Romanian Eagle

Chapter 112 - Luo Bao on the first chapter

The next day, the Bulgarian delegation, under the leadership of Minister of Industry Karaturi, began to visit Romania’s industrial achievements, while Prime Minister Geschov and Foreign Minister Dilas Rochi stayed in the hotel under the pretext of exhaustion. Of course the Romanian side knew what they meant, and also helped the two of them under cover.

In a conference room of the Kingdom Hotel, Romanian Prime Minister Bretianu and Foreign Minister Barsnock were waiting for the two Bulgarian Prime Ministers Geschov and Foreign Minister Tirasloch who were’uncomfortable’.

“Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long.”

After Prime Minister Geschov brought Foreign Minister Tiras Roch into the door, he was the first to speak to the waiting Prime Minister Bretianu and Foreign Minister Barsnock.

“It doesn’t matter, we just came here for a while.” Prime Minister Bretianu said generously.

In order to keep it confidential, there were only two prime ministers, two foreign ministers, and two recorders. After the two prime ministers greeted them politely, the negotiations officially began.

As the initiator of this alliance, there is also a country that wants Romania. Of course, Prime Minister Geschov spoke first. “Prime Minister Bretianu, our visit to Romania this time is for the common interests of the Balkan countries. Now the Ottoman Empire oppresses people of all ethnic groups on European territory. This is something that every Balkan country cannot tolerate. We in Bulgaria are very honored. Can take the lead, work with other countries to oppose this brutal alien empire, and liberate the people of all ethnic groups who have suffered. Moreover, there are more than 100,000 people in Romania in Macedonia who have been oppressed by this evil country. Believe Prime Minister Bretianu I feel the same too!”

In the face of Prime Minister Geschoff’s actions in the name of righteousness when he came up, Prime Minister Bretianu is not a passionate young man, and of course it will not be so easy to agree to. “Prime Minister Geschoff’s words, I deeply agree. But Romania is too far away, and whether the parliament can agree is unknown. We still support Bulgaria’s measures in spirit, but Romania still needs to discuss it.”

Faced with the dodge of the Prime Minister of Romania, Geschoff knew that it would be impossible to impress the Prime Minister without some practical benefits. Just now it was just a temptation from him, and he would be surprised if the prime minister really agreed.

“Prime Minister Bretianu, we know the support of the Romanian people for the government. We came to discuss this issue this time. Our King Ferdinand also promised to give us a generous return, so that Romania can feel our sincerity.”

“Prime Minister Geschov, please speak.” Prime Minister Bretianu wanted to hear the terms of the Bulgarian Prime Minister.

“We can transfer the 2,000 square kilometers of Nando Broga’s territory to your country. This is what I specifically requested from His Royal Highness. Prime Minister Bretianu. This is the greatest manifestation of our Bulgarian sincerity.” Prime Minister Geschov I decided to give Romania a taste and try to get them to agree.

Facing the benefits of Prime Minister Geschov, Prime Minister Bretianu and Foreign Minister Barnosk looked at each other, and they both saw surprise in each other’s eyes, according to their previous judgments. Shouldn’t this negotiation be like Bulgarian squeezing toothpaste, taking out the benefits little by little to tempt itself? Why doesn’t the Prime Minister Geschoff play cards according to the routine.

Faced with such a situation, Prime Minister Bretianu knew that he couldn’t let the Prime Minister of Geschoff see his failure, so he continued to ask. “So what are the conditions?”

Hearing Prime Minister Bretianu’s inquiry, Prime Minister Geschov thought that the Romanian government was moved, so he stated the conditions he had thought of. “After Romania joined the alliance, they declared war on the Ottomans together, and sent 20,000 troops to fight with us in Bulgaria, assisting us with 8,000 rifles and 36 75 mountain cannons.”

When Prime Minister Geschov stated Bulgaria’s conditions, Prime Minister Bretia had recovered. After hearing Bulgaria’s request, he immediately retorted. “Angry, I say frankly, Prime Minister Geschoff, your government and the royal family will not agree to this condition. Your demands are too high, and the rewards you give are not enough.”

