Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 92

Chapter 91 Patrol

Li Wei admitted that he was right. According to conventional operations, Sura should concentrate his troops to defeat Rome all the way, but now splitting his troops into two is the absolute way to kill.

Of course, if you don’t count his super internal response.

Because of his little butterfly, Capuya has three more legions than in history, resulting in a complete imbalance of the strength of both sides.

Without him, Sura could rely on his superb commanding skills to defeat Nobanus in the wild.

“How do you think Nobanus treats us? How does Capo treat us? And Scipio.”

Li Wei asked with a smile.

“That said, they are all bastards. On the surface, Scipio has a good relationship with us, but secretly covets our sugar formula. Cabo is arrogant, and Nobanus not only deprives the Patriarch of your military power, but also treats us at all. Distrust, just let us serve as the reserve team, not even let us go to the city wall, and sometimes do not notify us when we hold combat meetings.”

Getta said viciously.

He knew that Li Wei hated these people, and of course he desperately hacked them to death. Only in this way can Li Wei trust him more.

“Then what do you think of our teaming up with Sura?”

Li Wei said nonchalantly.

Getta froze, then looked at him in shock.

“Patriarch… is what you said true?”

Getta couldn’t help swallowing and said, this is a big deal.

“Actually, I have already been in contact with Sula. As long as I am on his side, we will win the battle against Capua. With the support of Southern Italy, Greece, Macedonia, Silesia and Asia, our winning rate is at least half. the above.”

Li Wei said.

Getta suddenly felt that Li Wei was so unfamiliar. He used to think he knew Li Wei very well, but now he found that he was completely wrong.

Li Wei is really crazy enough that he is so desperate to press his own fortune and life on Sula.

He glanced around and found that Morris didn’t know when he had guarded the door with someone, and smiled at him, a drop of cold sweat streaming down Getta’s forehead.

“Follow the Patriarch to the death.”

Getta no longer hesitated, and said on one knee.

“Very well, I did not misunderstand you.”

Li Wei said with a smile.

After more than half a year of brainwashing, his control of his opponents has been very strong.

If even Getta can’t figure it out, then he has failed too much.

“Once a war breaks out, it is time for us to act.”

Li Wei said.

“Patriarch will win!”

Getta does not forget to flatter.

“Go to the barracks outside the city, help me look at the two legions, and don’t let Nobanus ruin them. In addition, I have some tasks to give you.”

Li Wei said.

“Yes, Patriarch.”

Getta said.



Inside the barracks of the Capuya 2nd Army, Geeta and Judge Leberis followed the new lieutenant General Bruto on a tour, their faces were very ugly.

Yesterday was the day when Brutus had just taken office, but he found that commanding some officers could not command at all.

What he didn’t know was that this was an order from Li Wei secretly, so he lost his temper at Capua’s 2nd Legion Commander Leberis.

How about Leberis? Can only endure it.

Early this morning, Brutus took a few soldiers to patrol the barracks.

visited several tents in a row, and found that the soldiers’ quilts were quite neat, so he said with admiration: “I didn’t expect their tents to be so clean during the war.”

Getta and Leberis looked at each other and smiled, and didn’t intend to explain anything to him.

“I heard that your requirements are usually stricter than this?”

Brutu said, then looked at Getta and Leberis.

Which **** leaked these out, if he finds it and takes his skin off, Getta scolds secretly.

“Yes, the usual requirements are stricter than this.”

Getta said in an almost perfunctory tone.

“How strict are you usually?”

Brutus asked curiously.

“Require the quilt to be folded into a square shape!”

Getta said.

“Block-shaped? Asked to stack the quilt into a block-shaped? How is this possible!”

Brutus said with a shocked look, now this doesn’t seem to be a square shape.

What a **** redneck!

Getta and Leberis thought with contempt.

“Which one of you will fold it for me.”

Brutus said happily.

But none of the soldiers agreed. They have received the order. They must not be too aggressive about Brutus’s life, or they will turn around and be expelled from the guard.

Brutu quickly noticed the strange atmosphere and snorted coldly. It seemed that these people were not convinced by him.

“You do it.”

Brutus pointed to a soldier and said.

The selected soldier folded up helplessly, watching the quilt being folded into a square in front of him, Brutus became more and more interested.

“Why did you do this? Is it Li Wei’s request?”

“Yes it is.”

Getta replied.

Really cherish the words like gold, Brutus’s face became gloomy.

At this moment, more than a dozen cavalry came in from outside on their horses.

“Medical soldier! Medical soldier! Someone here is injured!”

a cavalry shouted loudly.

Soon several soldiers with white red cross armbands on their sleeves rushed over, helped the injured cavalrymen off their horses, and then carried them to the field hospital on a stretcher.

“What is that? Li Wei also invented it?”

Brutus pointed to the stretcher and asked Yes, it is called a stretcher, which is the most convenient way to carry wounded soldiers. ”

Getta said proudly.

“Also, what are medical soldiers? I remember that there were doctors in the Roman army, but there were no medical soldiers.”

Brutu said.

“They are army doctors. They not only receive army training, but also learn medical skills, but they don’t need to participate in battle. The main task is to provide battlefield rescue, emergency treatment of injured soldiers, and then carry them back to the rear for treatment.

Getta said.

is really strange, what good is this? Temporary recruitment of doctors is not enough.

Brutus thought for a while, he decided to follow along and see how they dealt with it.

Actually, Li Wei originally wanted to establish a medical service system for later generations, but he discovered that a cold weapon war was completely different from a hot weapon war.

Cold weapon warfare is very particular about the formation. Once medical soldiers come in and out during the war, the damage to the formation will be too great.

So he gave up this idea and only trained them as doctors.

Getta gave Leberis a look, why the cavalry casualties are so high, you must know that the opposite is the friendly army.

Leberis spread his hands, I told them they were going to paddle, don’t work hard, who knows what’s going on with them.

Soon Brutus came to the medical camp. Since the war had not started, there were not many people here.

Just entered a tent and found that the tent was extremely tidy. Several medical soldiers were dealing with a cavalry wound.

But soon Brutus’s face changed slightly because he smelled the strong aroma of wine.

“Who is drinking here?”

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