Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Naples

After      understood Li Wei’s thoughts, Yulia sent people around to purchase deaf slaves.

Li Wei also tried every means to transform the production line, how can he increase the output of white sugar more efficiently.

The changes in the Li Wei family did not attract the attention of many people, except for some people who have been keeping an eye on his industry.

A gladiator school actually gave its own gladiators freedom. Is this going to be abandoning yourself?

So they came to offer one after another, hoping to buy Li Wei’s manor, but Li Wei refused.

The Li Wei family added 10 slaves one after another, and the sugar reserve increased to 3 tons.

This is an extremely ridiculous output in later generations, not even as good as a day’s output of a small factory, but it took Li Wei a full month.

Li Wei is very satisfied with this. Sometimes the value of a commodity does not depend on your output, but on how much it can sell.

Li Wei took the brigade of guards and gladiators and set off. His target was Naples.

Li Wei did not intend to sell the first batch of sugar to the nobles of his country, but intends to sell them to foreign merchants.

Out of being cautious about this unfamiliar world, he felt that it was safer to deal with foreign merchants.

Those foreign merchants did not dare to offend Roman citizens at will, let alone a Roman knight.

Naples is a busy port in Rome. Every day, a large amount of food, slaves, ironware, and jewelry come ashore from Egypt, Africa, Gaul, Spain and Sicily to supply Rome’s needs.

Rome exports wine, olive oil and other specialty products, these two are Rome’s largest export commodities.

In order to monopolize the wine market in the Mediterranean, Rome arbitrarily stipulated that the production of wine in areas outside the Alps was prohibited, so as to achieve the purpose of occupying the market.

This is not the first time Li Wei has come to Naples. Li Wei and his father had been here before to select slaves and train them to become gladiators.

There are a large number of slaves from North Africa, Gaul and even Asia. Not only are they in sufficient supply, but also at low prices.

The nobles and knights of Campania are very fond of coming here to pick slaves.

Li Wei first came to the slave market. Although he had been mentally prepared, he still had a nosebleed. It was too spicy for his eyes and caused great harm to Li Wei’s young mind.

Slave market, you know.

“Come and see it, a standard Germanic barbarian. Look at this figure, look at this tooth mouth, buy it back, whether it is farming or being a gladiator is a good hand.”

“Slaves from Carthage, not only literate, but also know how to do business. Don’t miss it when you pass by.”

“Slaves from Syria are cheap, but the quantity is enough.”

“Senior Greek slave, do you want your children to learn Greek? Buy a Greek slave and go home!”


The first goal is a large number of naked people, people are picking those slaves like cattle.

is not only looking at the figure, looking at the wound, but also looking at the mouth.

The price of bad teeth is low, which means that their health is not good, and few people even buy it.

The most expensive are the learned Greek slaves, which can be bought back to teach children to learn Greek.

Greek at this time is like English in later generations, and is the universal language of the Mediterranean.

There is a saying that Rome conquered Greece, but Greek culture conquered Rome.

At this time, Greece has created a splendid civilization and a culture of luxury and licentiousness.

Greek culture has always dominated Roman culture. Roman nobles basically have a Greek slave teacher. It is difficult for the Romans to be regarded as respecting teachers. Those slave teachers can at best pull their ears and dare not punish them too physically.

However, there are also Roman nobles who hate Greek culture deeply. They believe that Greek culture is a symbol of decadence and degeneration, and that Greek culture should be strictly prohibited.

Sometimes the Romans would angrily drive the famous Greek teachers out of Rome, but after a while they had to invite them back. They were so helpless.

Some qualified aristocrats and knights will go to Greece to study abroad, and that is where the real culture flourishes. The best places to study abroad are Athens and Rhode Island, just like later generations going to study at Harvard and MIT in the United States, and the quality of teaching in Rome is far inferior to these places.

Li Wei walked in the crowd unhurriedly. He had sent his subordinates to contact the foreign merchants with samples, so he was not in a hurry.

“Hello, dear Li Wei.”

At this time, a slave owner found Li Wei and asked very enthusiastically.

Li Wei looked at him and found that it was a Gaul slave merchant who had dealt with before. His Roman name was Remus.

He has long hair like braids. There is one in Gaul called Long Hair Gaul, and people there especially like to wear long hair.

The Romans like short hair and think that those who have long hair are barbarians, so they always call Gaul barbarians.

“Hello, Remus.”

Li Wei said with a smile, and both sides gave a big hug.

“Are you here to pick slaves? I just got the best stuff. There are many Germanic barbarians, just from the Speybe.”

Remus rolled his eyes and said.

Hearing this, Li Wei couldn’t help being very interested.

Sbeby people are in the middle reaches of the Rhine. They are not the largest number of Germans, but they are known as the strongest tribe among the Germans.

100,000 people are recruited every year to invade other tribes, and the next year they return to the tribe and rotate with others. UU reading

The entire tribe lives in war all year round. Apart from fighting training, the men in the tribe are hunting. Because they often eat meat and milk, the Speybe people appear tall and strong.

Although it is not as good as the previous Spartans, it is not bad.

“Take me to see.”

Li Wei said.

Remus smiled and led him to the back of the house. This was a big yard, and all kinds of slaves were handcuffed by chains.

Some Gaul guards yelled at these slaves, and even lashed some disobedient slaves with whips.

Remus led them to a shed behind, where the treatment of slaves was obviously much better.

The quality of the slaves was extremely high, and Li Wei found some Celtic beauties and strong men among them.

“What do you think of them?”

Remus pointed to some naked men and said.

They are almost completely naked, wearing only a pair of pants, and their hands are handcuffed to a wooden stake.

Li Wei glanced at Carus, and Carus immediately stepped forward and checked the big guys.

“open mouth.”

Carus said to a big man who was over 1.8 meters tall.

The slave hesitated, then opened his mouth.

Carus looked at his mouth carefully, and then checked his body.

“This is good, it’s a good material.”

Then he checked the next one.

“how much is it?”

Li Wei asked.

“10 dinars, not expensive.”

Remus said with a smile.

Li Wei nodded. This size is indeed high quality and low price. If it is shipped to Capua, it can increase by at least 5 dinars.

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