Romanian Eagle

Chapter 688 - European 3-axis (4)

The latest website: “Yes, Your Excellency. Romania wants to introduce these Jews to supplement Romania’s labor shortage.”

Now that Hitler had pointed it out, Edel also expressed his request openly. And his words silenced Hitler and Mussolini.

According to reason, Edel’s request can not only purify their domestic atmosphere, but also help them solve the cost problem caused by detention. The two should be very happy to agree. The facts are indeed what Edel said, but there are parts he didn’t say. That is, in this exclusion of Jews, in addition to the country reaped a lot of benefits, many powerful and powerful people also benefited from it.

As for the Jews who are currently troubled by Jews, the rich and capable have long since ran away, while the remaining ordinary Jews have no choice but to stay in Germany because they have no money and no way out.

And Edel is targeting these people. These ordinary Jews are basically indistinguishable from others. They are all workers in all walks of life, including workers, farmers, teachers, and so on. However, due to ethnic division, it was classified as a target of discrimination. At present, Germany mainly allows them to leave or take them into custody.

And these ordinary people want Germany and Italy to let them go, but it is impossible for them to not give enough benefits. The main reason is that the base is too large, and there are certain concerns for Germany and Italy to accept it from Romania. Moreover, during their detention, these people are also earning benefits for the two countries.

Free labor, regardless of the issue of use, is simply a perfect example of exploitation, so a layer of vested interests has quickly formed in the two countries. And Hitler and Mussolini are either a member of this vested interest group, or they are not good at touching their interests for Romania.

Faced with the silent two, Edel was mentally prepared. Perhaps before Romania made the request, Germany and Italy felt more burdened on Jews (free labor). But now Edel speaks, then this becomes a bargaining chip for the two countries.

Everyone is a qualified politician. Now Romania is interested in Jews, so let’s make a price.

Naturally, Edel would not wait for Hitler and Mussolini’s conscience to find out, so he spoke directly. “One thousand lei per person, our country is willing to gather these Jews at the price of one thousand lei per person. In addition, if you are willing, our country is willing to pay in kind, including weapons and equipment, which can be sold to you at a fair price.”

Edel’s words moved Hitler and Mussolini’s heart. Because as long as these Jews are given to Romania, they can get the materials they need and use what they need. They have no reason to refuse this same condition. Not to mention that Romania still has a lot of good things, and the two of them also know.

“No problem, our country can agree to your request.”

“Our country has no problems either.”

The answers of the two did not exceed Edel’s expectations. Who would refuse anything that is of interest.

And Edel asked these Jews to come here, not for good deeds. Although it can be regarded as helping them out of the sea of ​​suffering, these Jews have to work hard for the cause of Romania. What 996 is a blessing will become the norm for them, and everyone must contribute to the cause of Romania.

For these millions of Jews, the cost of paying as much as several billion lei will naturally not be paid by Romania. The Jewish Council will also pay more than 50 million US dollars, but this can only be used as a reward for Edel’s opening. At that time, every Jew who comes to Romania will have to carry a debt of 3,000 lei. Before paying off all these debts, let’s work hard for Romania.

And those who love don’t need to think about it, the two countries will definitely not ask for funds, but will choose equipment. Romania has gradually shifted to a wartime economic model, which can definitely supply the two countries’ equipment.

Take the Lviv Tractor Factory, the largest tank production plant in Romania, which is designed to produce 120,000 tractors annually. Although it is not as good as the Stalingrad Tractor Plant in the Soviet Union, it is also famous in Europe. At present, the plant has switched to the production of tanks. With the efforts of the plant’s director Sodaval, the plant’s daily production of 45 tanks (12 R10 light tanks, 26 R20 medium tanks, and 7 R30 heavy tanks).

There are many factories like the Lviv Tractor Factory. This is also one of the benefits of the Romanian government’s control of these enterprises. As long as the government orders, it can immediately adjust production. Moreover, the time for the expansion of Romania’s stockpiling of weapons began very early, because according to the military’s instructions, it is a weapon that can be used by three million people, and 80% of the orders have been completed. The fiery state of the military industry has also affected

Of course, the topic of Jews is just the beginning of the three-nation negotiation, and the really important topics are still to come.

However, the three were very happy to be able to reach an agreement before. And this is a win-for-three situation, so it’s even better.

After the dinner that day, Mussolini immediately recruited his son-in-law to his side. “The negotiations between our country and Germany need to be accelerated.”

“what’s happenin?”

Curious about his father-in-law’s sudden change of attitude, Ciano was very curious.

Mussolini immediately stated what Edel had just said about Greece, and at the same time also stated Romania’s decision to accept Jews.

Mussolini naturally trusted his son-in-law very much and told him all the information he knew.

After listening to his father-in-law Mussolini’s words, Ciano said after thinking for a while. “Although occupying part of the Greek territory can expand our influence in the Mediterranean, our country needs to consider the feelings of Britain and France. We are no better than Germany and Romania. Our strength is the weakest of the three countries. Unless we receive military assistance from the two countries, we are the best. Just wait and see.”

Obviously, Ciano has a very clear understanding of Italy’s strength knows that Italy’s strength alone cannot do anything. It is best to wait for Romania to follow up with signs of action first, which will at least make Italy more profitable.

But although Ciano thought very well, it was obvious that Mussolini didn’t think so.

“We can’t rely on the help of other countries for everything. Take a look at Germany and Romania. As long as the troops are gathered at the border and the tension is created, the British and French behind Greece will obediently satisfy our requirements. Last time, we did not have it ourselves. Hold on, I will never do this this time.”

Obviously Mussolini was very confident in his army.

Hearing Mussolini’s words, Ciano immediately said in shock. “It’s too risky for father-in-law to do this.”

“Don’t worry, I will mainly prepare completely, at least let Romania do it after we join forces. Now our first task is to negotiate with the German alliance, and it is best to also negotiate with Romania here.”

It looks like Mussolini is very optimistic about the Dro League this time and intends to enter the field. Even if the son-in-law objected, he decided.

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