Romanian Eagle

Chapter 137 - Modify the plan

“These Austro-Hungarians are really shameless. White makes us happy.”

Looking at the telegram in his hand, Ferdinand I vented his dissatisfaction with Austria-Hungary at Prime Minister Geschov in the office. There is also a broken cup on the ground, speaking silently about his tragic process. It seems that Ferdinand I was burned with the anger of this telegram, forgetting that he himself was also born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Prime Minister Geschoff looked at the king’s anger and there was only a rogue in his heart. The reason for all this was this telegram from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In this telegram, Rio-Hungary told Bulgaria that because they did not get German support, they could not unite with the Bulgarian army to attack Serbia. However, they are still willing to provide 10 million levs of funds and 5 million levs worth of arms to support Bulgaria’s just military operations against Serbia.

The problem is that what Bulgaria urgently needs is military support, not funding and arms assistance, and the Austro-Hungarian army has not mentioned the issue of creating conflicts on the Serbian border. Just like a person had promised me to help you attract the enemy, you attacked from behind. Later, he said that we should beat him up in partnership. Who knew you were going to be ready. He changed his mind and even cancelled his previous promise. How else would Ferdinand I be furious. However, anger cannot help Ferdinand I to solve the problem. Now domestic public opinion has made it impossible for anyone to stop the military operation.

After Ferdinand I’s anger subsided, Prime Minister Geschoff asked. “Your Majesty, do we still need to continue our military operations?”

Facing the Prime Minister’s inquiry, Ferdinand I asked. “Is it possible for the situation in China to stop now?”

Prime Minister Geschov was silent when he heard the king’s words. Now he knows the situation in Bulgaria. If it can be suppressed at the beginning, public opinion in the country is now a fire. Anyone who tries to pour water up to extinguish the fire will be burned to death by this fire. No one will be killed. exception.

The only way now is to direct the anger of the people to Serbia and Greece. The previous government did the same, but now it can’t stop.

Seeing the silent prime minister, King Ferdinand I knew it was not his responsibility, so he calmed down and said. “The prime minister’s government will hand it to you.”

After Prime Minister Geschoff heard what Ferdinand I had said, he knew that the king planned to go to the battlefield himself like he had done with the Ottoman War before, and he hurriedly stepped forward and said with concern. “Your Majesty this time our advantage is not too great, it is better to let Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov command. After all, the battle location is not too far from Sofia, and the news can be sent back quickly.”

Upon hearing the words of the prime minister, Ferdinand I explained to him. “It is precisely because we have little advantage that I need to boost morale. You can rest assured that I will not be on the battlefield.”

After hearing the king’s words, Prime Minister Geschov knew that he had decided and could only speak. “Then I wish your Majesty victory in advance.”

After speaking, Prime Minister Geschov planned to leave the kingdom’s office. When he walked to the door, Prime Minister Geschov suddenly turned around and said something that he was worried about seeing the Romanian military exercise announcement. “Your Majesty, the four thousand square kilometers of territory that we should demarcate in the agreement with Romania, do you think we should discuss with the Romanian ambassador. I think I am expressing my dissatisfaction with this Romanian maneuver.”

When Ferdinand I heard Prime Minister Geschoff’s concerns about the Romanian exercise, he spoke casually. “Prime Minister, you are too worried. Romania is doing exercises every year, so don’t worry. At most, we will transfer the territory after fighting with Serbia and Greece. However, we have to charge a little more tax before we demarcate the territory.”

Hearing that Ferdinand I didn’t pay much attention to himself, Prime Minister Geschoff could not say more, after all, it was just his own guess.

After seeing Prime Minister Geschoff leaving, Ferdinand I called for his guards. “Make arrangements, we are going to Miloka tomorrow”

“Your Majesty.”

Prime Minister Geschoff got busy when he returned to the Prime Minister’s Office. After all, the king had to go to the front so most of the things had to be weighed on him.

After a night of rest, King Ferdinand saw his wife, Queen Mary Louise, seeing off at the gate of the palace the next morning, his two sons Prince Boris and Prince Kirill, and his youngest daughter Xie Jeri Up.

“Father, I want to go to the front too.”

Crown Prince Boris, whose eldest son is 19 years old, watched his father express his thoughts.

After hearing his brother’s words, the 18-year-old Prince Kirill followed suit. “Father, I also want to go to the battlefield to deal with untrustworthy Serbs and Greeks.”

After hearing the words of the two sons, Ferdinand I scolded sternly. “Nonsense, war is killing people, and thousands of people will be killed. Maybe a bullet will kill you if you go to the battlefield.”

