Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 367

Chapter 366 Cavalry War

“Luculus told me yesterday that he did not want to compete for the position of Ombudsman.”

Cicero said.

“Well, well, two candidates. One is Dora Bella, and the other is Caesar’s uncle Kota. Which one do you think is better. We have few resources, and at most all resources can be spent on one person. .”

Emilia glanced at Caesar and said.

Caesar had two uncles elected as consul, one of whom died of illness, Caesar was the priest to succeed him.

Caesar smiled and stood up, “I support my uncle Kota. My uncle is very popular among the Romans. They introduced a large number of bills and they are very popular among Roman citizens and knights. As long as my uncle becomes an Ombudsman, I My uncle is willing to serve his wife and Li Wei’s family with all his strength.”

“I support Dolabella. I have fought side by side with Dolabella. I can trust his character.”

An elder stood up and said.

“I also support Dolabella, he has a high reputation.”

“I support Dorabella.”


Seeing one veteran after another came out to support Dorabella, Caesar was embarrassed.

He is very clear about the reasons. Dorabella has fought side by side with them many times. They are very familiar with Dorabella, and of course they are willing to support people who are familiar with them.

On the contrary, Kota is biased towards the civil service system. It is a family of famous scholars in Rome, who is quite alienated from these rough men under Li Wei.

Seeing everyone’s opinions so unanimous, Emilia felt a moment of hesitation.

In fact, she liked Kota, but now she doesn’t know what to do.

“Cicero, what’s your opinion?”

Emilia asked.

“I support…Dora Bella.”

Cicero said with a frown.

He was a little hesitant at first, but so many elders all support Dorabe, what can he do.

His position is not stable, and many veterans are not convinced by him. He doesn’t want to be right with such diverse elders on this matter.

Emilia was silent for a while, and finally said helplessly: “Well then, let Dora Bella be our candidate for the inspector.”

Caesar couldn’t help clenching his fists. How could Dorabella’s old gangster compare with his uncle.

His uncle’s reputation among citizens and knights is excellent, and it is not comparable to Dora Bella.

It is a pity that so many people have come to terrible conclusions, what can we do?

Caesar was silent for a while, and finally said nothing.



The sky in the Alps is as blue as washed, and the mountains in the distance are covered with snow that never melts all year round.

Looking at the surging Danube River not far away, Li Wei said to an Illyrian elder next to him: “Is this terrain all around here? Can the army go north from here to Germany.”

This veteran was a Roman who immigrated here, about forty years old, his figure is not tall, his hair is already pale, and he looks extremely shrewd.

“If you go back to the Governor, it is impossible for the army to go north from here. There are such mountains everywhere, and vehicles can’t pass. The Teutonics and Simbrians went south to the Gaul region first, and then went south. ”

The elder said respectfully.

Levy nodded. It is no wonder that the attacks launched by the Roman Empire against Germany were all launched from Gaul.

The most difficult part of the ancient army expeditions to the Great Foreign is the transportation of materials, not to mention not only having to cross the mountains but also over the Danube, this is simply a nightmare.

This let him rest his mind from the north of the Danube, and it seems that he can only honestly fight from Gaul.

It’s just that the capricious nature of the Gauls makes him a headache, so you don’t have to surrender, and you will rebel after surrendering.

The Westward migration of the Helawesians and Ségwanis seemed to Livi to be a good thing, so that he could easily occupy these areas and then cross the Rhine from these areas.

However, if you want to expedition to Germany, you must have a stable rear. Li Wei felt that he should do everything possible to weaken the strength of the Gauls so as not to make any monsters behind them at a critical juncture.

This war is a good opportunity. He can wipe out the Helvetians and Helvetians in one fell swoop and prepare for the unification of Gaul in the future.

After making the decision to intervene in this war, Li Wei returned to Shannan Gaolu and ordered the army to go to Shanbei Gaolu.

A large number of front-line news kept coming back, and the situation of the Aiduyi people was very bad.

Facing the attack of the two big clans and other small clans, the Aiduyi lost their land and retreated steadily.

