacus, I didn’t expect you to do such a big thing?”

“It’s all forced by the situation. I want freedom, but Li Wei wants me to die in the arena.”

Spartacus said coldly, if it hadn’t been for Li Wei’s decision, maybe he had already doubled and flew with Sarah.

“You should surrender. You should know that you are still alive because the Senate does not want Li Wei to lead the war. Once Li Wei takes action, you can never be his opponent.”

Etius has strong confidence in Levy, or almost all Romans have strong confidence in him.

“I know, but I heard that he was having trouble with the Senate and was forced to leave Rome.”

Spartacus said with a sneer, the whole Mediterranean knows all the **** of the Romans.

“It’s not like that, he has to return to Dragon City at least twice a year.”

Aetius said awkwardly.

“It is impossible to surrender. Once surrendered, there is only one dead end. I think you should be clear about this.”

Aetius didn’t refute it, so he acquiesced.

“I heard you are here to exchange hostages?”

Spartacus asked.

“That’s right, the Archon Cerabio is willing to exchange Sara for the prisoners, but Li Wei has a condition.”

“Li Wei has a condition? What’s going on? Didn’t you come on behalf of the consul?”

Spartacus asked curiously.

“The Archon is Li Wei’s retainer. He still wants to listen to Li Wei, and Sarah is in his hands.”

“What conditions?”

Spartacus thought for a while and said.

“After two months, no matter what the battle between you and Serabio, you can’t hurt Serabio Archon, otherwise Livy will refuse the deal.”

Aetius said.

Spartacus’s face turned weird: “Levy seems to think that Serabio will lose from your words.”

“I just conveyed Li Wei’s original words.”

Etius felt very helpless, in fact he was also very confused about it.

“No problem, but you don’t think it’s too unfair to trade Sara for so many prisoners of war.”

“Fairness is not fair, it depends on Sara’s value in your eyes.”

“Sarah is priceless in my eyes, but you know that many things are not my decision alone.”

“What conditions do you want?”

“Bring me another 3,000 weapons, including at least 1,000 steel swords produced by the Li Wei family.”

Spartacus said.

“Don’t even think about it.”

Aetius said flatly, give the rebels weapons at this time, unless they are crazy.

“I can pay.”

“This is not a question of money. We will never give you the weapon, otherwise we would rather refuse to trade.”

“Then what do you say?”

Spartacus said helplessly, Aetius is sure he must redeem Sarah.

“We can give money.”

“It’s useless for us to ask for money, no one will sell us supplies.”

“In fact, giving money is also good, I think it is acceptable.”

At this time Kress and Ixion walked in, Kress said with a smile.

“What’s the use of money? Can money not help us destroy the enemy?”

Spartacus said dissatisfiedly.

“Money can motivate the morale of soldiers. No soldier will dislike money.”

Kress rolled his eyes and said.

Spartacus looked at him angrily. Kress has changed a lot recently. He always likes to lead robberies and become very bloodthirsty. He didn’t expect to like money now.

“I support Kress’s view. I think it’s good to use money to replace people.”

Ixion said.

Spartacus became embarrassed, and he didn’t expect his partners to demolish his station.

Aetius said immediately: “We only accept money to replace people, and at most only add a little grain, otherwise we would rather not change.”

Seeing that Etius was so tough, Spartacus said helplessly: “Well then, let’s exchange money for food. But I demand that the food be delivered now.”

“No, it must be two months later.”

“In two months? Do you think it’s possible? Let you collect my body then?”

The two sides fought each other, and finally reached a draft agreement. Now they will exchange money and food for the Roman prisoners.

But Sarah can only be exchanged after two months. If Spartacus has new captives, the two sides continue to implement this agreement and exchange money and food for captives.

Of course, this draft discussion is not for the two of them to decide. In the end, the people behind them need to make decisions together.

Spartacus discussed with the other leaders of the rebel army, and finally they all agreed.

Aetius came to Serabio’s barracks with the agreement they signed.

“What do these terms mean? If there are new prisoners, continue to govern this agreement?”

Serabio growled angrily.

“This is what Li Wei means.”

Aetius said helplessly.

“He must have thought that I am not an opponent of Spartacus. I will prove to him that Spartacus will only be my defeat.”

Serrabio said dissatisfiedly, “I won’t sign this agreement.”

“What did you say? But this is what Li Wei meant.”

“I know, you must have been very tired recently, so just rest in my barracks for a while. When I defeat Spartacus, I will naturally let you out.”

Serabio said with a smile.

“Archon, you can’t do this.”

Aetius couldn’t help being shocked.

“Come here, lock him up, don’t abuse him, but don’t let others come into contact with him.”

Sailabio said.

Someone soon came forward and took Aetius down.

After taking Aetius down, Serabio immediately called his two generals, Corsinius and Fowles.

“Now Spartacus has 10,000 troops. This is a huge number. I don’t know how we can deal with them?”

Sailabio said.

These two generals are all experienced people specially selected by him, and he hopes to hear their opinions.

“Of course it went straight. There are old and young, and there are many women. And they either use terrain or rely on night attacks to win. Their combat effectiveness is not good. As long as they dare to fight us head-on, we will be able to defeat them easily. they.”

Kosinius said.

“Cosinius is right. As long as the slaves fight us head-on, they are dead.”

Falls said.

Serrabio nodded. This is the same as Li Wei’s analysis, except that Li Wei said that those slaves would never fight them head-on.

“In this case, then our whole army will set off and march on Vesuvius.”

