Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 364

Chapter 363 German King

Seeing Li Wei’s back, Krasu stood on the wall and breathed a long sigh of relief. Li Wei finally left Rome.

He said to Pompeo: “Are you leaving tomorrow?”

Pompeo said: “Yes, Rome will be handed over to you. Levy is not in Rome. I believe you should be able to deal with Emilia and Cicero. Please deliver me 10 legions as soon as possible.”

If it were not for Levy’s stimulation, he really did not want to leave Rome.

But seeing that Li Wei had established more and more merits, he couldn’t sit still, and decided to make some merits and not be taken too far by Li Wei.

“Don’t worry, I can’t fight Li Wei or them. Before the end of the year, we will regain control of the Senate and then make up 10 legions for you.”

Krasu said with a smile.

Pompeo nodded slightly, but he didn’t expect that he would stand on the same line with Crasu, this annoying guy. It’s really impermanent.

“How are you going to take the Senate?”

Pompeo asked.

“This year’s ombudsman is also full. I must take the position of ombudsman anyway, but I need the cooperation of your people. I will do what they have done to us again when that time comes.”

Krasu said.

“no problem.”

“In addition, you have won a few more battles in the East, so I can build momentum for you and help you fill up 10 legions.”

“Don’t worry, as soon as I take office, I will send troops to Bosphorus to add another province to Rome, but you need to help me withstand the pressure of the Senate. You know I don’t have the right to go to war.”

Pompeo said confidently.

“Bosphorus? The king there seems to be a friend of the Romans.”

“Yes, he is also a friend of Li Wei, so there is no problem.”

“No problem, just do it with confidence.”



In the distant Jutland Peninsula, although the early spring has arrived, it is still very cold here.

In a simple stone castle, a large number of Teutonics lined up neatly, threw down their weapons and surrendered out of the city.

Just outside the castle, there are endless Germanic soldiers, some of them wearing leather clothes, some of them with steel armors, and they are looking at these Teutonic soldiers jokingly.

Teutonic King Burton came to a warm tent and found a large number of German officers inside. There was a brazier in the middle of the tent, and a very majestic German sitting behind the brazier.

Knowing that this Germanic was the leader of this army, Wufa, he immediately knelt on the ground and said: “The Teutonic King Burton officially surrendered to the great German King Wufa. We are extremely sorry for the previous offense. For this reason, we are willing to leave it to you, without complaint or regret.”

Wu Fa gave him a faint look, then a smile appeared on his face.

He personally stepped forward to lift him up and said: “It doesn’t matter. In Romans’ words, we don’t know each other. And we are all German brothers. These are the disputes between brothers. From now on you will be my closest friend. Brother, whoever dares to bully you is bullying me.”

Burton looked at Wufa with a shocked look. He had always heard that Wufa was bold and generous, and he saw it today.

“Thank you, the great German king. From now on you will be the king of all Teutonics, and I am willing to abdicate to the virtuous.”

Burton said.

“Very well, I am appointed as the Teutonic general in the name of the King of Germans. You can continue to command some Teutonic soldiers.”

Wu Fa laughed.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Burton said respectfully.

Although he can only command a part of the Teutonic soldiers, at least he has not become a polished commander, which is good.

Wufa immediately ordered people to put up a variety of food and wine to banquet Burton, so the guests and the host had a great time, and Wufa asked about the situation of Simbury and Amboang.

Burton knew everything he could say and said nothing.

Now that he has taken refuge in Wufa, he will decide to completely tie himself to his chariot.

“By the way, how come you have such armor and weapons? I remember that the Germanic tribe in the south doesn’t seem to have these things.”

Burton said.

He knows no more about the Germans, and they are like paupers.

All iron tools are extremely precious, even short swords can’t be made, let alone luxurious armor.

All of their most precious iron is used to make spear tips, and these wooden guns can be thrown and short-armed.

“I, Wang Xiong, is a rough man. I invaded the Gauls a few years ago and snatched a large number of craftsmen and miners from them. Now we can not only prospect but also make iron.”

