Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 385

Chapter 384 Cross the river

Muse’s words made Katilin burst into blood, but he soon calmed down.

“It’s impossible! How can I deal with the god-given weapons of the holy religion? The god-given weapons of the holy religion are too powerful.”

Katilin asked.

“You don’t need to worry about this, the god-given weapon is definitely not as powerful as they boasted, it is just an ordinary weapon. In fact, we have also mastered the manufacturing method of this weapon.”

Door Muse said.

“You will also make god-given weapons?”

Katilin said with a shocked look, how is this possible?

This is the weapon that the true **** bestows on the holy religion.

“Yes, if you want to see it, I can show you its manufacturing process at the right opportunity.”

Men Muse said with a smile.

The fact is that they just stole the saltpetre that Li Wei transported to the front line. Although they don’t understand the production method of saltpetre, it is definitely enough to fool Katilin with these.

“This is simply… incredible.”

Katilin said, “What about their army? Now they have at least 6 legions in Rome.”

“Because the Roman army suffered a great loss in the process of fighting Gaul, Li Wei has decided to call up a crusade of a legion to go to Gaul, so you only need to face 5 legions. And we will help you to form far more than them. The number of Roman legions.”

Door Muse said.

Hearing this, Katilin was really tempted.

Unexpectedly, Menmuse helped him solve all the things he was worried about.

“Of course, you can refuse and be killed by someone sent by Li Wei.”

Door Muse said with a grim look.

“Well then, I did it.”

Katilin thought for a while and said.

“This is really great. We will do our best to help you get elected next year. Then you can just wait to become a consul.”

Door Muse laughed.

What Katilin didn’t notice was that there was a trace of contempt in his eyes.

is really a fool. It’s good to touch Li Wei’s bottom for them.



The cold wind screamed, and Li Wei riding a war horse and a group of soldiers was observing the terrain by the Rhine River.

The Rhine is the largest river in Western Europe. It originated from the northern foothills of the Alps in Switzerland. It has a total length of 1232 kilometers. It flows northwest through Liechtenstein, Austria, France, Germany and the Netherlands, and finally flows into the North Sea near Rotterdam. It is a world-famous one. river.

Now it is also a very famous river, separated by the Gauls and Germans.

It is precisely because of its existence that no full-scale war broke out between the two sides of the strait.

“The speed of this river of the Speybe tribe is quite anxious, and it is quite difficult to build a bridge on this river.”

said a craftsman centurion.

“Can it be built then?”

Li Wei asked.


The craftsman centurion gritted his teeth and said.

“how much time is required?”

“If there is no enemy interference, up to 15 days will be fine.”

Li Wei thought about it. It took about 10 days for Caesar to build this bridge in history, but the place he built was not in this area close to the Speby people, but in a place close to the Ubi people.

The flow of the river is gentle, making it easier to build a bridge.

“Well, you guys should make preparations first. As for where to build the bridge, listen to my instructions. Take advantage of this time to build some small boats and rafts. In addition, we have built some big boats on the IJsselmeer, which will enter the North Sea first. Then enter the Rhine from the North Sea, and then you can come here as long as you go upstream.”

Li Wei said.

He hasn’t figured out where to cross the river yet, so he decided to check it out again.

“Under the crown, what do we build so many big boats for? We only need boats and rafts to cross the Rhine. Building big boats is too time-consuming and laborious.”

At this time, Lycias said.

Li Wei muttered for a while and said: “A large ship is still needed to quickly project troops, and there are other reasons. What I say next is confidential, and you must keep it confidential.”


The generals said quickly.

“The true **** told me that there is a large island not far from the northwest of Gaul, where millions of barbarians live. The true **** hopes that I can lead my troops to conquer them and spread the glory of the true **** to them.”

Li Wei said.

Everyone couldn’t help being surprised, and Lucias said with a shocked look: “There are still islands in the northwest of Gaul.”

The Romans at this time are full of confusion about the world, they don’t understand what the end of the sea is.

