Romanian Eagle

Chapter 58 - Volkswagen\\\'s new target

   While Ludendorff helped Schlieffen continue to improve his plan, Edel in Romania was also preparing to contribute to the tragic battle of World War I.

   In the Royal Palace in Bucharest, the Big Four of Volkswagen are also waiting for the crown prince to summon. Volkswagen now has a dominant presence in the European car market. Ninety percent of the truck and bus markets use Volkswagen products. The European counterparts who hit the T-car in the private car market can’t find the North. Now Volkswagen It is synonymous with the European automobile industry.

   “Francesco, do you mean that your Royal Highness calls us to expand production this time?” Deraspar asked the sales manager. As a production manager, Deraspar is most concerned about whether the equipment and workers can meet the production needs.

   “Draspar is in the palace, don’t talk nonsense.” General manager Minoba scolded the reckless guy. Faced with the reprimand of his boss, Delasper also realized that something was wrong. After reprimanding the production manager, Minoba turned his head and spoke to Tuslid, the R&D supervisor who had been sitting there in a daze. “Hi, Tuslid. Do you think the crown prince summoned us and asked us to develop new models.”

   “It should be, or why do you summon me.” The R&D supervisor briefly said his answer.

   As the general manager of Volkswagen, Minoba still has a certain understanding of the crown prince. He also sees very clearly the current form of Volkswagen. The great development of the automobile industry triggered by Volkswagen and Ford has aroused great interest from capital. In France, Renault Automobile Company received a large amount of capital investment, and the two major German automobile companies also received capital injection from the banking industry. In Europe, a lot of funds are invested in the automobile industry to get a share of the pie.

As the largest and most advanced automobile company in Europe, Volkswagen has also become the goal of many inspiring people to grow bigger in the automobile industry. Now many automobile companies have the most direct way to dig corners. As the general manager, Minoba not only has to worry about the company. His subordinates were dug, and even he himself received a lot of letters hoping that he could join him, and he promised to give him a lot of shares, which made Minoba dumbfounded.

   Just when several people discussed the purpose of the crown prince’s summoning them, a guard came over and said to them. “His Royal Highness invites you in.”

   Several people stopped talking, after tidying up their appearance. The next leader led by Minoba went to meet the crown prince. In the aisle they met Karatuuri, the Minister of Industry, who had only met the crown prince, and Edel kept his promise to transfer this capable former mayor of Ploiesti to the position in charge of industrial development. Facing ministers who can influence their business, they also politely give way and say hello.

   “I met the Minister of Industry.”

   “It’s Minoba, Your Highness is waiting for you to go in.” Karatuuri also said to them with a face of spring breeze, and walked out without stopping.

  A bunch of people walked into the crown prince’s office and saw Edel who was waiting for them. They said after they saluted the crown prince under the leadership of Minoba. “I have seen your Highness.”

“Minoba called you here this time mainly to commend your excellent management of Volkswagen. I decided to reward you with 5% of the company’s dividend. (Minoba 2% and 1% for the other three Edel was very Speaking directly.

  Eder also knows that Volkswagen has been poached since the introduction of the Model T. Other middle and low-level managers, Edel, may not care, but Edel still cares about the four elites who have led the public to the present situation. After just a few months of trials, they all showed enough loyalty to Volkswagen, and they were rewarded for their loyalty.

   “Thank you, Your Highness.” The four said very excitedly that as managers of Volkswagen, they know nothing better than them. Based on the current excellent performance of the public, 1% of the dividends are more than 10,000 pounds. What is not satisfactory as an additional income.

   Edel saw the four people who were very excited, and now it’s time to put pressure on the sweet dates. “Now Volkswagen needs to redesign a 3-5 ton heavy-duty truck. It is required to be simple to operate, easy to maintain, able to adapt to complex terrain, and the failure rate should be lowered. It is best to design a truck with a load of 5 tons, or If it doesn’t work, design it to have a load of 3 tons.”

   Hearing the request of the crown prince, the four of them were all a little shocked. This requirement of the main transportation vehicle in World War II scared the elites of the public a bit. As expected, the crown prince’s money was not easy to get.

   “His Royal Highness, this request is a bit high.” As the head of research and development, Tuslid knew that at this time only he could answer the crown prince’s request.

   “I will give you four years enough time.” Edel told Tuslid.

   Facing the crown prince’s questioning, the R&D director Tuslid repeatedly calculated in his mind and talked about it after thinking for a while. “I can try for four years, the price will not be too cheap.”

   “Okay, I will celebrate for you in advance.” Edel blocked their escape.

   After walking out of the crown prince’s office, the three asked Tuslid, the head of research and development. “You really have a way, you can’t be kidding about this.”

  As the senior members of Volkswagen, they all have a high level of knowledge of the current automotive industry, and they are also aware of the emergence of new technologies soon. Edel’s request can be said to be difficult, and they have no reason not to worry.

“Don’t worry, if I don’t have the ability, I will never agree. Increasing the load capacity is nothing more than strengthening the structure of the vehicle, increasing the power output of the engine, and adapting to complex terrain can increase the force area of ​​the car and the ground, that is to say, increase the tires. . Easy operation. We have Dongfeng Motor as a reference. Easy maintenance is a troublesome problem, but it should be solved in four years.”

   Everyone heard what Tuslid had said, and believed that he could have a way. In my mind, the technical director knows that things are not as easy as it is said, so they can only go back to work overtime for research and development.

   After returning to the Volkswagen factory in Constanta, everyone was scattered and busy with their own affairs. Tuslid returned to the R&D center and convened researchers to tell them the crown prince’s request. After hearing such high demands from the crown prince, many people talked about it.

   Tuslid didn’t look like it, and shouted loudly to the personnel below. “Okay, stop talking, the task has been set, we just need to do it according to the requirements.”

   After seeing the quiet people, Sturid also arranged tasks for his subordinates. “Besaya, you lead your group to study the steel frame structure of the vehicle. I hope your structure can withstand a load of ten tons.”

   “Okay, I will do this in the next The leader of the group named Pisaya will answer.

   Sturlid got the answer and continued to arrange other people’s work. “Tooker, you led your group of people to do tire bearing experiments, also with ten tons of bearing capacity, to see how much area is needed to not sink into the ground.”

   Stulide successively arranged other people’s research directions. In these directions, it can be seen that he uses ten tons as the overall vehicle and load, which is quite reasonable in this era.

   After allocating personnel one by one, he walked to the face of an oriental man and talked about it. “Super King now you are my assistant and report the progress of their group to me every day. I need to master the precise progress in order to achieve the desired results within the prescribed time.”

   “Good supervisor.” The young man named Chaoqiang Wang replied.

   As a self-financed international student, Wang Chaoqiang still has some financial resources in his hometown in Hanyang, and he is also good at studying and admitted to the Technical University of Berlin. He learned about cars during his studies at the Technical University of Berlin. He originally completed his studies, and like everyone else, he planned to return to China to serve his motherland after completing his studies. However, the emergence of the car’s great development in advance, let him see the huge potential of an emerging industry.

   He resolutely refused to return to the country immediately, intending to go back to help his suffering motherland after learning technology at the largest car manufacturer in Europe. His sufficiently high academic qualifications helped him and allowed him to enter the Volkswagen R&D department smoothly, and happened to encounter a good leader who did not discriminate against him. In the R&D center, Tuslid only cares about your ability and never asks who you are.

   This makes Wang Chaoqiang very grateful to his supervisor, and he is also very happy that he can learn the most advanced automotive technology.

   Just as the public was busy up and down for Edel’s request, the crown prince also focused his attention on the surrounding hot spots.


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