Romanian Eagle

Chapter 676 - Thessaloniki (Part 2)

   The lively and lively entrance ceremony made the local Bulgarians into a carnival, and at the same time made the Greeks who bullied them and rolled back to Greece in fear of retaliation.

  Of course, this phenomenon is happening everywhere in the original Bulgarian territory. With the occupation of the Romanian army (or the Bulgarian army), the Greek government’s various agencies in the area are ready to withdraw. As soon as Romania took over, they fled back to Greece like burning their ass.

   But when the carnival finally ended, then the local Bulgarians returned to their normal lives. In the port area came a large group of suppressed naval officers. They observed the entire port and kept discussing the best plan.

   For the navy, the biggest gain in receiving the territory this time is the excellent port of Thessaloniki. Although the port is only 13 meters deep, it is sufficient for the current navy (the deepest draught is the Vlad class 4 ship 10.21 meters). Moreover, as Romania’s only good port in the Mediterranean, the navy rushed to the city shortly after taking over the city.

   “Here we plan to build a main battery with a 380mm main gun that can rotate 360 ​​degrees. The range of up to 42 kilometers is enough to block the entire area to protect the safety of the port.”

   At Cape Kalamaria, the commander of the fleet, Admiral Nestacu, was checking the place in person while listening to Colonel Dopot, the chief naval port designer of the Navy.

   “Not bad.”

   Looking at the drawing, Admiral Nestaku already knew that Prady, both Cape Kalamaria and the opposite Vardar River, is only 37 kilometers away. The fort built here is enough to block any ideas that the enemy wants to rush.

   Colonel Dobott continued to point to the large hills behind. “We plan to build several fortresses here to prevent the enemy’s surprise attack from behind to seize the fort.”

   The construction of fortifications behind the fort is a basic operation, and every naval base in the world has such facilities. Because the vast majority of naval bases were captured from land attacks. True from the sea, assaults are basically rare, so all countries attach great importance to land defense.

   “According to the design, we will set up twenty-six air defense positions around the port, equipped with 389 large, medium and small anti-aircraft guns, and 495 anti-aircraft machine guns.”

   This far exceeds the air defense of naval bases in other countries, which shows that Romania attaches great importance to air strikes. Because Haiju has done many exercises before. Attacks from the air are more difficult to defend than seas, because there are no geographical restrictions at all, and attacks can come from all directions.

   Because the new naval base of Thessaloniki is too important (to face the threats of other countries in the Mediterranean), it is also at the same level as the navy’s most important port of Varna.

   This is also why Admiral Nestacu, as the commander of the fleet, needs to come and interrogate himself. Moreover, the completion of the military port will become Romania’s most important base in the Mediterranean.

   Of course, the air defense of the port cannot rely solely on these ground air defense facilities. A newly established naval roadbed flight wing (184 aircraft) is responsible for protecting the port and the surrounding security.

  Admiral Nestaku who completed the inspection at Cape Cala Maria, and continued to inspect the future plans for naval warehouses, oil storage, headquarters, airports and other facilities. These are the newly established municipal government, the first time the navy approved the land.

   As for why the city government attaches great importance to the construction of the naval base, in addition to the order from Bucharest, the construction of the base requires a lot of labor and can contribute to the city government’s economic stimulus. Moreover, after the completion of the base, there will be more than 10,000 permanent navy personnel. These people also need to spend in Thessaloniki, which is not a small sum for the city government.

   Nestaku, who inspected similarly, was generally satisfied, but I still have to say, so I finally said to the officer who was in charge of the construction. “This time the construction time is very tight. It only takes less than a year. You need to think hard.”

   “Please rest assured, we have already negotiated with the city government. They will recruit 20,000 laborers for us to be responsible for the construction of various facilities. Of course, the main command is to rely on us.”

   For such a big project, and the time required is so tight, Nestaku also knows that basically don’t expect confidential work, but he still said something. “As for the confidentiality of this construction work, I don’t ask for anything, but I must be prepared for damage.”

   “Please rest assured, Commander. The intelligence and gendarmerie departments attach great importance to this. In addition, our navy’s internal self-examination is also ongoing, and the base intelligence will not be known to others.”

   “Then you are interested.”

   Nestaku thought for a while and continued. “By the way, I want to organize a dinner tomorrow. Just invite government officials and local celebrities, and also the generals of the army, so as not to say that we are too stingy.”

   “Yes, Commander.”

   Faced with Nestaku’s request to organize a dinner party, other admirals could not agree, and of course they agreed. Besides, the military and the government also need to cooperate closely, as is the army. Although the Romanian Navy has a low affinity for the army, there is no such thing as a deadlock.

After a while, a list of invitations appeared in front of Nestaku. In addition to the names of the government and celebrities On the army name, the column of the commander of the 39th Division was impressively written as Mizk. Major General. He glanced at Nestaku who had no opinion on this, and returned the list to the officer. “Just invite according to this list.”


   Mizick stretched, then called out his orderly.

   “Filler, are there still so many people coming to the barracks today to ask for enlistment?”

   “Yes, Sir.”

   Hearing the answer from the orderly, Mizick raised his head and smiled. They do not have the right to recruit locals into the army, they can only wait for news from Bucharest. However, based on his years of experience, it is estimated that in another week at most, the order to allow the locals to join the army will arrive. But it doesn’t matter to him, the three-month training period when recruits are recruited is hard to beat. He then handed over a document signed by him.

   “Give this order to Captain Rox.”

   “Yes, Sir.”

   After the orderly was gone, Mizick picked up the phone. “Fetch me Commander Venikov.”

   “Master Vinnikov, this is Mizick. I mainly wanted to discuss with you about the exercise between our two divisions.”

   “The same is true for me. Our two divisions are both newly formed divisions. Exercises conducted by our two divisions can better stimulate the soldiers’ competitive psychology, which is good for both divisions.”

   “Yes, I will cooperate with you, these are all small problems. By the way, there is also the matter of the Navy’s Lieutenant Admiral Midraphael hosting a dinner to invite us.”

   “No problem, let’s go together then.”


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