Romanian Eagle

Chapter 683 - Bucharest Diplomatic War (Part 2)

The latest website: “Your Excellency, the importance that our country attaches to Romania is already very obvious. Our country is willing to shrink its influence in the Balkans only in Slovenia, and we will open Slovakia to allow Romanian goods to enter. In addition, our country is also willing to reduce its influence in the Balkans to Slovenia. We are willing to assist Romania with 50,000 tons of special steel and a batch of tungsten alloy cutter heads. At the same time, China also recognizes that your country has diplomatic priority over Greece, Yugoslavia, and Turkey. Of course, if we fight against the Soviet Union in the future, we fully recognize Romania’s pledge of sovereignty over Ukraine. “

In the prime minister’s office, German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop is clarifying his own terms. After he finished speaking in one breath, a sense of exhaustion came to his heart, and he took a sip of coffee.

These days, he has been exhausted. The competitive relationship with Colonel Baker, the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs, made him afraid to relax. The discussion has also changed from suggestive to naked and explicit, and various conditions are completely discussed on the table. This rough style made Ribbentrop a little uncomfortable at first, but now practice makes perfect.

There is no way that the current situation is very unfavorable to Germany. German senior officials, including the head of state, generally believe that if Romania falls to Poland, then Germany’s requirements for the Polish corridor can only be postponed, because Germany cannot face both Robo Country’s military strength.

As for Britain and France, the wise heads of state have already seen its essence. This time Britain and France will also shrink back like the previous Austria and Czech crises. Because the people of the two countries do not want to fight at all, and the German people have enough confidence in breaking this **** Versailles system.

However, in the face of Poland and Romania, Hitler did not dare to do anything. Especially in the case of Romania, because he found that his previous judgment may be wrong, Romania’s mobilization was not to recover Bulgarian territory.

Because Romania’s 500,000 troops that had previously threatened Greece to mobilize have not been disbanded, but have continued to strengthen his huge army, which is already one of the best in Europe (currently Romania has 1.57 million troops only less than the Soviet Union, and Britain, France, and Germany have not yet started wars. The army has not been mobilized on a large scale, and the army is not as large as Romania, which has already started mobilization).

Moreover, the Romanian factory is still armed with a steady stream of munitions. This made Hitler, who had some knowledge of Romania, felt a bit of a bad breath. So before Romania made a statement, he was a little bit uncertain about whether to continue to be tough on Poland. It is not only his lack of confidence, but also the lack of confidence among the top German officials and the military.

Because the blitzkrieg that Germany has been practicing has not been fully demonstrated. In the previous Rosso War, although Romania used it once, it was only used in a local war, and the distance was not too long (less than 300 kilometers). This is not convincing. Although Guderian is confident about this, there are still disagreements among the top German leaders.

So many people now doubt whether Germany can beat Poland in a short time, let alone add Romania. If Hitler forces an order to attack Romania, which is allied with Poland, the opposition from Germany is likely to shake its foundation.

Therefore, Germany is bound to win this diplomatic wooing with Romania. However, although Germany has an oath to never give up, it does not mean that Romania can arbitrarily offer prices, because Germany still has something to prepare. But this is a last resort, because it is enough to make Germany fall into a greater vortex.

Ribbentrop’s exhaustion of this negotiation also reflects the current state of the two countries’ wooing of Romania.

Due to the rivalry between the two countries, the conditions offered by the two countries are also rising steadily. Ribbentrop had already revealed all the conditions given by the head of state before, but the conditions given this time were re-sent after consultation in Berlin.

As for Prime Minister Mihalaki, who is sitting opposite and listening, Ribbentrop knows without looking, he must be smiling and politely saying that; we need to discuss the conditions of your country, and we will give you an answer later. .

“As for your country’s conditions, we need to discuss it and we will reply to you later.”

Sure enough, Ribbentrop was not disappointed, and Prime Minister Mihalaki said this again.

But this time Ribbentrop didn’t plan to leave immediately, only to see him suddenly said with a serious expression.

“My Excellency Prime Minister, I am tired of such negotiations. Now I add one last clause to this condition. If your country establishes a closer alliance with our country, then our country is willing to support your country in acquiring the Western Galicia region. I know your The country has always longed for this piece of land, but in view of the poor relationship with Poland, this time we can help your country fulfill such a wish.”

This time Ribbentrop stood up and prepared to leave without waiting for Prime Minister Mihalaki’s answer. But thinking of something, he stopped. He turned around and said another sentence. “By the way, this is our country’s final condition and will not be changed anymore.”

After speaking, Ribbentrop left in strides.

He has had enough of such endless price increases, and he simply said the conditions directly. If it doesn’t work, he can only think about the next trip to Moscow. Although he also hates Communists, it is not impossible to use them when necessary. I believe Stalin is also very eager for Western Ukraine, and he can also use Lviv, the pearl of Eastern Galicia, as a bait to lure the greedy polar bear.

Thinking of this, UU Reading Ribbentrop felt that he felt better, and the grievances he received in Bucharest were also wiped out. Although the consequence of doing so is to become an enemy of the world. But as a last resort, why can’t Germany do this? Anyway, they have had enough of the humiliation they suffered in Versailles after surrendering before, and they are willing to trade with the devil in order to redeem all this.

After Ribbentrop left, Prime Minister Mihalaki couldn’t help but wrinkle his forehead. He heard deep grievances from Ribbentrop’s tone, and it was obvious that this late diplomatic breakthrough made the foreign minister a little angry.

This made the Prime Minister hesitate whether or not to use this method. Moreover, Foreign Minister Ribbentrop’s words were really ashamed and angry, or diplomatic strategy, which made him feel difficult to make a decision.

Maybe we should ask your Majesty’s opinion?

After thinking of this, he picked up the phone. “Pick me up with your Majesty Edel, and say that I have something to ask your Majesty’s opinion.”

No way, for Prime Minister Mihalaki, who is uncertain, it would be good to seek the advice of His Majesty. Although this kind of habit is not good, but this kind of important matter concerning Romania still needs the approval of His Majesty.

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