Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 71

Chapter 70 Good luck

“Honorable Archon, how dare I lie to you! Archon Qinna was indeed killed by riot soldiers! Now the body is being transported to Rome! If I dare to lie to you, let the gods curse me!”

The soldier said in horror.

“How is this possible! How is this possible!”

Capo said angrily, is this the will of the gods?

The Big Three, Mario, who rebelled against Sula, died, and Qin Na died, leaving him alone.

What should he do?

Capo suddenly felt a sense of loneliness.

Thinking of Sura who defeated his enemy in Greece, his pressure is getting greater and greater, and he must unite more people to fight Sura.

At this time, he remembered, this young man with two corps guards.

“You call Li Wei over and say I have something to tell him.”

Capo said.

After a while, Li Wei walked over with a puzzled look.

What’s the matter with Capo looking for him at this time? Is it to persuade him to give up prosecuting Saiyanus, but how is this possible?

Kabo showed a rare smile on his face, and he patted Li Wei affectionately on the shoulder.

“Li Wei, tell me what do you think of Sura?”

What does he mean? Although he didn’t quite understand Capo’s thoughts, Li Wei certainly knew how to answer.

“I don’t like that person very much. I formed two legions of guards, on the one hand to protect my property, on the other hand, when I am an adult, I will follow the consul to fight against Greece and Sura.”

Li Wei said respectfully.

“This is really great.”

Kabo looked relieved, “Then you are willing to form an ally with me? In the future, we will fight Sura together.”

Li Wei looked dumbfounded, what does he mean? How come I suddenly remembered forming an ally with myself.

Didn’t Pulker say that he wanted to prevent the Centurion Conference from convening?

Could it be…

Li Wei suddenly thought of a possibility that Qin Na might be dead.

Calculating the date, it is almost this time.

Only this possibility can prompt Capo to give up support for Saiyanus.

“Of course, it is my honor.”

Li Wei said quickly, “What about Saiyanus?”

“He covets your property. I used to do it to prevent him from exile. I actually did it to help you.”

Capo said with a smile.

Li Wei almost spat out disgustingly, help me? Do you really think of me as a fool?

If it weren’t for Qin Na’s death, it would be strange that you would help me.

“Then can the guards of my two legions keep?”

Li Wei asked.

“No problem, I will support you in the Roman Senate.”

Hearing this, Li Wei further verified his guess that Qin Na must be dead to make Capo’s attitude change drastically.

At this moment, Purker sent someone to call them. The people below could not wait, so the two quickly returned to their positions.

Levy noticed that Kabo and Lupus were whispering for a while, Lupus’s face changed drastically, and after a few words, he fell silent, as if he was reluctant to leave.

Capo walked to the front desk, and then stared at the sky.

“Some people just don’t understand, and they just want to fight against the consul, then I will tell you in advance that today is a bad omen…”

Saiyanus said triumphantly.

But before he finished speaking, Capo said loudly, “I declare that today is a good omen.”

There was a burst of cheers in the square, and some even shouted Long live Capo, which made Capo’s face a smile.

The veterans were shocked. How could it be like this? Didn’t he say that he would prevent the Centurion Conference from convening?

How did    become a good omen?

Saiyanus is like a duck whose throat is pinched, his mouth is big enough to fit a duck egg.

His head turned his head bit by bit hard to look at the podium, “This… how is this possible…”

He clearly remembered that Capo told him that today would be a bad omen.

“Good luck.”

Li Wei smiled and stabbed him with a knife.

“Any other officials found signs of bad luck?”

Capo asked.

Li Wei once again raised his heart to his voice. The Roman system had too much restraint on the convention.

Not only must the presiding official declare the signs of the sky auspicious, but other officials cannot object.

Several senators in the Roman Senate shook their heads, and even Lupus was silent.

At this time Regulus stood up at the right time, “The signs of the sky are good.”

Li Wei finally breathed a sigh of relief, the big deal is set!

“Now I announce that the Senduria Conference will be officially held, and the trial of Levy Knight against Capua Administrator Saiyanus and Campania Admiral Guta.”

Capo said loudly.

Guta’s eyes dimmed, and his last hope was shattered.

“I protest! Today is obviously a bad omen!”

Saiyanus was anxious, and quickly said loudly.

“The protest is invalid, the conference continues!”

Kabo said with a majestic face.

Saiyanus almost fainted. How could things become like this? How could Capo sold him.

The Roman judicial system originated in Greece. It is said that Rome personally sent people to Greece to study law, and it is now quite complete.

not only has the jury system, but also has the plaintiff’s lawyer and the defendant’s lawyer.

Of course, the jury is mainly composed of nobles and knights, and sometimes all of them are composed of nobles. is sometimes composed entirely of knights, and sometimes both sides have half.

For the number of the jury, the nobles and the knights fought fiercely.

But the Senturia Congress is not the same. There is no jury here, or all citizens are members of the jury, and the defendant’s crimes will be determined by all the citizens present.

The square became solemn, and the plaintiff’s lawyer Serabio spoke first.

Serrabio had already prepared the speech. He used an accented tone to accuse the crimes of Saiyanus and others, and called on the citizens on the square to convict them.

After the speech, Capo asked: “The defendants Saiyanus, Guta, and several military guards, do you have anything to say?”

“I plead guilty!”

“I’m not convinced!”

Guta and Saiyanus said separately.

Saiyanus looked at the ancient tower with fire-breathing eyes. It was this **** coward who had betrayed himself, and he was still trying to keep him.

Guta was expressionless, he knew that Li Wei would like to be Oulus or not, it depends on his performance.

“Quiet! Quiet!”

Capo frowned and said, “Sianus, you speak first.”

“Honorable Archon, dear elders, and citizens of Capuja, I absolutely disagree with the charge and demolition of the Levy Knight. The reason why I appeared there was completely bewitched by the ancient pagoda. It was he who told me Li There is collusion between Wei and Sura, and I am completely deceived.”

Saiyanus said.

“I object. Saiyanus took the initiative to contact me about this matter. It was on the 5th two months ago. I remember it clearly. He took the initiative to contact me at my mansion and said that he had important things to do with me. I discuss…”

Guta quickly said.

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