Romanian Eagle

Chapter 133 - Cerro Negotiations

At the Bucharest Railway Station, a train from Serbia slowly stopped by the platform, and there was a hustle and bustle for a while. Pedestrians in the car stepped off the train one after another and rushed to their destinations.

There were still several passengers in a private room that did not get off the bus. One of the young passengers gently approached the window and whispered to an elderly passenger who was still looking at the scenery. “Your Excellency, we are here.”

It was Serbian Prime Minister Protic who was shocked. He stood up and glanced at the staff he had brought and said to them. “Then let’s go down.”

After getting on the bus in Belgrade, they passed Targuzhu and Petrosani all the way into Romania. In Romania, Protic looked at Romania’s busy scene enviously. It is the time for wheat to pump the pulp. There are a large number of farmers in the field fertilizing and irrigating, and he can see a large number of mechanical equipment being used in the field.

And he found that there are a lot of freight trains running on the railway. He calculated that five freight trains passed by in one hour, of which three were going abroad and two were going to Romania. From here, we can see the economic benefits of Romania. bustling. And when driving into Bucharest, there are obviously more factories than Belgrade. I heard that Constanta, the largest industrial city in Romania, is even more prosperous. Prime Minister Protic was worried and worried that Romania’s price was too high.

After they got out of the car, several staff in suits on the platform were obviously waiting for them to see their faces and walked over. One of the leaders quickly walked up to Prime Minister Protic, making those who followed the Prime Minister intend to stop him. The other party saw the actions of the people on the Prime Minister’s side and stretched out his hands to express his lack of malice. Prime Minister Protic stopped the actions of his subordinates and allowed the leader to come over.

The leader walked up to Prime Minister Protic and whispered. “Prime Minister Protic, this is Romanian Foreign Minister Barnosque. I welcome you to Romania. We have not arranged a welcome ceremony due to confidentiality. I hope you can understand.”

After hearing the introduction of the Romanian foreign minister, Prime Minister Protic also said politely. “Thanks to the Foreign Minister for coming to meet him personally. The situation between my country and Bulgaria is now relatively tense. I hope that negotiations can begin as soon as possible.

“Good Prime Minister, this is also our Romanian expectation. So you can take a break today and start tomorrow?” Foreign Minister Barnosk also understood Prime Minister Protic very well, and by the way told him the time for the negotiation.

After hearing Foreign Minister Barnoske’s words, Prime Minister Protic also said politely, “This is the best. I hope that our two countries can reach a consensus in the subsequent negotiations.”

Later, Foreign Minister Barnoske took Serbia and his party to the Kingdom Hotel hosted by Romania, and arranged for Prime Minister Protic and his party to stay in a separate three-story building.

Looking at the Romanian foreign minister who was leaving in his room, Prime Minister Protic turned and said to the staff who followed him more. “You all go out and rest, and prepare to negotiate tomorrow.”

“Then we are going out, Prime Minister, you should rest earlier.” An apparently leading staff member told the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Protic waved. “Go ahead.”

After a bunch of people left, Prime Minister Protic also lay down to rest. The train ride for a few days also exhausted him.

The next day, in the meeting room where the hotel was negotiating with Bulgaria, Prime Minister Bretianu and Foreign Minister Barnosk were waiting for Serbian Prime Minister Protic. While they were waiting, they had nothing to chat about.

“Your Excellency Prime Minister, you said that if Protic knew that Prime Minister Geschov of Bulgaria was also in this conference room to discuss the terms of accession with us, I don’t know what he would think.”

“Foreign Minister Barnosk, you are too boring. If he really knows, maybe he will ask for another one.” Regarding Foreign Minister Barnosk’s boring topic, Prime Minister Bretianu first criticized it and said Draw your own conclusions.

Facing the Prime Minister’s conclusion, Foreign Minister Barnoske really thought about it before answering. “It’s very possible.”

The two can still joke when they are about to negotiate, it seems that there is no requirement. In fact, the conditions for Romania’s accession to the EU are very simple, that is, it needs Serbia to support itself in dividing the territory of about 22,000 square kilometers of Bulgaria’s four cities, Dobrid, Ruse, Suman, and Varna, to Romania. can. But there is another condition, that is, the endorsement of the Russian government is required.

