Romanian Eagle

Chapter 11 - Army chaos

   With the speeding up of the various inspection teams, the high-ranking army hidden behind the scenes can’t sit still. They speeded up the contact, and finally decided to find a hidden place in Bucharest for specific discussions.

   In the southeastern suburbs of Bucharest, there is a small villa near the village of Marvello. According to the villagers, it was built by a merchant named Carut who came to vacation. There was a servant who cleaned and did not interact with the village, which seemed very mysterious. However, the businessman came over these two days, and many people came in and out. Today it was brightly lit and I heard that it was a banquet.

   In the dark corner of the woods next to them, there are two people wearing black clothes, holding binoculars and peeping at the people who come in for the banquet. “That’s Viscount Millersl, General Lauren Cree, and General Billslow. They all seem to be big figures in the army, plus those who have already entered. There are seven high-ranking army officers. Go report it to the head, and I will monitor them. “The spy with the telescope said to his colleague.

   In a secret room of the villa, seven high-ranking army officers were sitting together, including the Earl of Lawrencecu and the Viscount Millersl, General Lauren Cree, and General Billslow. In fact, Feilaurenscu didn’t just contact these six people, but only these few people could come. Others were afraid of the old king’s majesty and did not dare to participate, but they did not inform the king. They were all watching the development of the situation.

   “This group of cowards, don’t they know the danger until the king puts the knife on their necks.” General Lauren Clay saw that no one was speaking, so he had to come first. As the commander of the Seventh Division, he had the biggest problem. This time he was trying to survive, and his invitation to Fellarencecu was also the most positive. “Lawrence Cray, don’t get excited, at least those people did not lead the old king. This is already the greatest benefit to us. There is a lot of room for manipulation.” Viscount Millersl, who sat opposite him, analyzed. The situation. Viscount Millersl was the chief officer in charge of the supply of the army, and this time the problem was also very serious.

Fellowenscu saw it almost, and said: “Actually, I don’t want to fight against the king. I was born and died for him, and was wounded during the War of Independence. But now he has abandoned us old men for the sake of the crown prince. Guys, this is absolutely unacceptable. In fact, the king told us old guys to retreat. It’s okay. It’s just that he shouldn’t throw dirty water on us. How can we support ourselves with that little salary? There are a few high-level military officials who are not corrupt. This time he asked the crown prince to investigate corruption, just to target our group of people who worked for him. I am not convinced and just want to make justice for us.”

Looking at Ferralenscu, who was impassioned about the king’s injustice, the other people were silent, and when they saw everyone else they didn’t say a word, Lauren Cree and Millesl looked at each other, and Lauren Cree stood up and said . “Earl Fernandezcu is right. We old guys were also born and died for the kingdom. We were kicked down by the king in a disreputable way. We would never agree to it. This is an insult to us.” “Yes, we must. Show our strength and let the king know that the army has its own rules.” Millersl also stood up and responded.

   The other people who were infected by the two also nodded in response. “That’s right, the king must respect us old guys.” Fellowenscu, who watched the scene become enthusiastic, pressed his hand with a smile, and the scene calmed down. “In fact, we are not going to oppose the king. As long as he can stop this farce, we will launch a few pawns, so everyone is happy, the crown prince has achieved results, and we can live quietly.”

  Florencecu’s words made everyone nod in praise, and a senior army officer sitting behind asked. “So what should we do?”

“In fact, as long as a few of the officers detained by them are killed, the rumors say that the crown prince is going to clean the officer ranks, that is, all those who are not the crown prince will be cleansed this time, and then they are encouraged to be willing to the king and face the entire army. The power of the king will bow his head.”

  Florencecu finished his plan to them, and another high-level person asked the key to the plan. “What about the guards? You know that Blongat is the king’s confidant. If the guards stop the officers from petitioning, the king may not give in.” “Don’t worry, Blongat will meet. Take a break,” Ferlorenscu said.

  The other military leaders who got the accurate plan left satisfactorily, Felaurenscu and

   Viscount Millersl and General Lauren Creed continued to discuss the plan for follow-up. “At that time, the old king agreed to our request. We will take the opportunity to request the reorganization of the army. I will be the secretary of the army, General Lauren Creed will be the deputy minister, and Viscount Millersell can be the chief of the general staff. In our hands. The king also wants to give us face.” I got the two people I wanted and left contentedly.

   Ferralenscu has been standing by the window looking at the night outside, UU reading looks like he is still waiting for someone. Soon the butler brought a man in dark clothes and a hat, “The man you want, count is here.” “Go down.” The butler went out and closed the door.

The mysterious man took off his hat to reveal a shrewd middle-aged man, “Illvyklev has seen the count, and we have received your letter to Ambassador Leerlov. We Russia is completely satisfied with the count’s request for help. Accepted. So I came to the mansion to make contact. After all, Ambassador Lierlov was too attractive.” Ferlorenscu said with satisfaction, “Then Mr. Envoy, I don’t know if your army is ready? Know you are still at war?” Feilaurescu asked.

“Please rest assured, your majesty. Your Majesty has specially transferred a division from the Guards. The Cossacks have also transferred a cavalry division, plus four divisions on the border, and six divisions are ready. As long as your Excellency can make the officers quarrel, By paralyzing the Romanian army, we can move quickly to Bucharest and launch a thunderous blow to the king and his guard division. Austria-Hungary and Germany will not react as much as France is our ally, and the United Kingdom will also acquiesce in this matter. It is only natural for Count Ferrencecu to ascend to the throne. At that time, as your Majesty the King, signing the treaty of the alliance will have legal effect. It only needs a small amount of sponsorship for our troop expenses.” Mr. Requirements and plans.

   “You have worked so hard, Mr. Envoy.” Flaurenscu said with satisfaction, “Earl, please stay.” Envoy Ilviklev said to the Earl who was standing at the door. Seeing the envoy boarded the carriage and left, Count Ferrencecu returned to the room.

   The three countries of Britain, France and Russia did not move at all for Romania to approach Germany. The dissatisfaction and connection of Feilaurescu and others gave them the opportunity to intervene.


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