Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 348

Chapter 347 Catch rape

Inside the Vatican, golden sunlight shines through the glass.

Li Wei stood at the window, listening to Brutim’s report.

“So those nobles and knights are very dissatisfied with me.”

Li Wei said lightly.

“Yes, they all support Metellus.”

Brutim said respectfully.

Li Wei was silent for a while, and he kept ordering Brutim to pay attention to the reactions of the people and the powerful.

The reactions of the people and the nobles are completely opposite. The people are extremely supportive of his actions, while the nobles and knights are all opposed.

He knows that public opinion is important, but nobles and knights must be drawn together. They are the true rulers of Rome.

Once the nobles and knights oppose him, then he will never want to control the Senate again, and even he will struggle in Rome.

“Think of a way to ask the knights and nobles out to meet, and I will explain this to them personally.”

Li Wei thought for a while and said.

“Yes, Patriarch.”

Brutim said.

“How’s the matter with Musia?”

Li Wei asked.

“She has an appointment with one of her concubines tomorrow.”

“Really, we must seize this opportunity. Remember, there is only one opportunity in many cases.”

Li Wei smiled.

“Yes, Patriarch.”

Brutim said, and then left here.

Li Wei sighed slightly, but Pompeo shouldn’t be too surprised by his gift.



In a residence in Subra District, Brutim was giving orders to more than a dozen men who looked very smart.

“Our task today is very important, we must succeed. Don’t expect the next chance. Failure today means failure forever. Don’t get lucky, understand?”

Brutim said with a serious face.




The tough men said, they were extremely excited when they thought of today’s task.

Why doesn’t the wife who caught Pompeo cheat?

Brutim nodded. These men are all elites of the intelligence team selected by him. Each of them is an elite of the intelligence team, and they have practiced many times. I believe they will have an extraordinary performance today.

“You have all stepped on that house, and you know this house very well. Now we will tell you about their activity rules. Musia will bring a maid every time she comes, and little Rabinus will also bring it. A slave, these two men watched for them.”

“They usually leave this house about two hours later. We have to make sure that they have done that before starting the action, and we have to make sure to leave the evidence of the crime.”

“This time we are going to pretend to be a robbery. You must act professionally and pretend to be robbers. This incident happened by accident…”

Brutim kept talking.

Those men were also engrossed in listening, and occasionally smiles that men could understand appeared on their faces.

After speaking, Brutim stuck a dagger on the table and said viciously.

“Remember, the bigger the trouble today is, the better. But you must make things worse in your stomach. If anyone dares to show a little bit of wind, you will all die. Do you understand?”




The men quickly said with a straight face that they knew nothing more about the capabilities of the intelligence team, unless they were kept incognito for a lifetime, otherwise exposure would mean death.

“Okay, then start preparing now.”

Brutim said.

When those people began to prepare, Brutim also began to put on makeup.

He put a big beard on himself, scars on his face, and then put on Arab clothes, looking like an Arab.

Then they waited for a long time, they chatted quietly, only Brutim occasionally looked outside.

At this moment, there was a scream from a hawker who went through the streets. This was the secret sign of the target.

“Come on! Stop talking!”

Brutim said.

The men stopped chatting one after another, and then closed their eyes to rest.

At this moment, two men passed by, and they came to a house diagonally opposite.

A young man dressed as a slave opened the door of the house, and the two walked in.

Not long after, two women wearing veils walked from below and walked into the door of the house.

Brutim whistled softly, made a successful gesture, and waited for a long time.



Augustinus is a slave of the Labinus family, and has been a slave of the Labinus family since his grandfather’s grandfather.

Different from other slaves, since his grandfather, their family has gradually been trusted by the Rabinus family and has assumed various important responsibilities for Rabinus.

In his generation, he was even selected by Rabinus to become his son’s personal male slave, and he grew up with his son.

Of course Augustinus knew this was a great honor, because the personal male slave was often the person the master trusted the most, and the master would leave the most private matters to them.

If nothing else, after the little Rabinus inherits the family business, he will become the steward of the Rabinus family.

He even has a chance to be free, which is what Augustinus has always longed for.

What he regrets is that although the young Rabinus is handsome and unrestrained, he has received a complete aristocratic education since he was a child and is a personable person.

It is a pity that there is a problem that is not a problem, and that is lust.

Although he was married, he had secret contacts with several Roman ladies.

Of course this is the norm among the Roman nobles. How many nobles are not like this?

But what worries him is that he hooked up with Pompeo’s wife.

You must know that Pompeo, as the current consul and one of the Big Three in Rome, has a high position and is not an easy person to provoke.

Fortunately, nothing happened, Augustineus still guarded the gate for them faithfully.

At this moment, Ruoyoruowu groaning*-the sound from the upload made Augustinus’ heart burst into flames.

This is Pompeo’s wife, and it’s exciting to think about it.

He walked around a little anxiously, took a strange look at the female slave who was busy in the distance, and then sighed long.

Ten minutes later, the upstairs gradually calmed down, and Augustinus calmed down the heat in his heart.

But not long after, a strange voice came from upstairs, and Augustinus cursed secretly.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Augustinus immediately became vigilant. He did not open the door, but asked behind the door: “Who?”

This is a metal door, from the outside you can’t find the situation inside, and it is very private. This is one of the reasons why Little Rabinus bought this house for a tryst.

