Romanian Eagle

Chapter 121 - Battle of Lule Burgas

..Romanian Eagle

After receiving a telegram from Lieutenant General Sirkutinchev, the Third Army spent three days rushing to the front line to join the First Army.

Lieutenant General Sirkutinchev and Chief of Staff Major General Kazjuv were at the headquarters to greet General Mitriyev’s arrival.

When General Mitriyev was still some distance away from him, Lieutenant General Sirkutinchev greeted him with a smile on his face, speaking to the commander-in-chief of the Third Army.

“General Mitriyev welcomes you.”

General Mitriyev said, holding the hand that greeted his Lieutenant General Sirkutinchev. “This time we will work together to smash the frontline enemy from Lule Burgas to Budahirsar as soon as possible. If only we could capture the Austrian commander-in-chief Zampasa.”

Hearing General Mitriyev said that he wanted to arrest the commander-in-chief of the Austrian army Zampasa, Lieutenant General Sirkutinchev knew that this was just a good wish and wanted to capture the commander-in-chief of a country. Hard thing.

After a polite meeting between the two, under the leadership of Lieutenant General Sirkutinchev, General Mitriyev entered the command of the First Army. A military map has already been laid out here by the staff, with blue and red marking the distribution of friends and foes from Lule Burgas to Budahirsar.

Lieutenant General Sirkutinchev walked to the map, took a baton handed to him by the staff, and began to explain the current situation.

“Now the Austrian army is concentrated on the front line from Lule Burgas to Budahirsar to stop us. Among them, we have verified that there are about 50,000 Austrian troops in Luleburgas and 45,000 in Budahirsar. The Austrian forces on the left and right. Both places have a large number of field fortifications built, but due to the relationship of time, the civil structures are not too strong. Between the two, there are about 50,000 Austrian forces defending according to the terrain. Now due to the terrain We can’t intersperse and outflank the relationship between them, so we can only attack by force.”

After hearing Lieutenant General Sirkutinchev’s explanation of the current situation, General Mitriyev asked. “What is the plan of the First Army?”

Lieutenant General Sirkutinchev knew what General Mitriyev meant, and explained the plan made by the staff that he agreed to.

“Our plan is for our First Army to attack Lule Burgas, and your Third Army to attack Budahirsar. As for the Ottoman army between the two, we will send a division to contain it.”

After discussing with General Mitriyev and his chief of staff Rijevisev, they all agreed that the plan was fairly fair.

“This plan is good, we will follow the above.”

General Mitriyev’s answer gave Lieutenant General Sirkutinchev a sigh of relief. He is not afraid that the plan will not be passed to make his face look bad, but to continue to design the plan will delay time, and the line of defense that everyone faces will be strengthened. Now that everyone is satisfied with this plan, it couldn’t be better.

After the respective targets are clearly divided, the attack time must now be determined.

Lieutenant General Sirkutinchev asked. “When do you think you can start the attack?”

Facing Lieutenant General Sirkutinchev’s question, General Mitriyev calculated in his mind the time for the troops to move to the starting point and still need a little rest. “Can it start at ten in the morning the day after tomorrow?”

“This time is reasonable.” Lieutenant General Sirkutinchev also agreed.

The last two armies reached on November 6 to attack the Ottoman army’s Lule Burgas to Budahirsar defense line. Due to the late arrival of the third army and the seniority, the commander was sent from the west. Lieutenant General Irkutinchev served.

After coordinating the steps of the two sides, General Mitriyev didn’t have time to chat, and he took his own people directly to Budahirsar to take over the defense line, preparing for the arrangement before the storm. Lieutenant General Sirkutinchev also began to arrange an attack plan on Lule Burgas.

Time passed quickly, and it was November 6th in a blink of an eye. On this day, both armies were ready for the war. As time passed, Lieutenant General Sirkutinchev looked at the pocket watch in his hand. When the pointer turned to ten o’clock in the morning, before the Ottoman Lule Burgas was armed to the Budahirsar line, the gun There was a burst of sound, and the battle between the Ottoman army and Bulgaria began again.

“Go ahead.”

In front of the Lule Burgas position, the third division officer who took the lead to attack, commanded the soldiers to charge towards the Ottoman position.

On the defensive side, the Ottoman army was not to be outdone. The offensive against the Bulgarian army was full of firepower. The rifle and machine gun sounded from the position. The Ottoman army knew that this was a Bulgarian attack. They were also fighting back desperately for themselves and the country. The attacking Bulgarian army suffered heavy casualties, and the large number of casualties weakened the offensive of the attacking Third Division.

Seeing that a large number of wounded from the Third Division were sent down, Sakdorf and his party who were watching the battle from behind stared at each other. His bravery doesn’t mean he has no brains. If he had this firepower on his first offensive, he would probably have nine lives and he wouldn’t be enough to fight. Obviously, it was an illusion that the attack went smoothly before, and we should fight hard next.

“What shall we do if we take the company commander up?”

The deputy Bodnov was obviously restrained by casualties and asked his company commander.

“Everyone will be smart when the time comes, follow me and watch my actions.”

Thackerdorf didn’t have a good solution either. In large-scale battles, his battlefield skills weren’t too useful, so he could only test his luck. But in front of his subordinates, of course he couldn’t say that, so he had to let them follow him, hoping that there would be more people left in Qilian.

At this time, a messenger from the regiment came to give them orders Company Commander, the regiment commander asked you to prepare in the afternoon, and the whole regiment would launch an attack. “

Company Commander Sackdorf replied to the messenger. “Okay, our Seventh Company will be ready.”

Although I want to ensure the safety of the soldiers. But after the order is issued, it still chooses to execute. After all, a soldier must be prepared to sacrifice for the country, and now he is ready.

Although the attack continued, the gunfire on the battlefield never ceased. However, Qilian was ready to go up and down after lunch, and waited for their commander Caposno to give orders.

Suckdorf, who had been observing his head, shouted to the soldiers behind him when he saw the head waving his hand forward. “It’s time for us.”

After speaking, he still took the lead in rushing out of the battlefield, and the soldiers behind him followed his company commander into the battlefield. The soldiers of the Second Regiment of the First Division all rushed out of their positions and launched a charge.

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