After hearing what his father Ferdinand said, both princes said. “We are not afraid of death.”

His son’s words made Ferdinand I’s face changed and he yelled at them. “You are not afraid of death, I am afraid.”

He turned to his wife Mary and said. “Be optimistic about the two of them and forbid them to leave the palace until I come back.”

Queen Mary knew that her husband was really angry, and she didn’t want her son to go to the battlefield. She glanced at the two unconscious sons and said. “Okay, I will tell the guards not to let them go out.”

Ferdinand I, who got the answer from the queen, boarded the car and went to Miloka, the headquarters of the war against Serbia, under the **** of the guards.

The town of Miloka is located sixty kilometers west of the Bulgarian capital Sofia, between Bitola and Ohrid, which were occupied by Serbia. The transportation is fairly convenient. There are about two thousand people living here, and there is a road from Sofia to Macedonia. Now in order to prepare for the Serbian battle, there are a large number of soldiers here.

Today Army Minister Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov, First Army Commander Lieutenant General Vasir Kudinchev, Third Army Commander General Nikolai Ivanov and other high-ranking Bulgarian military officers are all in the town. The mouth is ready to welcome the presence of King Ferdinand I.


When a group of senior military officers in their 50s and 60s were dazzled by the June sun, a general with good eyesight yelled. This group of senior officers, who were already drowsy, raised their spirits at once. When these generals were ready, Ferdinand I’s motorcade also appeared in front of them. Ferdinand I in the car said to the driver after seeing the generals who greeted him. “Stop when you get closer.”


The king’s car stopped ten meters away from them. After King Ferdinand got out of the car, he walked directly towards the generals.

“I have seen your Majesty.”

When Ferdinand I walked up to them, Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov, the Secretary of the Army, took the lead to salute him.

“Stop the ceremony, generals.”

King Ferdinand hurriedly stepped forward to support his army minister and said to the commanders of the troops behind him.

After hearing the king’s words, these generals straightened up. Seeing the generals leading the Bulgarian army to victory, King Ferdinand improvised a speech. “Guardians of Bulgaria, you have worked hard. In the fight against the Ottomans, the battle you commanded established our victory. Serbia and Greece refused to return the fruits of victory that we should taste. This is immoral. We want them to Know the consequences of stealing our things.”

After hearing the king’s speech, the generals present applauded warmly, expressing their approval of the king’s speech.

After a speech, Ferdinand I was led by the Secretary of the Army, Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov, to the headquarters. With the help of a group of generals, Ferdinand I asked how his morale was and whether there were any problems that needed to be solved, and he received satisfactory answers. He then left Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov on the grounds that he needed a rest.

In a room in the headquarters, Ferdinand I inquired about Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov. “How is the army’s preparations now.”

The Secretary of the Army answered the king’s question. “Almost prepared.”

“That’s good.” After Ferdinand I heard him, he went on to tell him bad news from Austria-Hungary. “The Austro-Hungarian Empire sent us a message. Because of Germany’s non-support, they can’t attack Serbia with us.”

Hearing this news from the king, the Secretary of the Army was shocked. “These Austro-Hungarians are really unreliable at all.”

When Ferdinand I heard the Secretary of the Army’s complaint, he continued. “Now this news is only known to you, me and the Prime Minister. Don’t spread it.”

“Okay Your Majesty, I understand the consequences of spreading it out.”

Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov is not a fool to know the consequences, and now he seems to have to fight hard.

Ferdinand I asked him “Do you have any good plans for this?”

Hearing what the king said, Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov recalled it in his mind. “There is a plan. I thought it was too radical before.”

Ferdinand I said with joy. UU Reading “Talk about it.”

Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov spoke of this radical plan. “This plan is the same as the current layout, but the machine guns and artillery are all concentrated on the front line. With the powerful firepower, Serbia will not give Serbia a chance to counterattack, and a wave of heavy blows will defeat them. I thought before that we would lose a lot. I refused, and now it seems that we can still bear this plan.”

Hearing the words of the Secretary of the Army, Ferdinand I said after thinking about it in his head. “Just follow this plan, concentrate all the heavy firepower on the front line, and defeat them in one wave.”

After getting the king’s approval, Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov answered. “Okay, your Majesty, I’ll make arrangements now”

Afterwards, various Bulgarian troops received a telegram from Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov, the Minister of the Army, and concentrated the artillery and machine guns to the foremost assault division. In this way, one unit was equipped with more than 400 artillery pieces and more than 400 machine guns. The super teacher appeared. I don’t know if Serbia’s forces can withstand firepower far beyond an era.

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