Sailabio said.

After receiving Serabio’s order, the Roman army immediately marched towards Vesuvius. Their movements alarmed the slave cavalry who were monitoring, and they reported the situation to Spartacus with flying horses.

“Asshole, didn’t they say they want to exchange prisoners? Why did they attack us so quickly.”

Onomamus could not help but furiously said.

“I said long ago that the Romans should be killed, but you didn’t listen.”

Kress also complained.

Spartacus is also ugly, these unfaithful Romans.

If Sarah was still in their hands, he would definitely kill a few Romans to sacrifice the flag.

“Okay, let’s not talk about this for now. Let’s talk about what to do now. If you have any words, you can talk freely.”

Spartacus said.

“How about we fight them, we have more troops than them.”

Kress was eager to try.

The winning streak in a row has made him look down on the Romans.

“I am opposed. Although we have won, we are far less powerful than the Romans. We are definitely not the opponents of the Romans in the frontal fight.”

Curius said.

“The coward.”

Onomamus said with a look of contempt, he had always looked down on Curius, and it was Spartacus that could sit in a high position.


Curius looked at him angrily, his eyes almost bursting into flames.

“Curius is right. He and I have been in the Roman army. The Romans are very powerful. Although we have a large number of people, they are not their opponents in frontal combat.”

Spartacus said, “So I decided to lead my troops to retreat to the south, where there are large mountains and hills, where is our battlefield. We can find a way to separate them and then annihilate them separately.”

“How to separate them?”

Kress asked.

“We divide our forces.”

Spartacus said with a smile.

Division of troops? In this way, the Romans might also divide their forces.

Everyone nodded thoughtfully, and finally agreed to Spartacus’s method. Spartacus’s more and more famous demeanor, it is he who has led everyone to victory again and again.

Ixion’s eyes flickered, and he said nothing in the end.

So the slave insurgents pulled out their camp and fled to the south quickly, and Serabio led the army to chase after knowing it.

At this time, a message was delivered.

“What did you say? They split up?”

Serabio frowned and said.

“Yes, their people are divided into two groups, one with about 3,000 people, and the other with about 7,000 people.”

said a cavalryman.

“It’s really a bunch of cunning guys.”

Serabio, he remembered that Li Wei warned him that it is best not to divide the troops, and try not to enter the terrain that is easy to be ambushed.

Now the enemy is fleeing to the Lucania area, where there are mountains and hills that are conducive to ambushes, and if the troops are not divided, a slave rebel army must be spared.

“What do you guys say?”

Serabio asked his two lieutenants.

“Of course it is the division of the troops, just some slaves. As long as you give me 2000 soldiers, I am willing to lead the troops to chase the 3,000 slave team.”

Corsinius said very confidently.

“But… Li Wei said that it is better not to divide our troops. He said that if we divide our troops, it is easy to be divided and surrounded by the enemy.

Sailabio said.

Cosinius and Fowles couldn’t help but look at each other. If it was someone else, they would of course dismiss it.

But Li Wei’s words, they still dare not refute easily.

“Should we give up one of them?”

Falls said.

Serrabio was very entangled. If the Romans knew that so many people only dared to pursue one of them, he would probably laugh out loud.

“Why don’t we split up and pursue an enemy army at full speed.”

Serabio gritted his teeth and said.

“This is not so good.”

Fowles said with an ugly face, it would be too shameful to go on like this. The Roman army of a legion didn’t even dare to pursue the divided slave rebels.

“Just do it, if there are any consequences, I will bear it.”

Serrabio said, Li Wei’s repeated warnings also made him sound the alarm.

So the Roman army speeded up the march and chased the 7,000-man slave uprising at full speed.

The reaction of the Romans was completely beyond that of Spartacus. The Romans were so proud that they would logically divide their forces to deal with them. What is going on?

“They didn’t divide their troops, what should we do?”

Onomamus said with a serious face, he found that the commander of this Roman legion seemed to be very cautious.

“We divide our troops again. If the Romans do not divide our troops, then the two that are not chased by the Romans will attack nearby towns and villages, forcing them to divide their troops.”

Spartacus said confidently.

“good idea.”

Ixion said.

Onomamus nodded, this is indeed a good idea.

In the evening, Serrabio was dumbfounded after receiving the news that the slave rebels were splitting up again. What can I do?

Could it be that they can only keep chasing an enemy, and then sit and watch the other two armies leave.

“This Spartacus is definitely a very cunning man.”

Falls said with a serious face.

“That’s right, he can divide his forces boldly This shows that he is extremely confident. Unfortunately, he met the wrong people. As long as we catch up with them, we can defeat them with one charge.”

Although Corsinius thought Spartacus was good, he still looked down on the combat effectiveness of the slave rebels.

Without systematic training, these slave insurgents are still just a mob.

“Then what shall we do?”

Cerabio looked at the two men eagerly, and now he had no idea what to do.

“We must divide our troops. In order to obtain supplies, the slave rebels will definitely attack the villages along the way. If we don’t divide our troops anymore, it will have a bad reputation for the Archon.

Kosinius said.

“Cosinius was right. Their purpose must be to separate us and then find a way to eat one of them. Even if we divide, we can’t be careless.”

Falls said.

The two looked at Serabbio, who was sweating profusely.

This Spartacus is really cunning and cunning, no wonder Li Wei said he was not easy to deal with.

“No, let’s wait.”

Serrabio said, he always remembered what Livy had said, the division of troops was probably the beginning of failure.


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