Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 326

Chapter 325 Chant loud and bright

Menenius moved in his heart, remembering something someone had said in private to him not long ago.

The guards opened the cell and took him to the Temple of Jupiter.

Along the way, they attracted a large crowd of onlookers.

“He is the prisoner who assassinated Apollo God’s favor?”

“Yes, it must be him, as reported in the “Roma Daily”. He has inconvenience in his legs and is a veteran. He has made outstanding contributions to Rome.”

“What remarkable feat, he is a bastard, how can he assassinate Apollo’s favor?”

“Sidigus is a blasphemer at all. The prophet said that the military disaster in the south was caused by his blasphemy, and this is not over yet.”


Speaking of the military disaster in the south, many people who supported Sidigus immediately went silent.

It is now at a time when Rome’s national strength is in full swing, but one after another defeat by a slave rebel army is unscientific.

Only the anger of the gods can explain all this. Many people in this era believe in gods.

When he arrived outside the temple, he found that a large number of people were gathering here. At first glance, the number was at least five thousand.

Moreover, there are many familiar faces among these people. There are people who line up outside the church to receive counterfeit food, and people who live in the charity aid home. In addition, there are also a large number of priests in the crowd. These people say There were bursts of cheers.

“Menenius, well done, you have defended the glory of the true god, and may the true **** bless you.”

“Menenius, you are the best. May God bless you.”


The cheers were overwhelming, which made Menenius extremely touched. He had never thought that he was so popular, but that the civilian protector was completely discolored.

“Get out of the way, don’t get in the way.”

The civilian protection officer shouted sharply, and then asked the guards to open a way.

But it is difficult for them to make a way out. The believers scolded them, pushed and shoved them.

Others reached out to Menenius, hoping to shake hands with him.

This gave Menenius a feeling of being favored or surprised. He shook hands with those people one by one, but soon couldn’t shake hands, because too many people wanted to shake hands with him.

At this time he found several acquaintances in the crowd, Brutim and Cassia.

“Sidigus, I didn’t expect you to do such a big thing.”

Brutim said with a complicated expression.

“I can’t always stay behind you, now I have to go to the Senate.”

Menenius said with a laugh.

Cassia’s eyes were a little red and swollen, as if she had just cried.

“Sidigus, you have to be careful, the true **** will bless you.”

“Don’t worry, it’s all voluntary.”

Menenius said.

“Father Varo asked me to tell you that the church has decided to add a charity home, which will be named after you.”

Cassia said.

“This is really great…”

Menenius said that he did not expect that there would be a charity rescue home named after him, which he could not enjoy himself.

“In addition, the church is compiling the “Prophet’s Biography”, and your deeds will be listed among them, and will be admired by countless churches in future generations.

Cassia continued.

Menenius was shocked, “I see.”

Now even Brutim looked at him enviously, this was a real celebrity history.

He didn’t know how before he came to the Temple of Jupiter, he was ignorant along the way.

After entering the temple, he found hundreds of elders sitting on his seat, all looking at him, which made him extremely nervous.

“God, I praise you”

“Your righteousness is like a mountain”

“Your faithfulness reaches the firmament”

“Your verdict is like an abyss”

“God, I praise you”


At this moment, there was singing from outside the temple.

These songs are getting louder and louder, more and more uniform, appearing solemn and solemn.

Menenius was shocked, this is the chant of the Holy Church.

He is not alone, there are millions or even tens of millions of believers standing behind him.

Thinking of this, he straightened his chest.

“what is that?”

“Sacred chant.”

“They are so outrageous. They assassinated Sidigus and gathered so many people to express their support for the perpetrators.”

“Sidigus is a blasphemer of the holy religion, of course they have to support him.”

“But he is also a patron of Apollo. Didn’t the Apollo temple organize manpower?”

“It is organized, but how many people can the priest organize at that point are crowded out by them.”


The veterans were whispering, and the Senate was as noisy as a vegetable market.

Metellus frowned and his face was sullen. The Sacred Church was too arrogant.

“Everyone, silence! Silence!”

Luculus said loudly.

After hearing Luculus’ words, the Senate gradually became quiet.

After many compromises, this Senate meeting was chaired by Luculus.

“Now I announce the official start of the Senate meeting. The subject of this meeting is the interrogation of Menenius’ assassination of civilian protector Sidigues. Elder Metelus, do you have any questions? ”

Luculus said.

Mettrus stood up, and cast his eyes on Menenius like a falcon, putting great pressure on Menenius.

If it was before, Menenius would have been scared, but now the chants outside gave him infinite courage.

“Menenius, you are a Roman citizen and a veteran. Why do you want to assassinate Sidigus, the civilian protector.”

Mettrus asked with a serious face.

“Because he is a **** blazer, he committed a capital crime.”

Menenius said flatly.

“Did you know that the assassination of civilian security officers is a capital crime?”


“Do I know that he is the patron of Apollo, the sun god?”


Seeing Menenius confessed, the Senate started talking again.

“Who said you assassinated him?”

“No one ordered.”

“You lied! What benefit did he give you and let you hide it for him!”

Mettrus angered, staring at him with both eyes, trying to put pressure on him.

“I object! Mettrus is enticing to confess.”

Serabio said angrily.

“I didn’t lie. When I was in prison yesterday, someone told me that as long as I could bite Li Wei, I would treat my wife and children kindly.”

Menenius said sarcastically.

Hearing this, the Senate was in an uproar, and I didn’t expect this kind of thing to happen.

Serabio and others stared at Metellus, it was absolutely theirs.