Just as the two were chatting, a staff member came in to announce that the chatting time was over.

“Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Prime Minister of Serbia is here.”

They arranged their clothes and said to the staff member. “Please.”

When the staff ushered in Serbian Prime Minister Protic, Prime Minister Bretianu and Foreign Minister Barnosk had professional smiles on their faces.

After seeing Protic walking in with an attendant, Prime Minister Bretianu and Foreign Minister Barnosque walked quickly to him. Among them, Prime Minister Bretianu said happily, holding his hand. “Welcome His Excellency Protic to Romania.”

Protic is also a long-time political veteran, not inferior to Prime Minister Bretianu, and also said with a smile like a friend for many years. “Thanks to my friends in Romania, it makes me feel like I am home.”

After greeting each other, the negotiations officially began.

“Your Excellency Protic, you know that Romania has always been a peace-loving country, and we rarely express opinions on external matters that do not affect our country. As good neighbors of the two countries, we are actually also very concerned about the current disputes. This time, Serbia and Bulgaria The disputes in the country can be resolved through negotiation. I think your Excellency Protic also meant the same.”

Foreign Minister Barnosk talked about peace negotiations as soon as he came up. People who didn’t know thought he wanted to receive the peace prize.

However, Protic knew that this was only for the sake of talking about the benefits, and it seemed gentle, indicating that I did not join for profit, but was forced to maintain regional peace.

Prime Minister Protic took over the words of Foreign Minister Barnosk. “In fact, Serbia is also a peace-loving country, but Bulgaria has a prejudice against us. We also hope that the current dispute can be resolved through peaceful negotiation, but Bulgaria still maintains an army of more than 300,000 unwilling to disband, we must know that they were With a scale of less than 100,000, this is a dangerous move. It seems that Bulgaria does not intend to negotiate peacefully. It seems that he has his own ideas. This is an unfriendly move to the Balkan countries. I don’t know how Romania sees them as dangerous. way of doing?”

When Prime Minister Protic came up, he described Bulgaria as a source of danger, as if disasters would occur if countries did not stop it. The underlying meaning is that you have to ask for such a price in Romania to join the league.

At this time Prime Minister Bretianu took over and said. “In fact, we have noticed that Bulgaria is not friendly to neighboring countries, and we have also had the idea to stop them. If Bulgaria is taken to stop its dangerous measures, a large number of refugees will be produced. We are guided by humanitarian thinking, if we can help from The small town of Svishtov on the Danube River is the best for refugees in the area from the town of Preslav to the Black Sea.”

Prime Minister Bretianu was afraid that Protic would not understand it, so he took out an area and handed it to him. Prime Minister Protic took the map and saw that, good guy, this is the four cities of Dobrich, Rousse, Suman, and Varna in Bulgaria that have been allocated to Romania. He estimates that there are at least 20,000 square kilometers of territory, and it seems that Romania has a big appetite.

At this time he heard Prime Minister Bretianu speak again. “Your Excellency Protic, we hope that Romania’s humanitarian operations can be supported by Russia.”

After hearing the words of the Prime Minister of Romania, Prime Minister Protic spoke subconsciously. “I can’t help with this problem. We can’t help him with the Russian decision.”

Upon hearing Prime Minister Protic’s words, Bretianu continued. “It’s true that you can’t help them with the Russian decision, but you can influence how he decides.”

Protic returned to his senses, and asked a little bit unwillingly. “I think this condition should be discussed.”

Bretianu retorted loudly. “Your Excellency Protic, this is our last condition in Romania.”

After hearing the words of the Prime Minister of Romania, Prime Minister Protic is now drawing Romania into the EU, only to see what Serbia is in Russia’s heart.

Now the negotiations are stuck here, Protic said to the two representatives of Romania. “I suggest to stop for three days, give us Serbia a little time, and then we will continue to talk.”

Prime Minister Bretianu answered. “fair enough.”

