Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 383

Chapter 382 conquer

In the hot summer, there is a small path in the middle of the endless forest.

Roman legions were winding along this intestinal path.

After being crowned, Li Wei personally rushed to Bill and the region to deal with the most powerful enemy of the Gauls.

After cruel battles, Levy defeated the most powerful Balovacs and Suoncines in Bill and the others.

However, the other tribes still did not intend to surrender, but decided to resist stubbornly.

At this moment, there was a screaming noise in the forest on the left, and Li Wei’s eyes condensed.

“Blow the bugle to inform all the troops to prepare for battle.”

Li Wei said.

The melodious bugle sounded one after another, and the Roman legions immediately began to form a team and entered a fighting form.

Before long, a scream came from the forest on the right, and soon a large number of scouts came to report the news of the enemy’s attack.

Only after a while, a large number of Narvi and some small tribe coalition forces rushed out of the forest.

The Narvi were called by Caesar the most savage and remote people among Bill and the people. They rushed over wearing animal skins, holding large shields, and holding light spears.

“Let’s release the arrow!”

A famous centurion said loudly.

A large number of crossbow arrows shot at the enemy like migratory locusts, but because of the double-sided attack, the six-shot burst became a three-shot burst.

There are also fewer archers and slingers, but grenadiers have been added.

A large number of grenades exploded in the forest, and fragments shot in all directions, killing one enemy after another.

For the grenade, these Narwis were obviously still not used to it. Their already brave momentum was stagnant, and then they retreated.

But soon rushed over at the urging of people behind, which made Li Wei’s brow furrow straight.

Human adaptability is indeed strong, adapting to the existence of gunpowder so quickly.

One Narvi after another was blown up alive, but the people behind still followed suit.

Before long, Li Wei had to let the crossbowmen and guards retreat, and the two sides formally engaged in a full-scale battle.

There are many enemies, estimated to be more than 60,000, almost twice that of the Roman Legion.

However, this is still useless. In the face of these enemies wearing animal skins and holding light spears, the Roman Legion reaped the enemy’s lives with sophisticated equipment and skilled technology.

A large number of enemies gathered in the logistic carriages, and some Narvi and Germanic people had gone crazy.

They furiously attacked the Roman soldiers guarding these carriages. They knew what was in these carriages, and their purpose was to seize these things.

Although the bodies were piled up, they still rushed up desperately.

In despair, some Guards soldiers directly lit the gunpowder in the carriage.




The artillery shells in these carriages exploded terribly, and huge black smoke clouds rushed into the sky, and the nearby Roman soldiers and enemies were all killed.

The explosion here caught everyone’s attention, and some Narvi had a look of fear in their eyes. They thought that the Romans had used that terrible shell again.

The Roman soldiers decisively killed them, and it didn’t take long for the Narvi to be slain in defeat, and then fled into the woods.

“Kill! Kill me fiercely!”

A sharp look appeared in Li Wei’s eyes.

The Romans chased the enemy and rushed into the woods, while Li Wei led them to the logistic carriage.

A hellish scene appeared in front of him, with fragments and arms everywhere, and some people had incomplete corpses.

“Dear respect, some of the god-given weapons were snatched away by them.”

A military guarantor said with shame.

After the Battle of Nepo, almost all the Roman soldiers had converted to the holy religion, and he felt very guilty for losing the god-given weapons.

“It doesn’t matter, we will build more and better God-given weapons.”

Li Wei said with a smile, “Let’s let someone count the losses.”


In the end, Li Wei still didn’t let anyone pursue him deeply, and he still understood the truth about Lin Mo.

According to statistics, there were more than 2,400 casualties in Rome during this battle. Narvi only killed more than 10,000 people, and at least 20,000 people were injured.

In the backward Narvi tribe, injury almost meant death.

Levy knew that Bill and the last powerful tribe were almost maimed by him.

However, they lost a grenade and shells, but these losses are acceptable.

Passing through this forest is the territory of the Narvi, and then they will face the terrible revenge of the Romans.

