Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 356

Chapter 355 Contradictory orders

“We have to take good care of the city gate during this time, don’t close it.”

Said the military guarantor.

“That’s right.”

Memius said, “By the way, have you started to act in your city?”

“It’s almost started.”

“You… what are you going to do?”

The soldier said with a horrified look, how he seemed to be rebelling when listening to them.

“It’s okay. Don’t worry, it’s just to participate in the citizens’ assembly. What should everyone do? You all give way and don’t stand in the way.”

Memius said.

Upon hearing this, the crusaders quickly gave way to let the people pass.

“No, the order I received seems to be to liquidate those elders who oppose Li Wei, and declare them as public enemies of Rome! The whole family is killed! And the property is to be confiscated!”

The military guarantor said loudly.

“Really? Why didn’t we receive this order? Did you receive the wrong order!”

Mimius also said loudly.

“Absolutely yes, this is an order from our army commander himself! You have come from afar, and you may not have received this order!”

“Really, I may need to send someone to ask the legion commander for instructions.”


The conversation between the two frightened the people. Many of them were witnesses to the Sula massacre. They did not expect this scene to happen again today.

They threw away the things in their hands one after another, fleeing to their own homes, and the shops closed one after another.

Even some soldiers guarding the gate dropped their weapons and soon disappeared.

However, there are soldiers who come to get close to it. The troubled times are a good opportunity to make a fortune. If they can take the opportunity to occupy all the property of a veteran, then they will really do it.

“I’m not sure about this. You’d better not move around, otherwise we won’t be responsible for something.”

Mimius said blankly.

“Don’t worry, we understand. Please take care of the two adults if you have something to do in the future.”

Some soldiers said with a flattering expression that they felt that the troubled times were about to come, and if they could indulge in two military guarantors, they would be considered a backer.

But they didn’t notice the joking in Memius’ eyes.

About an hour later, the Crusaders who could not see the end appeared in their field of vision.

They were dressed in neat armor, and marched toward Rome in neat steps.

Seeing this, Memius breathed a sigh of relief, and they finally came.

When Memius first arrived at the Roman city gate, a large number of crusaders swarmed out of Levi’s villa on the Palatine Hill, and then surrounded the villa on the mountain Metelus.

At the same time, a large number of crusaders also marched from the square towards Palatine Hill.

The **** of Mettrus’s house discovered this situation for the first time, and immediately reported to Mettrus.

“What are you talking about? A large number of crusaders flooded the Palatine Hill? How many of them are there.”

Mettrus said with a look of fear, and Li Wei finally showed up.

“There are mountains and plains, there are at least 4000 people or even more.”

The guard said in a panic.

“This is how to do?”

Keller found that his legs were beginning to tremble.

“Hurry up and call Nepos and Musia, and we will kill them.”

Mettrus gritted his teeth and said.

Due to the limited space, their villas only stationed more than a thousand people, and more people were distributed in the city of Rome.

“Do you really want to do this? They have more than 4,000 people.”

Keller said in horror.

“We have no retreat. If we don’t work hard, we will die. Do you want to be crucified?”

Mettrus asked rhetorically.

“Is it called Scipio?”

“Leave him.”

Metluth said bitterly, if it weren’t for his unauthorized actions, their family would not have fallen to this point.

So Keller hurriedly sent people to find Nepos and Musia. It didn’t take long before he found them, and then everyone rushed out.

But just after leaving the gate, they found that a large number of Crusaders were already waiting.

They lined up neatly, their shields were placed right in front, their crossbows had been wound, and they were looking at them with a serious face.

“I am Lycias, the Civilian Conservator. I am ordered by the Roman consul, the conqueror of Jerusalem, the conqueror of Armenia, and the conqueror of the capital, Livi, to lay down your weapons. I swear in the name of the true god, except for the Metluth family. Besides, as long as you put down your weapons, you can leave and you will never be held accountable.”

