Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 337

Chapter 336 City break

The two sides discussed some details, and then Ovidis left here

Li Wei called the public to announce the news. Although many people thought Li Wei was too kind, they didn’t say anything.

After all, Li Wei is the head coach of the first army and has the right to make any decision on the battlefield.

But when Li Wei announced another news, almost all the lieutenants were shocked.

how can that be?



The next day, the weather was gloomy and the wind was howling.

In Regium City, a large number of female slaves gathered at the gate of the city to get out of the city.

Curius looked at Spartacus with a complicated expression. He once regarded him as a friend, an idol, and his most admired person, but now he wants to surrender to the enemy.

“Do you really want to do this?”

Curius said.

“Yes, Sarah has my child, I don’t want him to die, I am willing to exchange my life for him.”

Spartacus said flatly.

Curius was really speechless, Gentle Township Hero Tomb, he gave Spartacus a big hug.

“Take care.”

“Be careful, too.”

Spartacus said.

“Don’t worry, I will bite a few pieces of meat on the Romans even if I die.”

Curius said.

Ixion glanced at him faintly, a trace of disdain flashed extremely vaguely in his eyes, and then hugged Spartacus to bid farewell.

The gate was wide open, and a large number of female slaves and children walked out of the gate.

They look sad, and they are extremely worried about their future.

Whether Li Wei will treat them kindly, this is their biggest concern.

The earth wall not far from the city gate also opened a door, and a large number of Roman soldiers were fully armed and lined up to welcome these female slaves into the camp.

Getta said: “You are so kind to them, the Senate will be dissatisfied with you.”

“It doesn’t matter, when has the Senate been satisfied with me.”

Li Wei said with a smile.

Getta also think about it, if it weren’t for Li Wei, there are some methods, the Senate would like to completely beat Li Wei to the ground.

After the female slaves entered the camp, they walked forward under the leadership of the soldiers. Li Wei planned to move them to Tuli City first, and then find a way to resettle them.

The crowd will stand beside Li Wei, quietly waiting for the arrival of Spartacus.

It didn’t take long for Spartacus to walk over with Sara’s hand.

Sarah wore a thick woolen shawl, her eyes were so red and swollen, she looked extremely depressed.

“Haha, this is Spartacus, don’t I think so?”

Getta said with a big smile.

“We haven’t been beaten up yet.”

Anius made a mocking look on his face.

They were all very happy to see Spartacus surrendering to them, which made the whole Rome embarrassed.

Spartacus glanced at them lightly, without saying anything.

just looked at the generals and soldiers who were waiting in battle. He was a little strange in his heart. He didn’t know why he smelled the coming of war from them.

“Spartacus, long time no see.”

Li Wei said with a smile.

“I give up. I hope you can keep your promise and treat Sara and her child kindly. She is pregnant.”

Spartacus raised his hands and said.

Li Wei couldn’t help but suddenly realized, that’s why Spartacus would surrender.

Soon soldiers stepped forward and grabbed Spartacus. They couldn’t rest assured that such a dangerous man would let him get close to Levi.

Spartacus did not resist, and allowed them to tie themselves, tears streaming from Sara’s eyes uncontrollably.

“You must live well.”

Spartacus told, Sarah nodded tearfully.

“Master, I don’t know what you plan to do with Spartacus?”

Sara asked.

“Bring him back to Rome and let the Senate deal with him.”

Li Wei said.

Levy was not interested in nailing Spartacus to the cross, unless he was extremely angry, otherwise he would not do such a thing.

“Can I be with him during this time?”

Sara asked.

“You don’t want to be too much. The general has done good for not nailing you to the cross, so he still wants to be with him.”

Getta angrily said.

Sara did not speak, but looked at Li Wei pleadingly.

Li Wei thought for a while, and finally nodded.

“Well, but you can’t have any contact, and you can’t give him food. I want to bring him back to Rome alive.”

“Thank you, master.”

Sara wiped her tears lightly, she knew what Spartacus was going to do.