After a month of fighting, a representative of the Narvi came to the Roman barracks.

This is a hunched white-haired old man with endless sadness in his eyes.

“Under the crown of the great Pope, I am the patriarch of Narvi, and I surrender to you on behalf of all the Narvi.”

The old man said.

“Aren’t you Narvi very tenacious? How come you know to surrender now.”

Li Wei said with a sneer.

This war for more than a month was the cruelest war Li Wei has experienced. Both sides have already fought real fire, and they have done everything they can to face the enemy.

“We Narvi have 600 veterans, but only two are alive now. We used to have 60,000 fighters, but now there are only 500 fighters alive, and all the rest are old, weak, women and children. We are no longer able to do so. war!”

The old man said.

Hearing this, not only Li Wei, but other lieutenants were also shocked.

They did not expect the Narvi to have reached such a miserable situation, which made them full of respect for the Narvi.

But respect to respect, Li Wei knew that the kindness to the enemy was his own cruelty, and he would be stupid if he let the enemy go at this time.

“I still have that request. All unbelievers and druid priests will be sold as slaves. Only converts can survive. I will conquer your 500 warriors.”

Li Wei said.

The old man looked sad, “With respect, can’t you let go of the 500 soldiers?”

“They need to atone for their actions, and my conditions can’t be changed.”

Li Wei said.

“Well then.”

The old man said.

In the end, the old man took the Roman army to receive the prisoners. They were hiding in the swamp. Many people had become yellowish and thin due to lack of food. This winter must be an extremely difficult winter.

But Li Wei guessed that he probably lied. He didn’t believe that the Narvi really had only 500 fighters left.

There are probably some soldiers hiding in unknown places, but as long as they don’t resist, Li Wei doesn’t have the energy to search for them. He still has one last enemy-the Aduyaduch people to deal with.

The Aduyaduch people are said to be descendants of the Teutonic and Chimburi who went south, and even now they often fight with their neighbors. The relationship with their neighbors is extremely bad, but the fighting power cannot be underestimated.

Some soldiers and priests were left behind, and Li Wei set out again with the army.

Looking at a stone castle on the mountain in front of him, Li Wei was wearing a crown and holding a scepter in hand, his brows wrinkled.

After learning that Li Wei led an army to attack, the main force of the Aduyaduch people retreated into this stone fort.

This stone fort is located on a hill with cliffs on three sides, and only one side has a gentle 200-foot-wide road leading to the mountain.

The walls of the stone fort were piled up with stones, and the enemy was obviously planning to resist.

“How many people are there in this castle?”

Li Wei asked an Aduyaduqi humane next to him.

This Aduyaduch is about sixty years old, with white hair.

Although his eyes are quite cloudy, there is always a hint of cunning inadvertently.

Although all the men of the Aduyaduch were evacuated to the stone fort, they left the old and the weak, women and children in the towns outside, which is probably because they were certain that the Romans would not do anything to them.

“I’m not sure about this. There are probably more than 10,000 people.”

The Aduyaduchi said with his old dim eyes open.

Li Wei glanced at him lightly, “Are you willing to believe in the true god?”

“Of course I do. We are all willing to believe in the true god. With respect!”

The old man Aduyaduch said flatly.

“Except for the people in the stone castle?”

Li Wei said with a smile.


The old man Aduyaduch didn’t feel embarrassed at all.

“If I’m right, your priest is also in the stone fort.”

Li Wei said.

“This… you are really looking like a torch.”

The old man Aduyaduch said with a smile.

Li Wei cursed secretly, if someone treats these barbarians as outspoken people, that’s an idiot.

For the Gauls and Germans, swindling and lying are only basic operations, and they must be vigilant and vigilant.

“This is really great. The true God will reward those who are pious to him and punish those who lie to him.”

Li Wei said.

The face of the old man Aduyaduch became unnatural, and he understood what Li Wei meant.

“The true **** has given a god-given weapon. If you use a god-given weapon to attack the city, then it will definitely be easy to take down that stone fort.”