At this moment, Lysias stood in front of the battle and shouted.

Hearing this, the veterans looked at each other.

They are very clear about the recent rumors in Rome. The opposite is Li Wei’s, and there are a lot of them. What should they do?

“Don’t believe what he said, go up and kill him.”

Mettrus said loudly.

“We have a legion here, and we have transferred the strength of 8 legions this time, don’t you think you are our opponents?”

Lycias said loudly.

Hearing this, many veterans took a deep breath.

Some people have judged that there should not be so many people in front of them, but more soldiers are coming from below, maybe there is a legion.

More importantly, they knew that Li Wei really had 8 legions, because the news of the Senate meeting had already spread.

“Elder Metellus, the Archon asked me to tell you that we will not kill you and we will abide by the Roman law. We just learned that you are going to escape, so your personal freedom is temporarily restricted.”

Lycias said.

“Hahaha, you thought I would believe Li Wei’s words. He is a hypocrite. If I believed him, I would have died long ago.”

Mettrus laughed, but his tone was crazy.

“So you want to bring so many people to your funeral?”

Lucias said sharply, “Please don’t worry, there is no mutiny here, but we know that Mettrus is going to escape, and we specifically surround this place. By the way, remember to take your money, or you think your life is justified. Worth dozens of dinars?”

Hearing this, many veterans are extremely heart-warming.

There are more and more enemies in front of them, and dozens of dinars want them to work hard, they are not stupid.

“I’m leaving now.”

An veteran said loudly.

After speaking, he threw down his weapon and walked down. The Crusaders immediately gave way to a downhill road.

“Don’t believe them, he is lying to you. Give me everything and kill them.”

Mettrus said loudly.

“I have taken an oath in the name of the true god, and all the crusaders can testify. Do you think you will violate my oath?”

Lycias said loudly.

The veterans nodded one after another. People in this era believed in gods.

Li Wei is the founder and prophet of the Holy Religion. In order to maintain the majesty of the true god, Li Wei will not tolerate Lycias breaking his oath to the true god.

As a result, more and more veterans put down their weapons and walked down the mountain. Even some slaves began to descend, and Lysias also sat and watched them leave.

Metellus tried desperately to stop them, but to no avail.

This makes him look desperate, what can I do?

Pompeo should get the news now, I don’t know what action he will do.

“Please rest assured, veteran Mettrus, we will not kill you, we will only act according to the law.”

Lycias said loudly.

Metellus couldn’t help laughing. The most ridiculous thing in the world was Li Wei’s lawfulness.

“Acting in accordance with the law… Acting in accordance with the law…”

He laughed so much that tears were streaming out, and then he returned to his home.

A smile appeared on Lysias’s face, and he had done a great job in quelling a possible battle.



After spreading by some interested people, the news that Li Wei will carry out a purge of those veterans and civilian protection officers who opposed him has spread all over the street.

Some of the elders who had prepared were immediately frightened, either putting on makeup or hurriedly fleeing with a few slaves.

Catullus is no exception, although Li Wei has supported him before and he has a good relationship with Li Wei.

But a while ago he opposed several key proposals of Li Wei, which made him very guilty.

Not long after leaving the house with a few slaves, he discovered that Belieus was leading more than twenty crusaders in front of him, looking at him jokingly.

“Elder Catullus, where are you going?”

Belieus said with a smile.

“Hahaha, the weather is good today, I plan to go out to visit friends.”

Catullus couldn’t help but wiped the cold sweat on his head and said, how could he be stopped by someone.

“By the way, today is Monimee’s birthday, and Archon Li Wei decided to invite you to the birthday party. I hope you can appreciate it.”

Bellierus said.

“What are you talking about? Monimi’s birthday?”

Catullus said with a look of surprise.

“Yes, I don’t know if Elder Castus will appreciate it.”

Bellierus looked at him with threatening eyes and said.

“This…I’m a bit busy lately. Look at how I asked my wife to go for me.”