After Sarah was about to take Spartacus away, Levi suddenly said: “Spartacus, don’t you want to see how Regium was breached?”

“Are you going to siege the city today?”

Spartacus asked.

“Not today, but right now, as long as they all come out, I will attack.”

Li Wei said with a smile.

Spartacus’s heart suddenly burst, is he planning to use these female slaves to launch a raid on the city gate?

Now he is no more than 200 meters away from Regium. Just shouting loudly may be able to remind them.

“You’d better not do stupid things, or my promise may be invalidated.”

Li Wei said, “But don’t worry, I won’t use these women.”

Spartacus thought for a while, and finally closed his mouth.

It is often your enemy who knows you best.

According to his knowledge of Li Wei, he does disdain to use these women to attack.

It didn’t take long for the female slaves and children to arrive at the barracks.

Looking at the other party’s barracks, Curius looked hazy.

“Close the gate.”

Curius said.

“Wait a minute.”

At this moment Ixion stopped him suddenly.

“If you have anything to say, close the door, the Romans may rush in at any time.”

Kurius said with a grimace.

Since Spartacus retired, Ixion has been fighting with him for power, and the relationship between the two is extremely bad.

“No need to turn off!”

Ixion said with a sneer.

Curius looked puzzled, but soon he became shocked.



Hearing only two sounds of sharp blades piercing into the flesh, the two soldiers behind him suddenly pierced his chest with swords.

Then he kept waving the dagger in his hand, punching one hole after another in Curius’ body.

In the blink of an eye, blood was flowing, and Curius fell down in disbelief.

“Do it!”

Ixion shouted violently.

Hundreds of soldiers scattered around him drew short swords to kill the surrounding high-level insurgents. Those high-levels were caught off guard. I don’t know how many people were killed by them on the spot.

This stunned everyone, how could this be?

A soldier quickly rushed out of the city gate and kept waving the flag in his hand.

“General, our people have signaled, and the city gate is wide open!”

A soldier ran over and said.

“The order goes on and the whole army attacks. Remember to leave some life, I need to **** them to Rome.”

Li Wei said with a big smile.

“Yes, General.”

After receiving Li Wei’s order, the Roman soldiers who had been waiting for a long time immediately turned into a torrent and rushed to the gate not far away.

“How is this possible? Could it be…”

Spartacus said.

“You guessed right, an old friend of yours has already defected. When I issued the surrender order, he sent someone to contact me, hoping to lead his troops to surrender, but I rejected him, and I let him continue to be an undercover agent in your army. Only when the time comes, let him lead an uprising.”

Li Wei said with a smile.

The truth cannot be told, otherwise someone will definitely blame him for sitting and watching the rebel army.

“Who is it? Akbertas? Pylos?”

Spartacus asked anxiously, and said two names in a row, both of whom were commanders of the rebel army.

Li Wei shook his head. He doesn’t even know who betrayed him now. It seems that Ixion did a good job.

“You will know soon.”

Li Wei said.

Spartacus’s face was uncertain, and he could only look at Regium anxiously.

The Roman army quickly rushed into the city, and then the city soon shouted for killing everywhere, and in some places there was even a raging fire.

At this moment, dozens of slave rebel soldiers came over against the flow of people under the **** of some Roman soldiers, one of them still carrying a head in his hand.

It is Curius’ head that he holds in his hand. He and Curius are brothers and sisters, but he was killed by a traitor!

“Ixion! It turned out to be you!!”

Spartacus furiously said, he thought of many people, but never thought it would be Ixion.

Ixion supported him in almost everything, which made him trust Ixion, and he never thought that he would betray himself.

He struggled desperately, but was firmly restrained by the Roman soldiers behind him.

Ixion gave him a cold look. He was really a poor worm who had been manipulated in the palm of his arms from beginning to end.

He walked up to Li Wei and knelt down like a jade pillar.

“The sinner Ixion has seen his master, and the sinner knows that he has committed serious sins, so he offers Curius’ head for forgiveness.”

