Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 335

Chapter 334 The last chance

“Are everyone ready?”

Spartacus sat in his seat and said.


Everyone said one after another.

Spartacus pointed to the map on the table and said: “According to the information we captured the prisoners, the enemy’s barracks are here, 13 miles away from us. I will personally lead the team to carry out a sneak attack on their camp tonight. .”

“The battle is newly defeated, so it’s not appropriate to attack now.”

Ixion said.

“No, this is our last chance to win. Once we give up the sneak attack, the enemy will besiege us tomorrow. They will surround Regium with trenches and earth walls. Then we will be trapped by them and die here. .”

Spartacus said.

“Since we can think of this, can the enemy also think of it.”

Ixion said.

Spartacus was silent for a while, and then said: “You make a lot of sense, but we have no choice.”

Everyone thought for a while and it was true. If you don’t fight, there is definitely a dead end, and if you fight, there is still a way to survive.

Seeing that Spartacus had made up his mind, Ixion stopped blocking it.

At this time, he was very fortunate, but fortunately he was from Li Wei.

Originally, he was hesitant about whether to return to Li Wei. In the rebel army, he held a high position and held a legion, and he was one of the giants of the rebel army.

But after returning to the intelligence team, what can he do? At most, it’s just a little boss, how can there be prestige here.

However, he intends to remain silent and not report the news to Li Wei, after all, they did not ask themselves to do so.

Maybe Spartacus can win another game.



In the Roman barracks, Castus was dragged by two soldiers like a dead dog, followed by several soldiers and a Roman officer, who was the one who captured him.

Castus screamed like a pig, and a lot of sweat came out of Castus, and his face was distorted by the pain.

The soldiers dragged his wounded leg forward on the ground as if deliberately.

Not only did his screams fail to attract sympathy, but instead aroused constant ridicule from the Roman soldiers.

“Let you rebel against us Romans, now regret it.”

“Dare to let 600 Roman soldiers die in battle, we will crucify you, pig gong.”


Castus was extremely angry at this time, but was so painful that he couldn’t even speak.

Finally, he was taken to the tent in the middle of the camp. From time to time, laughter came from inside the tent. Several unusually young soldiers guarded outside the tent. They were Li Wei’s guards.

“Please let me know, Castus has brought me here.”

Said the Roman officer.

A guard nodded and walked out quickly.

“The general let you in.”

Two Roman soldiers dragged Castus into the camp, and then threw him to the ground, causing him to let out a horrible cry. At this time, the camp gradually became quiet.

Castus looked up and saw that this camp had a huge space. A young man of valor was sitting in the front, looking at him with a smile on his face. It was Li Wei.

Some generals were sitting on the sides, and the tables in front of them were filled with various foods, but there was no fine wine.

He knew many of these generals, because they all came out of Kapuya and had seen their own gladiator performances.

“Yes, it’s Castus.”

Getta said, “Haha, boy, you have done a good job.”

Hearing this, the Roman officer couldn’t close his mouth with a smile. This is a great achievement.

“What should we do with him?”

Someone asked.

“If you want me to directly nail the cross and give the slaves in the city a disarm, this will be the end if they don’t leave the city and surrender.”

Belieus said disdainfully.

Everyone nodded their heads after hearing this, and crucified the slave rebel army. This was the normal operation of the Romans, which was what Crassus did in history.

Castus felt extremely frightened. He glanced at Li Wei and found that Li Wei was not speaking but thinking about something.

“Forget it, send someone to transport him and his captive slaves to Rome, and hand them over to the Senate and the Roman people.”

Li Wei said.

Hearing this, everyone felt extremely frustrated and crucified the enemy to show his military exploits, but Li Wei seemed not interested in this at all, and always sent all the captive slaves to Rome.

How about sending it to Rome? Did they spare these slaves?

Someone persuaded a few words, but Li Wei did not agree.

Finally, Li Wei ordered Castus to take him down, and it was enough to confirm that he was Castus.

The atmosphere in the camp became active again, and the generals boasted of their achievements.

At this moment, Getta said: “Patriarch, I think the enemy is likely to launch a night attack tonight.”


Li Wei asked.

“Because we will dig trenches around Regium tomorrow to completely surround Regium. If Spartacus doesn’t want to lose, we can only launch a night attack tonight.”

Gaeta said.

“It makes sense.”

Belieus thought for a while and said.

They patronized to celebrate the victory, but forgot this. If the enemy succeeds in the night attack, then the accumulated victory may be completely wiped out.

Everyone also nodded, feeling that what he said was reasonable.

This was indeed the last chance for Spartacus to stand up, otherwise they would be trapped to death by being alone.

“You are right, we really should prevent the enemy from attacking at night.”

Li Wei said.

He had already thought of this, just thinking about how to make the situation controllable, at least don’t beat Regium down in one breath.

This gave Li Wei a very headache, it was difficult to win the war, and how to make the war win under his control more difficult.

“We should set up an ambush in the camp, and arrange fewer scouts outside the camp, so as not to start off the grass.”

Gaeta said.

Everyone slapped the old boss’s flattery one after another, thinking that he was too wise and martial.

It’s just that Li Wei has a headache, how can I keep on playing like this.

“Well then.”

Li Wei said helplessly.

He kept praying for Spartacus, hoping that he could escape the catastrophe.



In the middle of the night, a crooked bright moon hung in the sky, covering the dark earth with a layer of silver yarn.

The huge Roman military camp is like a monster, lying quietly under the moonlight. Spartacus and Curius have sneaked here with some elites. They did not immediately lead the soldiers to attack at night. .

The Roman army would send a small number of cavalry into the field at night for early warning, and blindly leading a large army to carry out night attacks is definitely looking for death.