After Caesar discovered Britain, Rome even held a grand ceremony of thanksgiving for it, and Caesar was no longer held accountable for sending troops without authorization.

“Yes, this world is huge. The true **** told me that in our very far west, there are two huge lands, each of which is more than 20 times larger than Gaul. There are some ignorant people living there, the true gods. I hope that the glory of the holy religion can spread there.”

Li Wei said.

Everyone couldn’t help but took a breath, there was such a vast continent.

“How far is it very far?”

someone asked.

“Probably more than 4,000 Roman miles.”

Li Wei thought for a while and said.

Everyone was shocked. In 4000 Rome, this is a terrible distance. Can anyone take a boat to this far place?

“When can we complete this task?”

someone asked.

“About a hundred years from now.”

Li Wei said with some uncertainty that if technology develops, it will not even take a hundred years to discover the new continent of America.

Everyone can’t believe it. Will anyone be able to sail more than 4,000 Roman miles in a hundred years?

“The true gods have told me many things, but some of them don’t even understand me very well. This includes a lot of very advanced sailing knowledge. I will record some of them and pass them on to you as a supplement to the “Scripture”. Right.”

Li Wei said.

He has already figured out a name, and that is the Hadith.

He intends to pack the knowledge of physics, chemistry and mathematics into it, so that the holy religion will become a different holy religion.

It’s just that, no one knows what the holy church will look like.

Everyone was talking excitedly, what is the knowledge taught by the true god?

“Can I study?”

Lucias said.

“Of course you can, but if you are taught, you must shed the responsibilities of the veteran. You can’t lead soldiers to fight, and you can’t enjoy the glory and prosperity. You can only be an ascetic monk and learn the knowledge taught by the true god.

Li Wei said.

Hearing this, everyone’s excitement immediately cooled down.

Do I need to become an ascetic monk if I gain knowledge of the true god? This is really…somewhat difficult to choose.

Looking at Lucias who hesitated, Li Wei said with a smile: “You don’t have to make choices so quickly. It will take me a few years to sort out the knowledge and talk about it then.”

Lucias nodded, and then stopped talking.



Winter goes to spring, the weather is getting warmer day by day, and all kinds of weeds are growing again.

There are many wooden houses in a small stone fort. This is the seat of the Speybe’s royal city.

A large number of Speybes dressed in animal skins are preparing to leave here. Some of them are going out hunting and grazing, and some are going out to gather fruits. The entire stone fort is full of primitive society.

Wufa has a serious face, although he has conquered many tribes, from the Baltic Sea to the Danube, from the Thracian territory to the Rhine, all the Germanic tribes have surrendered to him.

But he didn’t feel much happy. Levy in the west was sharpening his knife, and he was actively preparing for the invasion of the Germanic region.

Due to the defeat of Nebo City, the Germans were not so peaceful inside. This defeat dealt a huge blow to his prestige.

Moreover, God-given weapons are so famous that many people are full of fear of God-given weapons.

Although he did a lot of remedies, he tried every means to obtain some god-given weapons, so that the German leaders realized the inadequacy of the god-given weapons, but how useful this is still remains to be discussed.

At this moment, Chinbrius rushed in.

“Big brother, something is wrong. The Romans across the river are building a bridge, and they may attack at any time.”

Chin Bailius said.

“Really, are they finally about to launch an attack? Send a message to those tribes, and let their elite set off immediately.”

Wufa said.

Now the Germanic territory is too wide. For example, the Black Forest covers a large area. It takes about 60 days to walk from the east to the west of the Black Forest. A large number of Germans are distributed in the Black Forest.

According to the research of later generations of scientists, it is precisely because of the vast black forest that sunlight cannot directly reach the ground, so the Germanic region at this time is much colder than later generations.

Because the Germans are in a primitive society and their productivity is low, they need a very large hunting area to survive. It is very difficult to gather them in a short time.

“I see, brother.”

Chin Bailius said.

After Chinbrius left here, Wufa left here.

He brought some guards to the Rhine River. In order to prevent the Romans from attacking, he deployed some patrols along the Rhine River.

