Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 396

Chapter 395 Death of Wufa

Because of the long-distance running, his horsepower has begun to decline, while the opponent’s horsepower is still extremely abundant. Mobile https://

They quickly caught up with the Speyby cavalry, killing one after another Speyby cavalry behind, which made Wufa’s heart extremely painful.

At this moment, more than 7,000 Armenian cavalry appeared on the banks of the Rhine.

The passionate horn sounded, and the cavalry slowly launched a charge.

They are getting faster and faster and gradually catching up with them.

There was a trace of despair in Wu Fa’s eyes, how could there be so many enemies.

The Armenian cavalry rushed to them and kept throwing arrows. Arrows shot at them and the horse. One after another, the Speyby cavalry was shot off the horse.

There are fewer and fewer people around Wufa, and their horses are slower and slower because they have been running with all their strength. They can’t compare with those of the Armenian cavalry.

There are fewer and fewer horse guards around Wu Fa, and it seems that it is already less than a hundred horses.

Wu Fa knew that he couldn’t escape, his horsepower was not as good as people, and the number was not as good as people, how would he fight.

He controlled the horse and slashed across a semicircle to face the rushing enemy.

“His Majesty!”

“What are you doing?”


The guards exclaimed one after another, but they still followed him closely.

“It looks like we can’t rush out. There is only Wufa, the German king who died in battle, and Wufa, the German king who did not surrender. Are you willing to live and die with me?”

Wufa asked.

The guards looked at him with complicated expressions, and then said excitedly: “Of course we do!”

“Kill all those Romans.”


“Hahaha! I have no regrets in my life if you can live and die together.”

Wu Fa laughed and said, even tears fell.

“Go, let’s kill all these Roman dogs!”

After speaking, he took the lead and rushed towards the enemy, and the guards behind him also followed.

Less than a hundred cavalry launched a desperate charge on more than 30,000 enemy horses!

The Armenian cavalry couldn’t help but be overjoyed and killed them one after another.

A lot of arrow rain kept shooting at them, and there were fewer and fewer guards around him.

Wu Fa didn’t know that he had defeated many enemies, and he and the horse under him were also shot by arrows.

With a whine from his horse, he finally fell down with foam at his mouth.

Wufa also turned a few roots uncontrollably, and he was thrown to a point where he couldn’t get up for a long time.

He heard a scream around him, and vaguely saw some guards jumping off their horses and coming to him to protect him from the enemy’s cavalry.

He struggled to stand up, he was so tired, his hands and legs kept trembling after a long time of fighting.

At this time, he found that he was surrounded by enemy cavalry, they circled around him, their eyes were full of greed, and it was obvious that they had recognized their identity.

“Your Majesty, take care.”

The last one of his guards fell to the ground and said with blood covered in blood, and then struggled to hand the blood-stained short spear into his hand. His short sword has long since fallen.

Wufa tremblingly took the short spear, knowing that he would never be captured, otherwise his fate would be extremely humiliating.

He pointed the short spear at his throat, preparing to end his life.

“Please wait a minute.”

Seeing this, a Roman horse captain said quickly.

After speaking, he got off the horse and walked to him.

Wufa looked at the young man silently. He was less than 20 years old, he still had fluff on his chin, and he looked quite heroic.

The captain of the cavalry tried to squeeze a smile: “You are Wufa? Do you remember me?”

Wufa’s face was full of hatred, “Who are you?”

“After defeating the Lucanians, I met you. You were the hero of Dragon City, and I was just an ordinary child. My father may not be known to you, but he has no reputation. But my father’s A good friend, I think you know, that is Anius, the senator of the Senate, the lieutenant who followed Mianxia.”

Little Memius said, while diverting Wufa’s attention, he gave the Armenian cavalry behind him a frantic wink, and signaled them to find a way to capture Wufa.

“Hahaha, don’t talk about your father, even the Anius is just an unknown person.”