Those cavalry must be eliminated before night attacks can be carried out. Although they have eliminated a lot of cavalry, they cannot guarantee that they will eliminate all the enemies on the route.

A torch was lit on the dirt wall of the barracks, but few soldiers patrolled, which gave Spartacus a lot of confidence. The enemy should have been drunk.

“How long does it take to change shifts.”

Curius asked.


Spartacus glanced at the sky and said.

At this moment, the gate of the camp opened wide, and a famous cavalry rushed out with a torch. These were the cavalry who changed their shift.

They galloped in all directions along the road, ready to take over the cavalry who were out.

A cavalry rushed over here, because just behind Spartacus lay the corpse of an Arab cavalry.

“They seem to be a little bit small?”

Spartacus said that this was not in proportion to the enemy cavalry.

“Should be careless after the enemy won.”

Curius thought for a while and said.

Spartacus thought for a while, and finally nodded. This was probably the only explanation.

Then everyone remained silent because the Arab cavalry was getting closer.

At this moment, the Arab cavalry heard a sound of hoofs.

He looked into the distance and vaguely saw a cavalry riding a war horse running into the distance.

He started yelling, what are you running? How did you run farther and farther.

So he rushed forward, but because of darkness, his speed was not fast.

However, he didn’t know that he was approaching the death **** in the shadows.

In the darkness, Spartacus suddenly violent, and threw the Arab off the horse.

The man screamed, but soon the voice disappeared.

His throat had been cut open, and a lot of blood kept flowing out, he looked at Spartacus in fear, and finally gradually lost his life.

“You go back and bring people over, and I will intercept the cavalry they came back, and be careful on the way.”

Spartacus said.

“Ok, take care.”

Curius said.

So he mounted the horse and returned to Regium with the cavalry who rushed over.

Spartacus let some people stay here, and he led some people to ambush on the road.

In fact, he was right. Soon there were cavalry rushing along the road, wanting to report to the Roman barracks.

Spartacus’s men immediately pulled up the sling, stopped all the cavalry, and then ended their lives.

More than three hours later, Curius returned with four legions of men and horses. This was the last strength of the rebel army.

Spartacus lurked towards the Roman barracks with some elites. They crossed the trench and carefully pulled out the spikes in the trench.

Then he set up a human ladder and climbed quietly to the dirt wall.

Fortunately, there are not many soldiers patrolling, which makes everything go very smoothly.

After occupying the walled city, the people behind came up with ladders, and more people used the ladders to climb the earth wall continuously.

Spartacus and the others jumped into the camp along a rope, and then quietly approached in the direction of the camp door.

From a distance, they found some bearded soldiers drinking and eating meat at the entrance of the camp. Why are they Arabs again?

Today they met so many Arabs.

Spartacus gave them a wink, and the soldiers, knowingly, walked over to the Arabs openly.

“Who are you?”

Said one of them, a Roman officer.

Spartacus wore Roman armor, so he thought it was his own.

“We are shifters.”

Spartacus said.

“Is it time to change shift?”

The Roman officer said suspiciously.

He didn’t notice that Spartacus was getting closer and closer to them.

They suddenly violent and attacked them.

A dagger cut their throats, and the remaining Arabs were shocked.


They shouted inexplicable words, and then took up weapons to resist their attack.

All Spartacus led were really good players, and coupled with a steady stream of soldiers pouring out from behind, they soon occupied the camp gate.

Amidst the sound of clicks, the gates of the camp opened wide, and a large number of slave rebels rushed in from the outside.

The camp is still very quiet, as if not knowing the enemy’s arrival.

Spartacus was so excited that he won! It’s about to win!

The rebels rushed into the camps. What shocked them was that a Roman soldier had been standing up for a long time. It seemed that they had already known that they were going to attack at night. They started fighting with the slave rebels.

Suddenly, the whole camp slammed into the sky, and a large number of Roman soldiers swarmed out from the camp to kill the insurgents.

“What’s going on? How could they be like this?”

Spartacus said with a shocked look.

“We are in the game, the enemy has been prepared.”

Curius looked panicked.

He had arrived at the last property of the slave rebel army, and if they were folded here, they would be completely finished.

“The general has an order to capture Spartacus alive reward 1 million dinars.”

Many people suddenly shouted.

“Catch Spartacus alive! Reward 1 million dinars!”

“Catch Spartacus alive! Reward 1 million dinars!”


The Roman soldiers shouted excitedly.

The torches lit up one by one, illuminating the camp as bright as day.

Outside the camp gate, some slave rebels even found fire dragons coming out of other camp gates and were planning to encircle them.

“This is a trap! Let’s get out of it!”

Curius said anxiously.

“Withdraw! You guys withdraw quickly! I’ll give you a break!”

Spartacus said, the slave rebels fled back in panic.

Spartacus led the people to stop the Roman troops who were pursuing them.

“Spartacus! You are crazy!”

Curius growled angrily.

“This is my responsibility! Only my death can atone for the dead brothers. Go back and help me take care of Sara and kill her with her.”

Spartacus said.

“Enough! We would have been defeated by the Roman army without you. How can we live to this day? Come back with me!”

Curius said.

“I won’t go!”

“If you don’t go, I won’t go either!”


Looking at Curius with a firm face, Spartacus was very moved, and finally decided to follow him back together.

It was night, there were chaotic hacks and killings everywhere, and the slave rebels were defeated by thousands of miles. I don’t know how many soldiers died in this battle.



The next morning, Li Wei sent all the cavalry out to capture the rebel soldiers who fled.

There are too many enemies who have not returned to the city, and they must be arrested so as not to cause any harm to the civilians.

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