These patrols saw him coming over quickly and saluted him.

“How is the situation now?”

Wufa asked.

“The Romans pushed a large number of small boats into the river, they organized cruises on the river, and they might launch raids at any time.”

said a centurion.

Fufa vigorously promoted reforms, imitating Rome in many aspects, including the title of military officer.

“Where is that bridge?”

“It’s over there.”

Wu Fa smoothly pointed in the direction, and found that a large number of craftsmen had been in the water, and they had piled up wooden stakes in the water.

There were also densely packed cavalry and a large number of infantry on the shore, and that number was enough to make anyone daunting.

“Should we attack those Roman boats?”

asked the Centurion.

They also built a large number of boats and rafts, ready to go into the water to fight.

Wufa thought for a while, and finally shook his head: “No, let them cross the river. We can hit them while they are halfway, so that we can kill the enemy as much as possible.”

The centurion looked at Wufa with admiration, which sounded like a good idea.

“However, we cannot relax our vigilance. We must strengthen surveillance in other places. They may not cross the river here.”

Wufa said.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

With all kinds of doubts, Wu Fa returned to his royal city.

Wufa is not particularly sure where Li Wei will cross the river, but there are so many troops on the opposite side, and the possibility of crossing the river here is very high.

So he assembled some troops on the shore to prevent Roman raids.



The lower Rhine, Utrecht, Holland, was once known as the Rhine ferry.

There was a faint mist floating on the Rhine this morning. It was the good weather for the sneak attack. Li Wei very decisively ordered the army to go out today.

After all, he did not choose to cross the river in the Speybe territory, but chose to go downstream.

One after another Roman army has boarded the big ship that has been built, and Li Wei has also boarded one of the ships.

On the banks of the Rhine, one after another boats and rafts were pushed into the Rhine, and one after another Roman soldiers sat on it.

Some soldiers rowed these small boats quickly across the river. The Rhine River is like the Yangtze River and Yellow River in China. Crossing the river is actually not difficult.

They quickly came to the opposite side, and the Roman soldiers quickly disembarked and formed a group, and then lined up in a neat line.

The sealed ammunition boxes were opened by them, revealing the grenades inside.

In addition, there are some tiger squatting guns.

The artillery quickly dug small pits, squatted the tiger against it, and filled them with six or seven taels of gunpowder and five-dollar lead.

Some carpenters jumped down the river to build a simple wharf, so that the big ships could unload the horses and various supplies on them.

After unloading the owner and the cargo, the ships turned around and continued to carry other soldiers.

Soon a Batavian patrol spotted these Roman soldiers, and they screamed and swiftly returned to report.

The Badawis are a group of the Cadis among the Germans. They are a very brave tribe among the Germans. In history, they were the guards of the Roman emperor.

came to the Rhine because of the war, and occupied a very narrow area of ​​the Rhine.

They have a very unique custom, which is to store up their hair and beard when they are adults. Only after killing an enemy, they will shave their face before the enemy’s **** corpse Only then can they show it off. Your own bravery.

At the same time, they will wear an iron ring, which is a sign of their shame. Only by killing an enemy can the ring be taken off.

Some Batavians and Khadi people wear iron rings and beards even though their hair is gray. In wars, those who wear iron rings are often pushed to the forefront, hoping to wash them away through the war. Shame.

After the boat reached the opposite bank, they again loaded the Roman soldiers on the boat, and then carried them to the opposite bank and unloaded them.

There were more and more Roman soldiers on the other side, and soon their number reached half a legion.

At this time, some Badawi people also came here.

Because they need to hunt and graze for food, it is impossible to gather all the people in a short time, so there are only about two thousand Badawi people who came here.

Seeing that there were more and more Romans, the leader of the Badawi did not dare to neglect, and directly launched an attack.

The Badawi have no cavalry, only infantry. They let out a weird roar and rushed directly.

Those who rushed to the front were all people with beards on their faces. They wore iron rings on their hands. Since they had never killed anyone, they were arranged to the front.


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