Wufa laughed and said, through the corner of his eye, he had spotted some Armenian cavalry dismounted and quietly leaning towards this side.

“You must really want to capture me.”

Wu Fa said with a sneer.

“This… My father and I admire you…”

Mieus said nervously.

The two Armenian cavalry behind suddenly rushed towards Wufa. Listening to the wind behind, Wufa gave a mocking smile.


The short spear pierced his throat, and a large amount of blood shot away. Then Wufa fell slowly, and the two Armenian cavalry were dumbfounded.

“Damn it! Damn it!”

Mieus couldn’t help cursing.


Just a little bit!

He will be able to make an inexhaustible feat!

He stepped forward and took a look at Wufa, and found that the short spear had been stuck in half of Wufa’s neck.

He shook his head, no help.

“Clean up his body, then give it to Mianxia.”

Mieus said.

The setting sun was like blood. After a day of fierce fighting, the Roman army finally defeated the Speybes.

They occupied their barracks, and a large number of Speybes began to flee, but they were overtaken and killed by the cavalry.

Seeing Wufa’s body in front of him, the generals cheered.

They killed Wufa, the German king!

Li Wei let out a long sigh of relief. This battle was really not easy.

“Contain his body, and at the same time tell all the Germanic tribes this news, I allow them to surrender to me.”

Li Wei said.

It didn’t take long for Li Wei to defeat Speyby’s army and kill the German king Wufa.

After receiving this news, the Speyby army who came to support immediately retreated, and then led the tribe into the Black Forest.



In the square of the city of Rome, Katilin was giving a passionate speech, which caused people to cheer.

There was jealousy on Aetius’ face.

“This guy is very popular recently. I heard that many nobles and knights support him, and they are the object of their full support.”

“It’s just the cannon fodder they launched. Seeing that he dares to fight against us, he chose to support her.”

Caesar said pretendingly.

“It would be great if I could have so many people’s support, so that I could also become a consul.”

Aetius’ tone was full of sourness.

“He was forced to go to this point. I don’t know who sent someone to assassinate him repeatedly.”

A light flashed in Caesar’s eyes.

“I heard that it was not our people who did it. It seems that other people blamed us.”

“Really? That’s so interesting.”

Caesar said, he also felt that the intelligence team would not be so stupid, and failed several consecutive operations.

“I don’t know what’s going on in Germania. Recently, there have been many bad rumors circulating in Rome.”

Said Aetius.

“It’s not all from the Menmuse and others. I will show them good looks when I come back.”

Caesar said.

Aetius nodded, he also felt that it was true.

With the blessing of the true gods and the powerful weapons bestowed by gods, how could Li Wei be defeated by some barbarians?

At this moment, a Roman shouted in the square: “Germanic victory! Germanic victory! Under the crown, defeated the 400,000 German Allied Forces on the Gerland Peninsula, and then defeated the army of Speyby, the King of German Wufa He died in battle. For details, please pay attention to the “Roma Daily” tomorrow.”

Hearing this, there was an uproar in the square, and many people gathered around to inquire about the situation.

But that person didn’t say anything, just let everyone pay attention to tomorrow’s “Rome”.

Aetius was surprised, and Caesar was shocked, they won again.

“As expected, under the crown of the Pope, the true God’s spokesperson in the world, really defeated the barbarians.”

Aetius said with a look of admiration.

“I think we should go to the Vatican. There must be a lot of things we want to know.”

Caesar suppressed the shock in his heart and said.

“You are right, let’s go now.”

The two came to the Vatican together, and found that some elders did not know the information through which channels, and came here one after another.

Emilia even ordered people to organize a banquet to celebrate this great victory.

Singing and dancing in the castle is like celebrating a festival.

Cicero’s eyes lit up after seeing them, and he walked over and said enthusiastically: “Haha, Caesar, Aetius, you must have heard the news, let us toast to the great victory. ”

The two understood why he was so enthusiastic, because the term of the governor of Serrabio came back.

