Romanian Eagle

Chapter 666 - The head of the Romanian trip (3)

Latest website: In the test site, a tank was driving fast in a complex field. It plunged into half a meter of water, then drove out vigorously, and then climbed up a high point effortlessly, and then straddled it. Cross a trench.

The next step is a fully simulated battlefield environment, with trenches distributed like spider webs, various sandbags that have been built up, messy wood and steel bars and other materials, plus a bunker in the distance. It seems that there is no difference between coming and the battlefield, both are so messy.

The people at the observation platform are paying close attention to the performance of the tank. I saw this tank effortlessly straddling the trenches, crushing the supported wood and steel bars and other materials, pushing down the built sandbags, like a fearless steel warrior, and with its extremely powerful main gun, Call the bunkers one by one.

“It’s very exciting, it’s amazing.”

After Hitler at the observatory put down the telescope in his hand, he involuntarily praised the tank’s performance. And his words made the accompanying German officers feel hot on their faces. Compared with the Romanian R20 tank, the No. 3 and No. 4 tanks being developed by Germany are totally unsightly.

Because the armored firepower of No. 3 and No. 4, which has not yet been finalized, is completely unmatched with the R20 tank. Although influenced by Romania, the currently developed No. 3 and No. 4 in Germany are much stronger than in history, but its maximum data of 18 tons (No. 3) and 25 tons (No. 4) limits the armor and firepower. And the two tanks are also divided into functions, one anti-tank (No. 3) and one anti-infantry (No. 4).

Moreover, according to the information learned from Romania, the armor of its R20 tank is far from being penetrated by the 50mm anti-tank gun equipped by the No. 3, and the larger No. 4, although it is equipped with a 75mm main gun, The short tube 75 mm has worse breakdown performance on the tank.

At this time, the German officers on the scene realized that they did not have a finalized tank, and none of them were Romanian opponents. This made the German military officers feel very embarrassed. There was a big killer that they secretly prepared to deal with the enemy. As a result, the weapon unintentionally exposed by the other party was better than their own, and if they were carefully counted, they would be beaten up.

Although Romania is not a target for Germany, the situation is similar, and they are all possible future threats.

And Hitler didn’t know that the tank he was developing had fallen behind other countries. If he weren’t in Romania, he would even want to scold these officers fiercely, so that these proud swan-like Junker officers would have a good look and know about Germany’s lagging behind in new weapons and equipment.

As for General Guderian, who proposed the new tank index, others were behind Hitler, but his face was redder than a monkey’s butt, and he even wished that there was a seam on the ground to let him get in. Because Germany’s tank indicators were set by themselves, while Romania’s tank indicators were set by General Hoffman. From this tank index, I fell behind.

It is true that the two countries are on the battlefield, and their tank forces are definitely not the opponents of the tank forces commanded by Hoffman. Although tank troops can’t just talk about tank performance, they also need to have officers and soldiers training, understanding of tactical concepts, etc., but after several years of exchanges in Romania, he is very clear about the capabilities of the Romanian armored forces. It is not weaker than Germany, and the Romanian armored units that have experienced the war are stronger than their own armored units in some capabilities.

After watching the performance of the R20 tank, the chief of the general staff, General Fereit, said to Hitler in front of him. “Your Excellency, our army also has a heavy tank. I don’t know if you want to see it.”

Why did Admiral Fereit lead Hitler to watch Romania’s new equipment? This has instructions from Edel. Because Romania does not know Germany’s combat effectiveness better than itself, it can be said that even the Germans themselves don’t know how strong their explosive combat effectiveness is.

In order to make Germany pay more attention to Romania and have more advantages in the future competition for interests, Edel fully demonstrated Romania’s strength so as to avoid misjudgment by the two countries and lay a solid foundation for the next peace talks.

As for Hitler’s not clear about this, it is simply impossible. As the greatest politician before World War II, he knew this very well, but Romania’s strength did surprise him, because Romania’s performance was obviously also preparing for war. So he certainly doesn’t mind being able to intuitively understand Romania’s strength.

So, accompanied by Admiral Fereit, after the R20 tank left the field, a more majestic tank appeared in front of everyone.

“This is our country’s heavy tank R30, which is 2.75 meters high, 3.12 meters wide, and 7.81 meters long. The total weight is 47.6 tons, the maximum speed is 46 kilometers per hour (road), the cross-country speed is 19-23 kilometers per hour, and it is equipped with a door of 88 mm 52 times. Tank gun.”

In fact, it was very difficult for the military as the user to choose the main gun at the earliest. Because the earliest military idea was to use the 105 caliber as the main gun choice, which formed a clear gap with the R20’s 75mm main gun.

However, due to the difficulty of developing the 105 tank gun, there is no 105 tank gun that can be installed in the R30 tank. The military had to find alternatives, and the 88 mm anti-tank gun was selected.

It was an 88mm gun that was originally used as an anti-aircraft gun. It was accidentally discovered that it was equipped with armor-piercing shells, which had a particularly strong penetrating power to the armor. Therefore, in accordance with the principle of use, the 88mm antiaircraft gun was equipped on the tank.

However, the 88mm tank gun equipped on the R30 tank, UU Reading is much more optimized than the anti-aircraft gun (mainly to reduce weight, reduce multiples and reduce recoil). The 88mm gun, which had undergone seven changes and eight changes, just accidentally appeared in front of everyone.

So after a brief introduction by General Fereit, the German officer on the scene immediately raised the telescope in his hand to observe the heavy tank during the observation period.

Heavy tanks existed during World War I. In the early days when tanks appeared, it was a flurry of demons, and all kinds of strange tanks could be seen. Not to mention the speechless Tsar tank, Germany alone developed the “K-WAGEN” heavy tank weighing 150 tons.

And France is not far behind. They developed the FCM2C super heavy tank, which is also the only mass produced super heavy tank. Its weight of up to 94 tons has not been surpassed by its younger generations. The FCM2C, which is like an armored train, is still in law. Serving in the army, it glows and heats. (If you are interested, you can go to Baidu by yourself)

However, after the end of the First World War, heavy tanks were basically put into the garbage dump, because these expensive toys were simply unrealistic. As the third-heaviest tank in the world known (except for the French grandfather and the Soviet T35 in front of it), it was also so solemnly introduced by the Romanian army, so this R30 heavy tank must have its advantages.

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