“Then we’ll see you next time.”

“See you next time.”

Prime Minister Bretianu and Foreign Minister Barnosk witnessed the departure of Serbian Prime Minister Protic.

After seeing people walking away, Foreign Minister Barnosk asked. “Do you think this negotiation can be successful?”

Prime Minister Bretianu replied after thinking for a while. “I don’t know this, it depends on how important Serbia is in the hearts of the Russians.”

Prime Minister Protic who left the meeting room whispered to his entourage. “Let’s go to the Russian Embassy.”

The follower understood the answer. “Okay, Prime Minister.”

After Prime Minister Protic walked out, he fully thought out that Romania wanted Bulgarian territory, whatever the prime minister of Serbia. Not to mention that the two countries are still blaming each other for Bitola and Ohrid regions in Macedonia. If you don’t fall into trouble, Serbia is justified in being a Slav. I was completely stunned by Romania’s appetite just now. You have to know that the indispensable Macedonia that the three countries are fighting for is less than 30,000 square kilometers of territory. This time Romania is asking for almost half of Macedonia, and it is still one of the few grain-producing areas in Bulgaria. After the declaration of war, I can find a way to pass Romania’s attempt to Bulgaria. Then it will be up to you to see Romania and Bulgaria fight to the death, while Serbia and Greece can completely reap the benefits.

Prime Minister Protic who wants to understand this has completely accepted Romania’s request in his heart. Now he needs to persuade the Russian side to accept Romania’s terms. He has a plan for this.

The Russian ambassador to Romania, Ferrarovsky, has had a good life in the past two years. Due to Romania’s gradual preference for neutrality over the past two years, he has also received domestic awards for his diplomatic efforts, which has made this lucky ambassador’s life in Romania quite nourishing. Now he is drinking coffee leisurely in the office.

“Da da da”

The knock on the door disturbed his interest, and Feralowski put down the coffee in his hand and said to the door. “Come in.”

After a diplomat pushed the door in, he whispered in his ear.

“Is this true?” Ambassador Ferralovsky asked the diplomat next to him in surprise.

The diplomat said. “Yes, I won’t admit that I was wrong, it was indeed that he wanted to discuss something with you.”

“Hurry up and invite them in.”

Ambassador Feralowski still trusts the basic skills of his diplomats. For every diplomat, knowing the kings and heads of government is the basic skill.

Under the leadership of this diplomat, two people with hats covering their faces walked in. After they came in, they took off the veiled hats on their heads. They were the Serbian Prime Minister Protic and his entourage soon after the negotiations were concluded.

Ambassador Feralowski, who could see the appearance of the two, stepped forward and spoke to Prime Minister Protic enthusiastically. “Prime Minister Protic, it’s nice to meet you. We didn’t even know that you came to Romania.”

“I only arrived yesterday.”

Prime Minister Protic knew what the ambassador was thinking, but he was not interested in going into details.

“Then Prime Minister Protic is coming to our embassy. Do you need anything?”

Seeing that the Serbian Prime Minister had little interest, Ambassador Feralowski was curious about his intentions.

Prime Minister Protic said straightforwardly. “I need the ambassador to send a message back to St. Petersburg.”

Seeing the Prime Minister’s tone, what should be the important thing, Ambassador Ferralovsky asked carefully. “What news needs to be sent back to St. Petersburg?”

Protic knew that if he wanted the Russian ambassador to send a message, he had to let him know. He did not conceal what he had come to negotiate, and also told the Romanian request to the ambassador Ferrarovsky.

Ambassador Ferralovsky was also stunned by Romania’s appetite, but he knew that the incident must be sent back to China, so he told Prime Minister Protic. “Prime Minister, please wait a moment, I will ask the confidential secretary to send a telegram to St. Petersburg.”

After speaking, the ambassador hurried out, leaving Prime Minister Protic here to wait.

About an hour later, Ambassador Feralowski returned to the office and spoke to Prime Minister Protic. “I have sent a telegram to St. Petersburg, now we just have to wait.”