After Prime Minister Geschov heard the speech of Prime Minister Bretia’s anger, he secretly exclaimed that he was wrong about the situation. It seemed that Romania hadn’t been moved by his request just now, he asked quickly. “What about Prime Minister Bretianu’s terms?”

Prime Minister Bretianu asked him to take out a map, point to the area marked with a red line, and talk to Prime Minister Geschov about the previously negotiated conditions. “According to our request, Romania will join the League to declare war on the Ottoman Empire, but we will only assist you with 5,000 rifles and 18 75 mountain cannons, but we need not only the 2,000 square kilometers of South Dobrogea, but also your country. The 4,000 square kilometers of the Dogorie region will be paid to our country as a reward.”

Prime Minister Geschov saw the red line of the map pointed by Prime Minister Bretianu. This red line runs along the small town of Tutracan all the way through Dulovo and Karavlit to Balchik by the sea, just to include the Bulgarian city of Dobriki. Moreover, the border between the two countries is divided in this way, and it is only 25 kilometers away from Varna, Bulgaria’s largest port city, so that Romania is in a position that can directly threaten it. Moreover, such a cutting cut nearly 40% of Bulgaria’s few small coastal plains.

Prime Minister Geschoff certainly couldn’t accept this, and he estimated that it was the Romanian lion who had opened his mouth. Indeed, when discussing, this plan was negotiated by the head of Bretianu with Foreign Minister Barnosk and Crown Prince Edel as a waiver. Now it is only to test Bulgaria’s response.

“Prime Minister Bretianu, your plan will not help the negotiation. No one will sign this condition. I hope you can come up with a reasonable result instead of being too greedy to make things worse. .”

After hearing Prime Minister Geschov’s speech, Prime Minister Bretianu certainly knew that such a division of Bulgaria would not be acceptable. However, from the Bulgarian Prime Minister’s mouth, he basically concluded that if the conditions just now reduce the size of the territory, then it is still very likely that the Bulgarian Prime Minister will agree to it. But now we need to relax a bit, let both parties digest the information, and prepare for the next negotiation.

“Prime Minister Geschoff, now that our differences are a bit big, I suggest taking a break and we will continue to talk tomorrow.”

“Very good proposal, then let’s go to rest Prime Minister Geschoff got up and spoke in agreement with Prime Minister Bretianu, and then he took Foreign Minister Dilas Roch out of the meeting. room.

After seeing the two Bulgarian guests leaving, Barsnock, who didn’t say a word today, said to the Prime Minister. “It seems that the Bulgarians are in a hurry.”

Prime Minister Bretianu also stood up and pressed his aching waist with his hands. “It is estimated that it has something to do with the current situation. You must know that Bulgaria has the most personnel in the Ottoman European territory.”

When the Romanian Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister were talking about them, Prime Minister Geschov also brought Foreign Minister Tiras Rocky back to his room to discuss a solution.

“Your Excellency, you first send a telegram to His Majesty to report on Romania’s conditions.” Prime Minister Geschov said to Tiras Lodge.

“Good Prime Minister.”

The foreign minister of Dilas Roche answered, but did not leave.

Seeing that Tiras Lodge was not moving, Prime Minister Geschov asked. “Any thing else?”

“Your Excellency, I would like to ask if you really want to agree to Romania’s terms?”

Seeing the look of the foreign minister with Bulgaria, Prime Minister Geschov knew that the foreign minister was a bit gaffe, but he would not mind. “It is impossible for me to sign this Romanian condition. I believe they know it themselves. But it is estimated that we will be pushed to the bottom.” He said his judgment.

Hearing that things were not as bad as he had imagined, the foreign minister Tirasloch was going to the Bulgarian embassy not far away to send a telegram to Ferdinand I who was waiting for news in the country.

After seeing the foreign minister leaving, the Bulgarian prime minister sat on the sofa with a tired look. Today’s negotiations consumed too much energy for him. He needs a rest and sorting out his thoughts to prepare for tomorrow’s negotiations.

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