As the most senior general under Li Wei, many veterans of the Li Wei faction immediately turned to Serabio after his return, which brought great pressure to Cicero.

Therefore, Cicero has been wooing the elders recently, and Caesar and Aetius are not the kind of direct lineages who were born in retainers, and they are even more valued by him.

“Did we really win?”

Aetius said excitedly.

“Yes, we won. The Wufa traitor is dead. The Teutonic tribe and the Badawi have already taken refuge in us, and we are about to launch a full-scale attack on the Germans.”

Cicero said with a laugh.

“This is really great.”

Caesar said.

“Our sacred religion is now in full swing, but there are always some people who cannot see the situation clearly and try to resist us. They are really overwhelmed.”

At this time a voice rang from the side.

Caesar and Aetius looked over and found that it was Serabio.

After five years, Serrabio was getting better, but his face looked very ruddy and he did not look old at all.

“Are you talking about Germanic?”

Caesar asked.

“Not only them, but Pompey and Crassou. We are blessed by the true gods. They will be crushed under the wheel of history.”

Serabio said very confidently.

Caesar’s forehead was sweating slightly, and he regretted his choice again, but what can he do now?

“Cicero, I heard you plan to compete for next year’s consul?”

Serrabio asked.

“Yes, I am old enough, just waiting for the right opportunity.”

Cicero said.

“Why not this year?”

“This year is not very sure.”

“Then good luck, if you need any support, you can come to me.”

“Is that so thankful.”

Cicero said with a weird face, he didn’t expect Cerabio to come to show his favor.

“The Patriarch is not in Rome. We should unite and stabilize the situation here for him. The situation in Rome is very delicate now. We must be careful of the enemy’s evil spirits.”

Serrabio said.

Since returning to Rome, he has discovered the changes in Rome.

Through wave after wave of propaganda about God-given weapons, the Holy Religion harvested a lot of faith in Rome.

More and more people choose to believe in the Holy Religion, and even tend to become fanatical, which makes their conflicts with traditional sects even more acute. They, Li Wei’s direct lineage forces, also tend to replace the traditional Roman dignitaries.

Some traditional forces opted to keep a low profile on the surface, but Serabio discovered their secret actions.

The current Rome is like the meeting point of all contradictions. In the alternation of old and new forces, those traditional forces will never lose their power willingly.

They will definitely make a fierce counterattack. Serrabio feels that maybe in the past two years, there will be great chaos in Rome, and that Cattilin is probably an important flag for them.

“I see, let us unite and stabilize the rear for the Patriarch.”

Serrabio said with some shame.

He felt that there was still a certain gap between himself and Serabio, at least his mind was the same.

Caesar’s brows furrowed deeper as he looked at the two people who had a good conversation.



“Asshole, I didn’t expect him to win again.”

After reading today’s “Rome”, Katilin couldn’t help but said angrily.

Menmuse also looked solemn. Levy not only conquered the entire Gaul, but also victorious in the Germanic region. On the contrary, Pompey and Crassou only won a few games against Parthia. UU Read In a confrontation, the situation is really bad.

“what should we do?”

Katilin said in a panic that it would be impossible for him to reconcile with Li Wei.

Because he criticized Li Wei in public on more than one occasion, and he always believed that he would become the ruler of Rome, he never believed that Li Wei would let him go.

“Do you think this artillery will be the second tactic, and the special ammunition will be the third tactic.”

Menmuse said.

“This is not very clear.”

Katilin said.

He didn’t expect Li Wei to make so many tricks, God-given weapons were blooming everywhere, one after another, which made him even less confident in his plan.

“How do you think we let them hand over the god-given weapons through the Senate?”

Menmuse said.

“This is absolutely impossible! I asked Cicero, he said that this is a weapon bestowed by the true God, and can only be used by the church and the army approved by the church, otherwise it would be blasphemy.”

Katilin said.

Roman slave owner

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