After hearing the words of the Russian ambassador, Prime Minister Protic stood up and said. “Thank you, Mr. Ambassador, for your help. I stayed in Building No. 3 of the Kingdom Hotel for three days. Please let me know if you have any news.”

“Please rest assured, Prime Minister, I will inform you as soon as I receive the telegram.”

After receiving a reply from Ambassador Feralowski, Prime Minister Protic left the ambassador’s office. Now both of them need to wait for news from St. Petersburg.

In fact, the Russian government attaches great importance to this telegram sent from the embassy in Romania. It was sent to Tsar Nicholas II in the evening of the same day. In the evening, the tsar called several ministers to discuss in the palace.

The content of the telegram was written and sent to various ministers. These ministers felt incredible when they saw Romania’s request for alliance. They thought that the person who made such a request would have such incredible conditions if they were crazy about the territory.

Seeing that all the ministers had read the telegram, Tsar Nicholas II spoke. “I don’t know what you think about Serbian Prime Minister Protic’s request?”

Facing the tsar’s question, Foreign Minister Sassonov took the lead to talk about it. “In fact, Romania’s requirements are well understood. The Romanians need us to endorse their terms. In fact, they saw the decision we made for Serbia’s support. Among them, Bulgaria sought German and Austrian support. Now it’s up to it. We choose between short-term goals and long-term goals. The short-term goal is the imperial action against Germany and Austria, which requires strong support for Serbia. The long-term goal is Constantinople, which requires Bulgaria. Now we are talking about In fact, it is the same as half a month ago, except that this decision has pushed Bulgaria into the arms of Germany and Austria. However, there are two major advantages in the near future. One is that it shows our country’s support for Serbia and believes that this country will always follow the footsteps of the empire. The second is to completely pull Romania towards neutrality and ease the pressure on our western front.”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs told Sasonov clearly and plainly about the good and bad of the two sides, making Nicholas II also secretly sad. From the bottom of his heart, he was unwilling to make a choice between Bulgaria and Serbia, but the reality is him. It must be done.

Seeing that Nicholas II couldn’t make up his mind about this, the military gave a message on behalf of his uncle, the little Duke Nicholas. “Your Majesty, our military has received intelligence. Romania only exported a batch of arms to Bulgaria a few days ago. I suspect that the conditions this time are Romania’s probing of us.”

Hearing what his uncle said made Nicholas II very interested. “Uncle, please keep talking.”

After obtaining the approval of the Tsar, UU read www.uukanshu. Duke Nicholas the little com continued. “If we reject Romania’s request, I suspect that Romania will join Bulgaria to declare war on Serbia and Greece. Otherwise, the three countries will declare war on Bulgaria together.”

Nicholas II asked after hearing his uncle’s analysis. “Then Seich and Paul have fought against Paul?”

“Absolutely impossible.” Little Duke Nicholas replied before continuing. “From a demographic and economic perspective, a Romanian can defeat the Seich Allied Forces. Add Bulgaria, unless Napoleon is reborn.”

After hearing his uncle’s explanation, Nicholas II said. “It seems that Romania is right to threaten us with this.”

Seeing that several ministers did not answer, he continued to ask. “If Romania declares war on Serbia, can we declare war on it too?”

When several ministers heard this, they quickly talked about using Prime Minister Kokovtsov as the capital. “Your Majesty.”

Seeing that even his uncle, the little Duke Nicholas, persuaded himself, he asked strangely. “Why not.”

Prime Minister Kokovtsov said. “Your Majesty, this will trigger a war in Europe, and it is not worth it at all. Our best result is to agree to Romania’s request.”

Seeing that the important ministers opposed this own proposal, Nicholas II had no choice but to speak. “Then just do what you said.”

In the afternoon of the next day, the Russian ambassador to Romania, Ferralovsky, received a telegram from St. Petersburg, which fully agreed to Protic’s request.

In the secret rivalry between Romania and Russia, Edel relied on the memory of his previous life to win a small game.

PS should actually write more, time is too late, everyone will just watch it, the 5500-word chapter, subscribe, walk around and live to ninety-nine.

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