Having said that, Li Wei glanced at him lightly.

The face of this old man Aduyaduch changed. Now the reputation of the god-given weapon has spread throughout Gaul, and everyone knows that it has a terrifying power.

“But I don’t plan to do this. Since you are believers of the true god, I plan to move you to Rome. The land there is fertile, and it is many times stronger than here.”

Li Wei said.

“Mian, don’t do this. We have lived here for many years, don’t move us away.”

The old man Aduyaduch was terrified. He didn’t expect Li Wei to do this.

“This is my order. Are you going to disobey my order?”

Li Wei said coldly.

“I…I, on behalf of more than 60,000 Aduyaduch people, beg to let us go. Don’t do this. We can only hunt but not farm. When we arrive in Rome, we can’t adapt to it.

The old man Aduyaduch cried.

“Take him down and give my order to bring all the Aduyaduchi people to Rome. If they disobey, they will be demoted to slaves. Burning down their houses, we must let those in the stone fort see what happened below. ”

Li Wei said lightly.

“Yes, submissive.”

A guard said with a look of admiration.

“No! Don’t…”

The old man Aduyaduch wailed.

“Start with him as a slave, a bunch of fools who think they are smart.”

Li Wei said lightly.

The old man Aduyaduch was shocked, which was different from what they predicted.

Soon he was brought down, and then the town gradually ignited into the sky.

At the order of some attached Celtics, they had to leave the town.

Seeing the fire in the town below the mountain, the Aduyaduqi people on the mountain were stunned.

What’s going on here?

Isn’t it that as long as you convert to the Romans, you will treat them kindly? No matter how the house was burned.

Even the houses were burned, not to mention the townspeople.

Thinking of this, they sent some people to question the Romans under the banner of messengers.

Li Wei did not intend to meet these shameless people, but arranged for Lucias to receive them.

“They all converted to the true god, so the Pope decided to give them the best land and move them to Rome. They burned their house happily and decided to live a happy life in Rome.”

Lycias said blankly.

“It’s impossible! You are lying! They will never burn their houses!”

The messenger said angrily.

“Do you have anything else? You can leave if there is nothing to do.”

Lycias said.

“I want to see them! I want to talk to our elders.”

The messenger said.

Lucias almost laughed, who he thought he was.

“I refuse! Now you have two choices! Either all come out and surrender unconditionally, or go to war with us.”

Lycias said firmly.

“You are too much.”

The messenger said angrily.

Lysias glanced at him contemptuously. This barbarian regarded him as an idiot.

The messenger requested many times, but Lycias always refused.

Finally he had to say: “Can I go back and discuss with the leader? I can’t do this.”

“No problem, it’s just that their itinerary for moving to Rome will not be personally changed. At most, the day after tomorrow, all the houses of the Aduyadic people will be burned out.”

Lycias said.

you are vicious!

The messenger gave him a fierce look, and then returned to the stone fort eagerly.

Here is close to the later western part of Germany, so winter is extremely difficult.

Without a house, the Aduyaduch people don’t know how many people are going to freeze to death After a brief discussion, they decided to surrender.

After learning the news, Lucias was overjoyed and immediately told Li Wei about it.

“How are they going to surrender?”

Li Wei asked.

“They are willing to throw their weapons out of the city walls and convert to the holy religion from then on.”

Lycias said.

Li Wei didn’t have the slightest joy, he was even more sure of his own thoughts.

“Do you really think they will surrender?”

Li Wei smiled.

“Isn’t it?”

Lucias asked.

In his opinion, the probability of the Aduyaduqi winning is almost zero, and they have no reason not to surrender.

“They may be surrendering.”

Li Wei said.

In history, these people had committed surrenders in this way. They hid a large number of weapons and took the opportunity to attack the Roman army at night, so Li Wei simply couldn’t believe them.

In the East, there are always people who say that the Han people are cunning, and here it is the cunning of the barbarians. Thinking about Li Wei, I feel a headache. What can you do when facing someone who is overwhelming and crazy?

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