Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 331

Chapter 330 Dig a hole

There was cheers in Li Wei’s villa. Not only the elders under Li Wei, but also many elders who did not deal with Li Wei personally came to congratulate him.

They have a variety of purposes, some want to become a lieutenant and participate in this encirclement and suppression, and some want their children to participate in the gilding of the army.

Before they can enter politics, they hope that their children will accumulate more fame, whether it is to become a lawyer or participate in a war is a better way.

Even those who have always wanted to suppress Li Wei have great trust in Li Wei’s ability to fight.

This made Li Wei couldn’t help but complain. He was really a group of cheeky people.

However, he plans to arrange these people as his own pro-army. Gilding is okay, so it’s fine to go to the battlefield.

“General Li Wei, congratulations, I wish you a great victory here.”

Emperor Caesar said with a smile on his face, he couldn’t see the style of the Emperor at all.

“Thank you for your good words, by the way, your mother is in good health.”

Li Wei said.

“not bad.”

Caesar said.

“I heard you are working as a lawyer recently, how are you doing?”

Li Wei said.

Caesar looked at him with a grimace on his face, it was true that which pot was not opened and which pot was lifted. This would kill the gods.

“Ah…cough… I did win a few lawsuits. I recently planned to study in Greece, but when I heard that you wanted to encircle Spartacus, I immediately decided to abandon my studies and come to help.”

Caesar said.

Li Wei couldn’t help but the corners of his mouth twitched, the great emperor, can you be scornful?

It sounds like I need your help.

“No problem, I will give you the position of a military guarantor.”

Li Wei said.

“This is really great.”

Caesar said excitedly.

Then he slapped Li Wei’s flattery viciously, which made Li Wei extremely useful. The emperor’s flattery was not something everyone could enjoy.

At this time, Cicero and others came over, and Caesar set the target on the lady who was attending the banquet.

The emperor is a personal *wife-controlled, and has an indescribable relationship with many Roman ladies, you know.

“Li Wei, I must participate in this war.”

Gaeta said.

He didn’t participate in the journey of the Eastern Expedition, which made him regret it for a long time, this time he couldn’t give up anyway.

Military merit is the best medal for a man, whether it is east or west.

“And I.”

Anius said eagerly, too.

“Of course, you just don’t want to go.”

Li Wei glanced at them and said, of course, the advantage is to give priority to his own people.

“When will the army leave?”

Getta asked.

“We will not leave for the time being. Our army needs more time to train. I plan to recruit officers from Dragon City to fill these eight legions. They have very good military qualities, much better than those officers.”

Li Wei said.

“But if you don’t pursue it, they will enter Gaul.”

Anius said.

“I guess they will not enter Gaul, they may return to Rome, so there is no need to worry.”

Li Wei said.

Everyone looked at each other, how could this be possible?

Spartacus and the others have reached the foot of the Alps with all their hardships, and they are about to be free, and then they return to Rome again. Are their brains broken?

“I know you won’t believe it, you just need to watch it quietly. The 70,000 army needs a lot of food, and I guess they need time to collect food and grass, and they will return to Rome in a month or two.”

Li Wei said helplessly.

How can he explain to them? It seems that no explanation can be made, but this is what happened in history.



“What are you talking about? Levy said Spartacus is very likely to return to Rome.”

In Krasu’s villa, after hearing a veteran who had just attended Li Wei’s banquet, Krasu said with a look of surprise.

For that hateful guy’s celebration party, of course he would not attend, after all, he was stepping on his own power.

“Yes, I heard him say to many elders with my own ears.”

Said the elder.

“Did he say why?”

Krasu asked.


The elder shook his head and said.

“Hahaha! Hahaha!”

Krasu couldn’t help laughing.

“Don’t know why you laugh?”

The elder said suspiciously.

“I laughed at him, what a shit, Levi, the first person in Rome, **** famous general. Are Spartacus fools, they ran to the Alps with all their hardships, and now they are going to come back.