A German general said proudly.

The Germans have undergone tremendous changes in recent years, all of which were brought about by Wufa.

It is his reform that the Germans are becoming stronger day by day.

“Really, this is great.”

Burton said with a look of envy.

“Don’t worry, I will give you 100 sets of weapons and armor when I look back.”

Wu Fa said with a smile.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Burton exclaimed.

“Although our ironmaking technology is good, it is a pity that it is not as good as the Romans. It would be great if we could **** some Roman craftsmen.”

Wufa said.

Up to now, he still remembers the craftsmen of Dragon City. If there is the guidance of the craftsmen of Dragon City, then the Germanic iron-making technology will surely usher in a leap.

“Sooner or later we will unify Germanicism, and then go south to Rome. At that time, the whole of Rome will be our pasture, the beautiful ladies of Rome, whoever we want to go to.”

A German general laughed loudly.

“That’s right. Sooner or later we will go south and let the Romans surrender to our feet.”

“Unify Germany and destroy Rome.”


Many German generals said one after another.

After listening to them, Wufa smiled, and even Burton nodded again and again.

In the past, they Teutonics, Simbrians, and Amboangs once went south to Rome, and were finally defeated by the Romans.

But if the power of all the Germans is assembled, there may not be no chance to conquer Rome.

At this moment, a German soldier came over.

“Your Majesty, the South sent an urgent letter stating that Li Wei had set off for Gaul after his term of office expired.”

“Really, let me see.”

Wu Fa’s expression changed, and he said quickly.

After receiving the letter from the soldier, his face became serious after reading it.

“Unexpectedly, he really came.”

There was a look of hatred on Wufa’s face.

“Your Majesty, what kind of thing is that Li Wei? You dare to clamor for an expedition to Germany, as long as you give me 100,000 troops, I promise to raise his head to see you.

Said a German general.

“Let me go, I don’t want one hundred thousand, just an army of 50,000.”

Another German general said.

Then the German generals here scrambled one after another, as if they could kill Li Wei at will, which made Wu Fa’s face even worse.

“Enough, you all shut up.”

Wu Fa furiously said.

Seeing that Wufa was so angry, the Germanic generals quickly closed their mouths, and the recent things about Li Wei always made him furious.

Burton is confused. Who is this Levy?

“We still act according to our original plan, let out the news, and say that I plan to lead a 500,000 army to go west to Gaul, so that those Gauls can quickly move westward and add some trouble to Li Wei. Let’s hurry up and unify Germanicism.”

Wu Fa said, “Besides, don’t say anything that underestimates Li Wei, or you will get out of here.”

The tent quieted down for a while, and everyone lowered their heads and dared not speak.

“Also kill all those Roman merchants, leaving none of them.”

Wu Fa thought for a while and said.

“Why? They brought us swords and fine wines. These are commodities we desperately need, and my subordinates like these things very much.”

Said a German general.

Wu Fa coldly snorted and said: “On the day they arrived, I smelled that disgusting smell from them. They are definitely spies sent by Li Wei. The reason why I let them live until now is that I want to know Li Wei’s situation. On the one hand, I want to pass some false news to Li Wei, so that Li Wei underestimates our strength. Only in this way can it be easier to defeat him.”

“Now they are useless. It’s time to send them to see the true gods. I know you all like the goods they bring, but we are great Germans. If you want these things, you can grab them. There is no need to trade. I What I want is that the entire Rome is our horse farm, and I want all Romans to be our slaves.”

“Your Majesty, you are right, do you still need to trade with them if you have a sword? Just grab it.”

A German general said with admiration.

“This war is very important to me. If you perform poorly in this battle, I will never spare him.”

Wufa said viciously.

“Please rest assured, your Majesty, we will definitely kill Li Wei and send his head in front of you.”

“I want to capture Li Wei alive and make him your slave.”


The German generals said one after another, Wu Fa’s face twitched, and he glanced at the general who had talked about slaves.