“You have done a great job. As a faithful believer of the true God, you have completed your mission perfectly. In the name of the Roman general, I declare that I am forgiven of all your crimes, and I will grant you the status of a Roman citizen and reward you with a reward of 100,000. dinar.”

Li Wei looked at him deeply and said.

“Thank you General!”

Ixion’s face was surprised, and Li Wei really fulfilled his original promise and gave him citizenship, which is worthy of his painstaking efforts.

Gabinius looked at him in shock. He didn’t expect Li Wei to take down Regium City so easily. He thought there was still a big battle.

“Pompeo should act too.”

Li Wei said to Gabinius.

Gabinius nodded, and immediately sent a Pegasus to report to Pompeo.



Levy defeated Spartacus and the news of regaining Regium quickly spread back to Rome, making the whole Rome happy.

They didn’t choose the wrong person. Faced with Li Wei’s fierce attack, Spartacus was defeated easily without any countermeasures, which made Li Wei’s reputation in Rome even higher.

After regaining Regium, Li Wei ordered the Crusaders to guard in place, waiting for his next order.

Then he led eight legions and more than 6000 prisoners northward, and he decided to personally **** these prisoners to Rome.

At the same moment, Pompeo led an army across the Rubicon River south.

After learning the news, the Senate smelled an unknown breath.

A huge army is marching on the Appian Avenue not far from Rome. This is the returning Roman army.

Li Wei rode a war horse at the forefront of the army, this is the tradition of the Roman army.

The caravans on the road took the initiative to give way to the army and applauded Li Wei.

It was Li Wei who eliminated the slave rebellion and brought peace to Rome again.

There were crosses erected on both sides of the avenue, and a famous slave was crucified on it. These were the prisoners whom Li Wei sent back to Rome.

These crosses stretched for several kilometers, and the Roman army walked for a long time without seeing the end.

This made Li Wei frown. The Romans are always so cruel.

At this moment, he found a huge team in front of him waiting for him, among them many senators from the Senate.

Li Wei swept the elders. These elders had complicated factions. Not only his people, but also Pompeo, Crassus, and Metelus, were headed by the lawyer’s grandfather, Cicero.

“Cicero, why are you here.”

Li Wei asked, it’s still a few miles from Rome.

“The Senate learned that the general returned victorious, and specifically ordered us to greet him, and at the same time convey the Senate’s orders.”

Cicero said, but his face was a little unnatural.

“What order.”

Li Wei asked.

“The Senate ordered you to dissolve the army on the spot. Only one legion is allowed to ensure that the prisoners will not cause chaos.”

Cicero said.

There is no surprise to Li Wei, because the news has already been received.

“no problem.”

Li Wei said, “It’s just that I have one condition.”

Cicero’s heart trembled, and he asked quickly: “What conditions?”

“Pompeo and I have made outstanding contributions to the country. I hope that Pompeo and I can participate in the consul competition next year.”

Li Wei said.

Hearing this the hearts of the veterans were full of wailing.

This is indeed the case. In the past few days, this rumor spread again in Rome, but I didn’t expect it to come true in the end.

“Levy, how can you trample on Roman law so unscrupulously, what use is the law in this way?”

said a veteran.

Li Wei glanced at him lightly. He is a veteran who has a very close relationship with Metellus.

Although the two sides had a truce, they really did not give up.

“Laws are made by people. I think this matter can be submitted to the citizens’ assembly and the Senate, and the people of Rome and the Senate will decide the matter.”

Li Wei said.

“You… what will you do if the Senate disagrees?”

The veteran was so angry that he could not speak while pointing at Li Wei. Li Wei was definitely a habitual offender. Every time he led his troops, he would pierce the sky while making great achievements.

Next time, he absolutely can’t let him lead soldiers!

Li Wei glanced at him lightly, “Then the consequences will be serious, and Pompeo and I will refuse to disband the army.”

“Li Wei, you are too much.”

“You can’t do this.”


The elders said in dissatisfaction.

However, some elders remained silent. These elders were closely related to Li Wei and Pompeo.

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