Knowing that his opportunity to take action had arrived, Li Wei personally went to the city of Naibo, the capital of Shanbei Gaul.

After learning that Li Wei had come to Nepo City, the Aiduyi people once again sent someone to ask for help, and their messenger was Dunolex, who he hated.

“Dear Governor, on behalf of all the Aiduyi people, I sincerely implore you to send troops to help. We agree to all your conditions, but because our city is surrounded by water, we cannot deliver the materials you need. As long as you As soon as the army arrives, all the supplies will be delivered immediately.”

Dunolex pleaded.

“Really? It’s really hard for me to do.”

Is it true that Li Wei’s deeds?

If it were someone else, he would have agreed happily, but seeing Dunolex always disliked him, so he could only think that the Dui people sent the wrong person.

“We have deposited 2 million dinars in a bank in the city of Naibo. You can send someone to withdraw it anytime, my lord.”

Dunolex felt his heart dripping, and now all kinds of supplies for Ai Duy were lacking to the extreme.

In order to cope with the Helvetians and Helvetians, in some places even spring ploughing was delayed.

Now they had to hand over these life-saving supplies to the Romans, which made him hate Li Wei to the extreme.

“Well then, for your brother’s sake, I will send troops. Where is the food you gave us?”

Li Wei asked.

“Bibrakide City.”

Dunoleks said.

Li Wei couldn’t help but frowned. The city of Biblakde is also the later French Autun. Isn’t this their capital? Aiduyi people are really careful.

“Well, I will send troops now. By the way, the Helvesians and the Ségwanis have left their territory. Don’t you have any opinion on us Romans occupying their territory?”

Li Wei said.

“What are you talking about? Are you going to occupy their territory?”

Dunoleks said angrily.

“What’s wrong, can’t it?”

There was a dangerous light in Li Wei’s eyes.

What a group of greedy Romans! Dunoleks thought.

They have already occupied Shanbei Gaul, are they still not satisfied?

“Wufa is about to cross the Rhine with half a million troops, or you want to deal with the Germanic troops.”

Li Wei said with a sneer.

“We have no objection.”

Dunoleks took a deep breath and said.

“It’s fine if you have no opinion.”

Li Wei said with a smile.

After Dunolex left, Li Wei’s face changed.

Really stupid Gauls, they are about to die, and they are like this to those who send troops to help you.



On the vast plain, an Armenian cavalry of more than 30 men is galloping.

They are the reconnaissance team sent by Li Wei, and Li Wei has sent a large number of cavalry to scout around, and this is one of them.

As their riding captain, Mieus feels a great responsibility.

At a young age, his face is extremely serious, and he observes the surrounding scenes from time to time.

Before long, he suddenly saw a large amount of smoke rising in front of him.

“No, it’s our village, there must be Helvesians attacking it.”

At this time, a Gallic cavalry said anxiously that this Gallic cavalry was a guide sent by the Aiduyi and was very familiar with this place.

“Let’s go and see.”

Little Mieus said, and went over to the village under the leadership of the guide.

When I came to a small soil slope, I could just see the village from a condescending position.

This is a small village of more than two hundred households, and most of the houses have fallen into flames.

At least more than one hundred cavalrymen are in that village. In addition, there are more than one hundred infantrymen. Those infantrymen are driving horse-drawn carriages and carrying all kinds of materials into the carriages.

“It’s a Helawesian.”

The Gallic cavalry said angrily.

They allowed the Herasians to pass through their own territory, but the Heravisians robbed them of a large amount of supplies, which made them hate the Herasians.

“We have to find a way to catch our tongues and extract their intelligence.”

Little Memius said, after he took a look at the Armenian cavalry, he quickly picked out a few cavalry, and then let the Gallic cavalry move with him.

On the vast plains, an army with no end in sight is advancing.

Li Wei’s army finally crossed out of Shanbei Gaul and entered the territory of Aidu State.

After two days of marching, they still did not encounter the enemy, but Li Wei was not in a hurry.