Krasu said with a big smile.

In his heart, or in the hearts of many Romans, Rome is still invincible. How could those slave rebels be their opponents?

I lost before, just because I didn’t pay attention to it.

But I didn’t know that in the hearts of the slave rebel army, the Roman army was just like that. The Roman army they defeated was too much.


The senator wanted to say whether Crasu was too arrogant. Few people in Rome dared to say that about Levy.

But he knew that he would never say this, Krasu was not a good-tempered person.

After the veteran left, Krasu immediately called his butler and told him about it.

“If you find someone to spread the news in Rome, you must make it known to everyone in Rome. I’m going to see how he ends up.”

“Yes, master.”

The housekeeper said immediately.

After the housekeeper left, Krasu had a successful smile on his face. Now I will see how you end up.

After Crassou’s promotion, the incident quickly spread throughout Rome, and the impact became greater and greater.

“How is it possible that the slaves will return to Rome? How many people died in order to escape to the Alps.”

“It’s really unlikely, but Li Wei should have his reasons for saying this.”

“Is there any reason? Are those slaves idiots? I think he made a mistake this time.”


People are talking about it, supporters have it, opponents have it, but it is no longer a one-sided support for Li Wei.

In the military camp outside Rome, Li Wei is assigning officers to his army.

The officers of the Crusaders were assigned to the army by him, and the officers were the skeleton of the army.

Whether an army is strong or not, the quality of officers is extremely important, so there are plans for how many non-commissioned officers in future generations.

The officers of the Crusades have undergone long-term professional officer training, and their qualities are better than ordinary officers.

Mackian reverently told him about the changes in the city of Rome.

“Are these manipulated by someone behind?”

Li Wei frowned and asked.

He hates the act of stabbing a knife in the back, although he occasionally does this kind of thing.

“The people of Crassus did it.”

Mackian said.


A weird smile appeared at the corner of Li Wei’s mouth, and it seemed that Krasu was very dissatisfied with his behavior.

“Well, you send people to spread it around, saying that Crassus believed that the slaves would never return to Rome, but went straight across the Alps. The more spread the word, the better.”

Li Wei thought for a while and said.

“Okay, Patriarch.”

Mackian said quickly.

After the order was over, Li Wei left the matter behind and threw himself into the training of the army.

The training time for these eight legions was not long after recruitment, so they took the opportunity to train them systematically.

After more than half a month, the Senate saw that Li Wei did not move, but kept training soldiers, and had to call Li Wei to the Senate for inquiries.

“Levy, when are you going to chase Spartacus and them.”

Metluth asked.

“The army needs more training to reduce casualties, so there will be no pursuit of slave rebels in the short term.”

Li Wei said.

“I heard that you think they will return to Rome?”

Mettrus said.

“Yes, I do have this judgment. Justice Crassou, what do you think?”

Li Wei said with a smile, but asked Krasu specifically.

“This one……”

Crassou couldn’t figure out Li Wei’s thoughts for a while, could it be that he had discovered the actions of the previous day.

“I don’t agree with you. I think they are likely to cross the Alps. Those slaves are not fools. Knowing that we have enlisted 8 legions, they will definitely find a way to escape.”

Krasu thought for a while and said.

“General Li Wei, are you wrong in your judgment? How come the slaves will come back?”

Said a veteran.

“Yeah, they died so many people escaped to the Alps, what are they doing back to Rome? Do they want to overthrow us and become consuls?”


The veterans said one after another, Krasu was extremely proud, he felt that he had finally overwhelmed Li Wei.

Being the same as the Big Three in Rome, he and Pompeo were overwhelmed by Levy.

No way, Li Wei is too dazzling in terms of his earning power and merit, and he and Pompeo don’t know how many streets.