Outside the Hostilla Hall, after the dissolution of the Senate Council, Caesar and Aetius walked out of the hall side by side.

“Caesar, can I have a few words with you alone?”

At this time, a voice came from behind.

Caesar looked back and found that it was the new consul Crassou.

“Is there anything the consul can’t say in the public?”

Caesar said.

“What’s wrong, are you afraid of other people’s rumors? Or that Cicero and Getta don’t trust you at all.”

Krasu smiled.

Caesar’s face went dark, Krasu’s mouth was too poisonous.

He glanced around and found that Getta and the others were looking at him with weird eyes.

In fact, Li Wei’s subordinates have always had a tendency to become hilltops, the core of which is his retainers, who are extremely clingy and repel all outsiders.

Cicero barely suppressed the elders because Li Wei planned to marry him.

As an outsider, Caesar is a marginal figure like Aetius, and has not been accepted by the core.

“Well then, let’s move aside and say.”

Caesar said.

Accused a crime with Aetius, and then walked to the uninhabited corner to one side with Krasu.

“It’s really regrettable. I didn’t expect Cicero to become the chief priest in the end, instead of you. I don’t think Li Wei offered any help to you.”

Krasu said sarcastically.

“If that’s what you want to say, then I’m leaving.”

Caesar said with a sneer.

“Of course not, Caesar, I remember you said at your aunt’s funeral that your family is a descendant of Venus, I’m not wrong.”

Krasu said.

“Yes, what’s wrong with this.”

“I think you are very clear about the doctrine of the holy religion. The core of the holy religion is monotheism. It denies all gods except the true god, including Venus. I want to ask, if this continues, 10 years later. , How many people continue to believe in Venus? What about 20 years later? People will probably treat Venus as a joke by then.”

“Aren’t you betraying Venus by following Li Wei? Are you betraying the glory of the Caesar family? And you are also the priest of Apollo, and your behavior is also betraying Apollo.”

Krasu said sharply.

Caesar’s face immediately darkened, “Then what do you want me to do?”

“Of course it is to join hands with us to defeat Li Wei. We have many like-minded people, and we all desire you and your uncle to join us.”

Krasu said.

“It’s impossible, Li Wei promised me the position of justice, what can you give me.”

Caesar said.

“What he can give you, we can give you. Even if we can help you reduce or forgive debts, I know you have a lot of debts. This year the inspector will be changed. I think you don’t want to be driven out of the Senate by the inspector. ”

Kethura’s tone was faintly threatening.

“You mean you can definitely win the position of inspector?”

“Of course The Ombudsman is elected by the Centurion Conference. Although Li Wei has a large number of people, the Centurion Conference is the nobleman and the knight. Among the nobles and knights, those who are dissatisfied with Li Wei. But there are many people, and I am 90% sure that our people will win the position of ombudsman.”

Krasu said.

“Very hug, I refuse.”

Caesar glanced around and said, he found several elders staring at them.

“Don’t you think about it? I am very optimistic about you.”

Krasu smiled.

Kaikai sneered. This kind of low-level divorce scheme was the most disgusting. He had known that he would not come.

He ignored Krasu’s retention and went directly to Aetius.

“What did you just say?”

Aetius said with a smile.

“Nothing, that guy wanted to win me, but I refused.”

Caesar said.

“Klasu is really crazy, drawing you in front of so many people.”

Aetius said.

Caesar didn’t speak with a sullen face, and they walked home together.

But before they went far, they found a carriage stopped in front of them.

A beautiful woman wearing a golden wig showed her head, “Caesar, where are you going.”

The haze on Caesar’s face disappeared immediately after seeing her, “Go home, Sevilla, why are you here.”

This woman is the half-sister of Little Cato, and Sevilia, the mother of Brutus who will assassinate Caesar in the future, is also his most famous lover.

Caesar had just hooked up with her recently, and the two were getting hot.

“I went to Pompeia’s house just now. Can I come and sit in the car for a while? I have something to talk to you.”

Severia said with a smile.


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