Catullus smiled awkwardly.

“Are you planning to reject us?”

Belieus said viciously.

“Do you have to go?”

“Yes it is.”


“Well then.”

“Haha, I knew that Elder Catullus was a good friend of Archon Li Wei.”

Bellierus said with a laugh.

Catullus was mmp for a while, but now he really would rather Li Wei as a good friend.



Pompeo wore a uniform, his face was extremely stern.

The news that Li Wei was going to clean up those veterans on the street had already been raged, and of course he couldn’t have been ignorant.

He has decided to lead his soldiers out, if Li Wei dares to stop him, then he doesn’t mind going to war with Li Wei.

It’s just that he doesn’t know how many troops Li Wei has transferred to Rome, and whether he can kill him.

A dozen senators gathered in his room. These were his **** supporters. They had already made an appointment. Once things changed, they would gather at Pompeo’s house.

Before long, Gabinius, who was embarrassed, came over under the leadership of some guards.

“Pompey, something bad happened. Li Wei finally led an army into the city. The streets are full of news that Li Wei is about to purge the elders. Let’s run away.”

Gabinius said in horror.

“I see, are there many crusaders out there now? How many troops do they have?”

Pompeo asked.

“There are crusaders everywhere. They have already occupied the square. But the strange thing is that they didn’t kill, or even search. Even when I passed by, they didn’t inquire.”

Gabinius said.

Pompeo looked surprised, what the **** is Li Wei doing.

Since it has already been said that the elders are to be cleaned, how can it be possible that there is no action.

“This is definitely Li Wei’s conspiracy. He must be trying to lower our guard and kill us all at once. One of my slaves heard a Crusade military civic officer said in person that he wants to purge all who oppose Li Wei. Veteran.”

An elder said excitedly.

“That’s right, my slave has heard a lot of Crusader officers. If he doesn’t be Sura, why would he bring so many soldiers into the city? I’d better run away, don’t wait here for the soldiers to come.”

Another veteran said anxiously.

“Do you know what’s going on with Metellus?”

Pompeo asked.

“It is said that Li Wei dispatched a legion of crusaders to surround the place. Many veterans have dropped their weapons and have already left there.”

Gabinius said.

“You see, I’m right. He definitely wants to do it. Maybe the Mettrus family is dead. Let’s stop waiting for those veterans.”

Said a veteran.

“Hurry up, you can’t go if you don’t.”

Said another veteran.

“Well then, everyone is ready, ready to kill with me.”

Pompeo said.

Then he sent someone to find his own child In fact, he was already prepared, and immediately rushed over with his personal slave when he heard it.

The assembled horn was also sounded outside, and a large number of veterans lined up and walked outside the villa.

Many veterans were cursing, and they were very worried when they thought of the possibility of a battle with the Crusaders.

“Dad, do we ignore grandpa and mom?”

Pompey said, wearing a sweater inside and a delicate leather armor.

“I can’t take care of them now. Li Wei has too many troops. We will wait until we get out.”

Pompeo said.

Little Pompeo nodded sadly, and then followed his father out.

More than 3,000 veterans had already gathered outside. At this moment, a guard ran over and said: “Report to the Patriarch, and Li Wei’s messenger outside, Venerable Anius, please see me.”

“What is he doing?”

“Could it be to persuade you to surrender.”

“We must never surrender.”


The elders said one after another.

Pompeo thought for a while and said, “Bring him here.”

Before long, Anius, wearing a woolen cloak outside, appeared in front of them.

Seeing Pompeo and the others in uniform, Anius said with a look of surprise: “What are you doing?”

Everyone is a little confused, do you still have to ask? Of course it was killed.

Pompeo’s face darkened, “Annius, I ask you why Levy sent so many crusaders into the city.”

“Of course I came to participate in the citizens’ assembly, otherwise what can I do?”

Anius said.

“You lied, why did you surround Metellus’ mansion?”

Said a veteran.


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