“I think they have a high chance of coming back. According to the information I have received, the purpose of the slave rebels has always been to return home. But many of those slaves are Spanish, North African, Greek, Syrian, and even Romans. . They have no home at all, because their hometown is under our rule.”

“Assuming they go to Gaul, they will again clashed with the natives of Gaul. They will be defeated by our Gauls from north to south. So I think they are very likely to return to Rome.”

Li Wei said.

“General Livi, I don’t agree with you. What are they doing when they come back to Rome? Are they rivals to the Roman army? Going to Gaul will have at least a chance for them, and if they return to Rome, they won’t even have a chance.”

Krasu said with a serious face.

Li Wei knew that there was a huge loophole in his words, but why Spartacus and the others came back, and later historians couldn’t figure it out. This can only be a foolish account.

Krasu’s speech won the applause of many veterans. There are too many people who are jealous of Li Wei. Of course they supported them when they saw Krasu’s face-to-face refutation.

Li Wei glanced at Crassou lightly, and then said: “Judge Crassou has made a lot of sense, and I am not very sure about this matter. How about we make a bet? If Sparta is within two months If they came back, how about you admit that you were wrong in the square? If they didn’t come back, I would also go to the square to admit their mistakes.”

After all, he is unwilling to make the relationship with Krasu too stiff, otherwise Li Wei must go to death.

“this one……”

Crassou was extremely emotional for a while.

This is an opportunity to overwhelm Li Wei, don’t underestimate this kind of opportunity, but no one can ask for it.

If he wins, it proves that Li Wei’s military vision is not as good as his, and it has a huge effect on enhancing his reputation.

Should I agree to it?

“Krasu, I support you, I think you should agree to it.”

Mettrus said with a smile.

“Judge Crassou, I also support you.”

“I support you too, Justice Crassou.”


Seeing everyone’s support, Krasu’s head was hot.

“Well, I promised. With such a diverse old testimony, you must not deny the account when the time comes.”

Krasu said.

“Of course, swear in the name of the true god.”

Li Wei said with a smile.

“General Levy, I have a question. What are they doing when they come back to Rome? Are they planning to attack the city of Rome?”

Metluth asked.

“It’s possible, and it’s possible to continue going south.”

Li Wei said.

“Keep going south, are they crazy?”

“Yeah, finally hit from the south to the north, and then to the south.”


The elders all said that if it weren’t for Li Wei in front of them, many people would have cursed people a long time ago.

Li Wei is also very helpless This is a fact, many people do not understand the slave rebel army’s show operation.

“Will you directly lead your troops to attack the slave rebels?”

Mettrus continued to ask.

“No, I want to guarantee the absolute safety of Rome first. My suggestion is to let them go south, I will lead the army to follow them closely, and when they show the slope, I will strike them a fatal blow.”

The elders nodded again and again, and there was nothing wrong with these words, and their safety should indeed be given priority.

“Will the Crusaders go to war?”

“After confirming that they will not threaten the safety of Dragon City, the Crusaders will join the war.”

Hearing this, Mettrus’s heart moved.

Li Wei asked the church to form a crusade, but in fact the crusade was still controlled by Li Wei.

This allowed him to bypass the Roman law and control over 10,000 troops, which is not a good phenomenon.

He decided to find an opportunity to disband all these crusaders, of course not now.



Today’s events in the Senate were highlighted by the “Roma Daily”. Not only were Li Wei and Krasu betting, but also Li Wei’s analysis and judgment on the war.

Many people were puzzled by this. They felt that Li Wei had made a wrong judgment, and the slave insurgents had returned to Rome. How could they go south again?

Some of Crassou’s manpower used this to slander Li Wei and make Li Wei’s reputation drop sharply. Instead, Crassou won the support of many people. This made Crassou complacent. He felt that he had finally overpowered Li Wei, On the military side that Li Wei is most proud of.

A month later, Crassus was shocked that the slave rebels crossed the Rubicon once again and entered the territory of Italy.

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