“Who said those words?”

Mettrus said.

“Those words are written on a small note between the rice.”

Menenius said.

“I think this matter should be investigated carefully.”

Mettrus said awe-inspiringly, and then quickly changed the subject: “As far as I know, you are a tramp, you can’t even eat enough to eat, where did the money for the dagger come from.”

“Father Varro gave it to me. I was sick at the time and he asked me to take the money to see a doctor.”

“Why does he give you money? Did he say anything to encourage you to assassinate.”

“Because he is a kind person, he absolutely didn’t say anything to assassinate me.”

“Can you repeat what you said at the time?”

Menenius pondered for a while, repeating what he said at the time, and at the same time added: “At that time, I dreamed of heaven, where the river was flowing with milk and honey, there was endless food, and countless beautiful women surrounded me Around.”

“I think all this is the will of the true god, and it is the true **** who wants to use my hand to kill Sidigus.”

There was a hint of joy in the eyes of Serabio and others. This is the best propaganda for the holy religion.

Metelus caught another point, “You mean Father Varo told you that you can go to heaven if you kill Sitigus?”


A smile appeared on Metellus’ face: “Dear elders, I think Father Varro is suspected of instigating Menenius to assassinate Sidigus, so Father Varro should be summoned.”

“I object! It is something many believers know that killing the blasphemer can go to heaven. This is not an instigation at all.”

Serabio said immediately.

“But killing the civilian guardsman is a capital crime, and you can’t do that.”

“I said long ago that the divine metaphors of the Holy Religion should be treated as laws. This is all your reasons.”

“This is absolutely impossible, we just need to follow the parable of Delphi.”


After a whole day of quarreling, this Senate meeting finally ended.

Finally, it was decided that the three bazaars would hold a public trial against Menenius in the future, and Serabio and others did not object.



In southern Italy, a huge army is marching south, this is the Spartacus Rebel Army.

In the process of going south, I don’t know how many villages and towns were destroyed by them along the way, in addition to several cities.

A large number of slaves joined their ranks, and their number has increased to more than 80,000.

Moreover, more slaves are continuously flowing into this rebel army from all directions, allowing their number to increase further.

Spartacus and Sara rode on the same horse, Spartacus gently hugged Sara’s waist, and Sara’s face showed a gentle color.

Li Wei finally returned Sara to him and paid him a large ransom, ransoming all the Roman prisoners.

The two spoke affectionate words, and they had never felt so happy.

“Where are we going?”

Sara asked.

“Turi City, the army needs a place to spend the winter. It is a good place, relatively south, and the weather is warm. And I hope to use Tuli City to make some transactions and spend all our money in exchange for the weapons we need. , Food and herbs.”

Spartacus said, while gently sniffing the scent on her body.

“Will they agree to trade with you?”

Sarah said with a worried look.

“If they disagree, I will launch an army to attack the city of Turi, I believe they will make a wise decision.”

Spartacus smiled disdainfully.

“This is a good idea.”

Sarazan said.

At this moment, Kress came over with a few people.

His face was angry, looking at Spartacus as if looking at an enemy, which made Sara’s brow frown.

“Spartacus, is this your order? Let everyone hand in the looted money. No one can keep the money privately.”

Kress said angrily while holding a notice.

“Yes, I remember I talked to you about it a few days ago.”

Spartacus said.

“I also said that I would never agree!”

Kress said.

“Kreis, we are still very dangerous now. The money is of no use to us, so it is better to replace them with materials that are useful to us.”

Spartacus said.

“I will never obey this shit-like order!”

Kress furiously said, “I want to take my people away!”

Spartacus looked at him in shock, “Kreis, do you really want to do this? If we separate, our strength will weaken.”

“I’m not afraid of the Romans? They are all a group of Confucianists, and I will beat them down.”

After speaking, Kress sipped hard, and then left here.

“Don’t you want to keep him?”

Sara asked.

“It’s okay to leave, I know many people can’t accept this order, so let them leave with Kress.”

Spartacus said, “At least we will support each other, we are all enemies of Rome Sara shook her head, and said nothing in the end.

In the end Kress left with some people, about 20,000 in number, and Spartacus also acquiesced to this.

Two armies arrived at Tuli City one after the other, and the army surrounded the city of Tuli.

Faced with the intimidation and lure of the insurgents, Tuli City finally promised to offer a large amount of wealth, and at the same time was willing to trade with them and purchase various weapons and supplies for them.



In Rome, a melodious horn sounded from the wall.

A large number of people came out from various charity homes, from churches, from various places, and then gathered to Mars Square outside Rome.

Today is the day for Menenius to be tried. Due to the special status of Sidigus, there are very many people attending this civic assembly. They talked a lot, some cursed Menenius, some praised it.

People are divided into two camps. Some even quarreled.

The old Anius looked very energetic with white hair and white beard and wearing a red cardinal uniform.

As Li Wei’s plenipotentiary envoy, he rushed to Rome a few days ago, and Serrabio and other veterans and officials surrounded him in banded toga.

“What do you say is our chance of winning this time?”

Old Anius said.

“Less than 40%. Although our mobilization ability is stronger, many people have come to participate in the citizens’ assembly. But our people are still too few, and we are not an opponent of Roman Catholicism at all.”

Serrabio said, “Why doesn’t the Patriarch mobilize his customers and tenants? With their participation, we will definitely win.”

Old Anius glanced at him lightly, “The prophet has his own concerns.”

“Do you not want to have a full-scale conflict with the Roman Catholic Church?”

Serrabio said.

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