Under the eagle flag, Li Weizheng was talking to several lieutenants.

At this moment, Xiao Meimius ran over on a horse.

“Report to the Governor, we found that enemy troops are attacking a village in front. After our interrogation, there is a tribe of Helavisians nearby. This tribe has more than 1,000 cavalry, more than 8,000 infantry, and more than 40,000 civilians. , It’s 15 miles ahead of our army.”

Mieus said.

“Very good, take out the map.”

Li Wei said.

Soon someone took out the map, and Xiao Mei Mius pointed out the enemy’s location on the map, so that Li Wei had a general understanding of the enemy’s situation.

“Bellieus, Anius, Glius…”

Li Wei called six names, “I order you to lead your troops to encircle and annihilate this enemy. This battle is led by Belieus, and everything must obey his orders.”

“Yes, Lord Governor.”



The generals said, Belieus was even more overjoyed, and he felt that he was more reused.

“By the way, call our Aiduyi friends, they are indispensable for this kind of thing.”

Li Wei seemed to think of something and said.

After entering Aiduyi’s territory, Li Wei also incorporated some Aiduyi armies and let them fight with the army as auxiliary troops.

After receiving this order, Dunoleks was not happy at all.

In fact, he hated the Romans very much. It was the arrival of the Romans that made his brother’s prestige surpass him, making him less likely to become the King of Aiduy.

Moreover, Li Wei’s ambition for the Gaul territory made him extremely vigilant, whether Li Wei would take action against other Gauls after annexing the territories of the Helavisians and the Ségwanis.

Will do! Most definitely! The Romans’ greed for territory is endless!

Thinking of this, he felt restless.

“My lord, all the soldiers are ready.”

At this time, one of his guards came over and said.

An inexplicable light flashed in Dunoleks’ eyes, and then he whispered a few words to him.

The guard’s face changed, “My lord, it’s not a good thing to do.”

“What’s wrong, just do it like this, and I will take care of it if something goes wrong.”

Dunoleks said.

The face of the guard kept changing, and finally agreed, and then quickly left the group, riding a war horse towards the Heravisian.

Dunoleks sneered. It is not good for the Romans to be too strong, and it is better for them to lose a bit more.

The legion that received the task quickly left the army, and then set off quickly.

Belieus was so complacent, he felt that he was about to make a great contribution.

At this moment, he got news that the Heravisians seemed to have spotted them and were retreating.

“How can this work? Anius, you and I led our cavalry to stop them.”

Bellierus said.


Anius said quickly.

So more than 6000 cavalry left here. Among them were Eduy Cavalry, Armenian Cavalry, Galasi Cavalry and a small number of Roman cavalry More cavalry turned into a torrent and quickly moved towards Go chase.

It didn’t take long for them to find thousands of Heravisian cavalry appeared in front of them.

In the face of enemies whose numbers far exceeded them, they still picked up their lances.

Because their relatives are retreating, they cannot let the enemy catch up with them.

Belieus thought for a while, and then whispered to Anius: “You lead 3,000 cavalry around them. Don’t let the enemy’s army run away. Let me deal with it here.”


Anius said.

So he led 3,000 Armenian cavalry to leave here. Seeing that there was a commotion in the Heravisian cavalry, some of the Heravisian cavalry planned to leave here.

At this moment, a violent horn and horn sounded.

The remaining Roman cavalry raised their weapons, and then began to charge.

This forced the Heravisian cavalry to stop, and under the order of their leader, they also began to charge.

The earth began to shake, the dust was flying, and there were sharp gun points everywhere, and more than four thousand cavalry began to fight on this vast land.

One after another cavalry was killed off their horses, and then they were trampled to death by horses charging back and forth.

After two rounds of charge, what made Belieus look ugly is that he found that the losses of the Heravisia cavalry were only a little more than them.

You must know that they are facing three times as many enemies as their own. Could it be that their own Galician and Roman cavalry are so useless?

At this moment, he heard a shout from behind.

He looked back and found that hundreds of cavalry had fled here.


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