Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 97

Chapter 96 Into the city

Nobanus sent an army to try to retake Capua, but they came too late.

Li Wei has firmly controlled Capua, and Capua’s defense measures are really perfect, not only has a lot of trenches and spikes, but the city walls are tall and strong.

These were originally used to deal with Sura, but I didn’t expect it to be used on them.

Seeing that he couldn’t break through the city wall, and the news of defeat had come from the front line, the lieutenant also had no intention of fighting, and started to flee with the soldiers.

“Are you all gone?”

Li Wei said.

“Yes, it seems that we have held Capua.”

Dora Bella had a smile on her face.

“There are still some enemies in the city, it’s time to eliminate the remaining enemies.”

Li Wei said.

“That’s right.”

So Li Wei and Dora Bella joined forces to carry out the final killing of the enemies in the city.

Although there were some twists and turns, they managed to capture Capua in the end.

Not long after, news from the front line came.

Due to Li Wei’s defection, Nobanus was defeated.

The enemy killed more than 7,000 people and was captured more than 10,000.

Nobanus fled to the barracks, but found that there was a big fire in the barracks, causing him to yell at Li Wei, and finally escaped on horseback.

Outside the city of Capua, a large number of Roman soldiers lined up in a neat line to welcome Sura’s arrival.

Li Wei and Dorabella stood in front, and many officers were in a good mood.

But there are some people who are uneasy. The administrator Grieus has a grievance on his face. He is clearly Li Wei’s person. How did he know this when the war broke out.

But fortunately, Li Wei did not abandon him, and pulled him here afterwards.

Those veterans were even more upset. You must know that many people were still offering advice and suggestions for Nobanus a few days ago. In a blink of an eye, Capua was sold to Sura by Levy. This is simply for their elders. Fate.

didn’t know if those things would spread to Sura’s ears, so a gang of people gathered around Li Wei desperately to fawn, even the old Tulius was no exception.

Li Wei, as the local snake of Capuya, certainly does not want Capuya to suffer too much damage. He has already vouched for them to ensure the safety of their lives and property.

It didn’t take long before he saw a group of military officers approaching here, the head of which was tall, pale skin, and some acne on his face.

“Hahaha, this must be General Li Wei, as soon as I see you, I know you must be a young hero.”

As soon as he saw Li Wei, Sura said with a big smile, and then gave a big hug.

This victory is an extremely important turning point. His strength will surpass that of Rome, and he will occupy Campania, an important grain-producing area and strategic location.

Since then, he has entered the active offensive phase, on the contrary Roma fell into the defensive phase.

“General Sura is too polite, how can I be called a general.”

Li Wei said with a smile, this is generally used to call General Triumph.

Pompeo on the side of    had a weird face, and it seemed that Sura called him that way back then.

“You can afford it! You can afford it! You take the lead in this battle!”

Sura said with a big smile, if it hadn’t been for Li Wei’s defection, the battle might have been lost, let alone the capture of Capua. At this time, he felt even more lucky.

Unlike other generals who claim to win battles by their own ability, Sura has always claimed that he can win battles because of good luck.

Later, he added the Latin Felix (the lucky person) to his name, so that his full name became Lucius Cornelius Sura Felix.

Li Wei was polite, and then introduced him to other people.

“This is Pompeo.”

Sura said to a handsome young man.

Li Wei had noticed Pompeo a long time ago. The only person Sura could introduce was the legendary little green hat Pompey. Pompeo is the kind of person who can eat on his face, but his talent is far superior to other people. That kind of person.

Three triumphal ceremonies were held in his life, respectively because of the victories in Africa, Europe and Asia. Even in the history of Rome, it is also the only one, known as the son of Rome, and is extremely loved by the Roman people.

and Caesar are good friends, Caesar first put a green hat on Pompey, and Pompey, not to be outdone, married Caesar’s daughter as his wife. The two are not only the alliance of the Big Three in Rome, but also rivals for the power of Rome.

“I have been admiring your name for a long time. I am so happy to meet you.”

Li Wei gave Pompeo a hug and said.

Li Wei’s enthusiasm surprised Pompeo. He smiled and said: “You are also very good. At your age, I am not as good as you.”

Li Wei completely relied on his own talents to pull up the three legions, but he relied on family property, and Li Wei had just grown up and was younger than him. Among them, he was judged highly.

“You are all young heroes of Rome. I think you are like the twin stars of Rome, able to contribute to our Rome and open up territory.”

Sura said with a big smile.

He just said casually, but he didn’t know that they really became the titles of Li Wei and Pompeo. The two opened up territory for Rome and made unparalleled feats.

Both sides introduced their respective manpower He didn’t want Kapuya to suffer too much damage, so he gave a lot of credit to Greius and the elders.

Those veterans are indebted to them, and they can stand on the side of the victor during this kind of city break. They really bear Li Wei’s great affection.

Sura did not know what was going on, but Kapuya took the initiative to surrender. He was extremely happy and comforted them.

In order to flatter Sura, they spent a great price and held a grand banquet to entertain Sura. Li Wei’s sugar and famous wine were the main characters.

These things have all been praised by the generals, and they have truly entered the upper-class society.



The Battle of Capua shocked the entire Rome and even the Mediterranean world, and Levi’s defection caused the Roman Senate to panic.

After this battle, Sura not only occupied Capua, the important town of Italy, but only a few days northward along the Appia Avenue to reach Rome.

And Sura’s strength has greatly increased, and he has surpassed Rome.

After learning the news, Scipio immediately led his army back and entered the strategic defense stage.

On the bustling streets of Capua, a large number of pedestrians hurried.

This includes not only Capua, but also some Roman soldiers.

Half a month later, Kapuya quickly recovered his calm. At Levy’s insistence, Sura only liquidated a few people and even promised to exempt Kapuya from taxes for ten years.

As soon as the news came out, the whole Capua was cheered.

In this difficult era of war, as food prices soared and the order of life was disrupted, everyone had to work hard for survival, and the reduction of taxes would undoubtedly greatly reduce the pressure on them.

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