Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 79

Chapter 78 Dragon City

After knowing the news, the Brindisi people cheered.

Standing among the crowd, watching the Sura army happily entering the city, Valence looked incredulous.

How did Li Wei judge that Sura would land from here, and let him wait for Sura here very early.

Does he have the power of an unknown prophet?

It’s just not possible.

He didn’t think about it anymore when he couldn’t figure it out. When he thought of Li Wei’s decision, his brows were frowned into Sichuan.

Is it really okay for the Patriarch to decide to join Sura so soon?

Valence didn’t go to see Sura right away, but quietly waited for Sura sent someone to come.

He always keeps in mind the instructions of the owner of the house, is he a man? Sometimes he has to be reserved.

You take the initiative to ask for refuge, maybe people still suspect that you have any evil intentions.

In the official residence of Brindisi, this has become a temporary residence for Sula.

Sura recruited the noble municipal officials of Brindisi, and Roman municipalities and colonies generally have two municipal officials. Some are even more managed by a three-person committee. One of them is a noble municipal official, who is held by the nobleman. They can sit on ivory-inlaid chairs. Sometimes they are also called ivory municipal officials.

There is also a civilian municipal official, which is mostly held by civilians. The status of such municipal official is often inferior to that of the municipal official of the tooth seat.

After listening to the report of the municipal official, Sura had a preliminary understanding of Brindisi’s situation.

Because Brindisi is a very important port, many knights or nobles have properties here.

At present, he only has 40,000 troops, of which 5,000 are Greek mercenaries. It is impossible to defeat Rome with this strength.

Although Qinna died, the strength of Rome was not damaged.

Coupled with the strong support of new citizens, Samoni and Lucanians, in fact his odds of winning are very low

He must unite all the forces that can be united, and these knights and nobles are the objects that must be wooed. He has always been a firm aristocratic faction, and one of these shops has attracted his attention.

“Li Wei’s sugar shop, that Li Wei from Capua?”

Sura said thoughtfully.

“Yes, I didn’t expect you to have heard of this name.”

said the municipal official.

Sura smiled slightly. Although Li Wei executed the Capua Administrator and the Governor of Campania, it was a local sensation, but it was not worth mentioning in the whole country or even the entire Mediterranean.

Sula can know him, so naturally he has his own channels.

“How could I have never heard of such a good young man.”

Sura said.

The two legions that caught his eye most were Li Wei’s two legions, which belonged to his private legions, and didn’t need to listen to Rome’s command at all.

“Send someone to contact the people in that store and say I want to ask them to talk about something. Remember to be polite.”

Sura said.


a herald next to him said immediately.

It didn’t take long for Valence to follow the herald to this mansion.

“Valence has met General Sura.”

Valence said with a smile.

“Who are you from Li Wei?”

Sura asked happily.

“I am the personal slave of Lucius Boss Levy, the patriarch of the Capua Levy family, and run Brindisi’s business on the orders of my master.”

Valence said.

Personal slave?

Sura’s heart moved, personal slave means absolute cronies.

Why did Li Wei send his personal slave here? This should be just a coincidence.

“Your master is really young and promising. I really admire him for breaking into such a large family business at a young age.”

Sura showed her most kind smile, she couldn’t see the majesty of a consul at all.

“I don’t know what will happen to General Sura calling me here?”

Valence asked.

“I think you understand the current situation. I plan to attack Rome. I hope your master can help me. As long as he is willing to help me, I am willing to give him a lot of things, no matter money or power.”

Sura said straight to the door, the most important thing is that he didn’t think Valence as a slave had any right to make him tactful.

“This one……”

Valence looked hesitant, if Li Wei was here, he would definitely praise the actor’s demeanor.

“Qin Na’s men want to kill him, and Kabo also feels sorry for him. Doesn’t he want revenge.”

Sura said.

“The Capua Administrator and the Admiral of Campania have paid the price for their mistakes, and those things have passed.”

Valence said.


You have a good point, but Sura is by no means a person who just gives up.

“I don’t know what your host likes best?”

Sura asked.

“Money and land, and real estate.”

Valence said with a smile, Sura really got hooked.

Sura showed a smile on his face, as long as he had a preference, he was afraid of a saint who liked everything.

“As long as your host is willing to help me, after it’s done, I can give him 20 million dinars and a lot of land and real estate. I can let him take 10 real estates for those sinners.”

Sura said.

Anyway, it was just empty mouth, Sura made a promise casually. If it is really successful, he can also use the enemy’s property to fulfill these promises, and he will not lose anyway.

Valence took a deep breath, 20 million dinars This is really an amazing number, plus those land and real estate is even more.

“I will tell the master these words.”

Valence said.

“Then please, I am waiting for your good news.”

Sura said, after Valence left, there was a bit of sullenness in his eyes.

Li Wei’s two legions are something he must get. If Li Wei does not agree, then he will find ways to spread rumors that Li Wei is in collusion with him and try to force him to agree.



Half a year has passed, and the biggest change in Kapuya is that a new city appeared outside of Kapuya, which belongs to Levi’s small town.

Li Wei bought 6000 prisoners of war in one fell swoop and became a famous master slave owner in Rome.

Many people strongly opposed Levy’s purchase of so many slaves because they believed that buying so many slaves would have an impact on the population of Capua.

But Li Wei ignored it, because he knew what was going to happen, his time was tight, and he didn’t have time to develop slowly.

He sent most of them to the quarry, let them mine and process the stone, and then transport it back to Capua.

The other part was to build a city in Liwei Manor. Due to the addition of a large number of slaves, Li Wei’s construction speed became very fast.

The original inner city was completely perfected, and the outer city was built at a rapid rate. The two walls and part of the third side have been built.

Inside the city walls, military camps and residential quarters were established. The residents of these residential quarters were all guards’ families or dormitories for slaves.

In addition, there are large vacancies for growing vegetables and other crops.

Looking at the city, Li Wei looked proud.

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