“Hello, I am a neighbor nearby. Can I have the honor to know the owner of this house?”

A heart-sounding voice came from outside the door.

“Sorry, no interest, please don’t disturb us.”

Augustinus said coldly.

“But… I seemed to see little Rabinus walk in here just now. I’m his friend Priscus’ brother. Was it him who came in just now?”

The voice continued.

Augustinus couldn’t help frowning. Priscus was indeed a friend of little Rabinus, but the relationship was very ordinary.

He didn’t expect his brother to live here, which is really unexpected.

“I am very humble, you probably admitted the wrong person.”

Augustinus thought for a while and said.

“Augurinus? I can hear your voice, don’t you?”

The voice continued.

Augustinus was in a mess. The gods were on top, and he couldn’t meet an acquaintance no matter how he went out, and he heard his voice.

Should he remind the master that disturbing the master at this juncture is likely to arouse the master’s anger.

At this moment, a scream came from behind.

Augustinus looked back and found that several people wearing silver masks were crawling out of a tunnel. Three of them were rushing towards this side, holding cold daggers in their hands.

Augustinus couldn’t help but exclaimed, how could there be a tunnel here.

“Don’t call! Calling again will kill you!”

A man said in a deep voice, then pointed his short sword at his chest.

Augustinus quickly raised his hand, he was hesitant to remind people outside, maybe he could help him call the police.

At this time, a person had put a rag into his mouth, then covered his eyes with a black cloth, and then tied it up tightly.

“If you want to live, don’t say anything, don’t do it.”

A masked man tied him up and whispered in his ear.

Augustinus nodded quickly, hoping that the people outside the door were smart enough to spot the anomaly inside.

At this moment, the door was opened.

Augustineus felt cold in his heart, and the man outside was in the same group with them. The more he thought about it, the more terrifying he became.

Several masked men dragged him into a room and then tied him to a table.

He also heard a murmur not far away, which seemed to be the voice of Maid Mucia.

In addition, there were a few breathing sounds, and they just stood here quietly without any communication.

Augustinus became more and more frightened. Who are they? It doesn’t look like a robber at all.

Several masked men walked upstairs to the attic with their waists down. There seemed to be no movement outside. They were still immersed in intense exercise.

One of them gestured to them not to act.

So they all hid, and then remained motionless, as if there was no one, only the high voice inside.

Until they reached the peak, one of them suddenly gesticulated, and then the two of them stepped forward and kicked down the door, and suddenly there was a scream.

A pair of naked *naked* men and women are looking at the people who rush in in a very easy to be * humorous posture. The room is in chaos, clothes are thrown everywhere, and there is even a smell in the room. Kind of strange taste.

“Oh, I am very hug, I disturbed you.”

A red-haired masked man with a foreign accent said exaggeratedly.

Then the other men laughed.

“I don’t know if that thing will stand up later.”

One said with a big laugh.

“What are you going to do?”

Little Rabinus was about to collapse, how could this happen.

“Don’t **** bullshit, hand over all the money, or we will kill you.”

The masked man with red beard said viciously.

Little Rabinus and Musia breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out to be a fortune, which is simply a blessing in misfortune.

Several masked men rushed forward and tied them up. Rabinus and Musia did not resist and allowed them to stand up.

Then some people have started to move, they are rumbling around, looking for all their belongings.

At this moment, a masked man walked towards Musia naked and screamed in fright.

“Asshole! Any more screaming will kill you!”

A masked man slapped her severely and said, then found a rag and stuffed it into their mouths.

Another person stopped the masked man with a lustful face, “We only rob money, not sex.”

The mask hummed twice, and finally agreed.

“Remember, I will get the cloth out of your mouth next. You’d better yell, otherwise this will end.”

The man with the red beard mask stepped forward and said to little Rabinus, and then slammed the dagger into his hand.

Little Rabinus let out a scream, but fortunately he was stuffed with cloth strips, and it didn’t spread far.

He nodded desperately, and then looked at his hand in horror a lot of blood was flowing from it.

This group of robbers is so cruel!

“Tell me where is your money?”

The man with the red beard mask asked.

Little Rabinus hurriedly handed over his and Murcia’s money to them. Since this was only a rendezvous place, there was not much money at all, which of course made the robbers very dissatisfied.

“Asshole! Are you lying to us? You only have this little money?”

The man with the red beard mask slapped little Rabinus fiercely and said, slapping little Rabinus so dizzy, his face swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his handsome face had long since disappeared.

Little Rabinus wanted to cry without tears, “You guys really only have this little money in my family. If I have money, I will definitely give it to you. How about this, how about I let my slave take you to get the money?”

The red-bearded man became even more angry, and gave him a vicious gesture, “Do you treat us as fools? Let the slave take us to get the money?”

At this moment, a masked man suddenly rushed in from outside, and he said excitedly: “Boss, we caught a big fish. The slaves downstairs are recruited, surely you didn’t think of their identity?”

Hearing this, little Rabinus and Musia were desperate, don’t do it.

“What are they?”

The man with the red beard mask said suspiciously.

“He said that the man was Rabinus Jr., the son of the veteran Rabinus, and the woman was Musia, the wife of Pompey, the current consul and one of the Big Three in Rome.”

The room was silent at first, and then the masked men looked shocked.

“This is impossible!”

“This is incredible!”


Little Rabinus looked desperate, and Musia fainted even more.

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