Romanian Eagle

Chapter 691 - European 3-axis (end)

The alliance negotiations with Italy went very smoothly. After both sides obtained the results they wanted, Italy also received military assistance from Romania.

After the alliance was negotiated with Italy, the relationship between the three countries has now become that you have me in you and you in me, and many issues can be discussed in person.

So after all countries had basically negotiated, the three leaders in charge of the country sat down and chatted together.

Although it is small talk, who would take it seriously?

For example, Hitler, the German head of state, kept instilling his anti-Semitic theory into Edel while chatting.

“Jews are not worthy of trust. They are like a national virus and moths, constantly sucking in the wealth and resources of the country. When you can no longer give them, they will encourage the people to oppose the government. Even in order to protect their own interests, They can make deals with your enemies. These people are not reliable at all, and they can only be cleared and thrown in the garbage dump is their best place.”

Obviously, Hitler felt a little worried about Edel’s taking the Jews away, and was still instilling his tactics in Edel.

In the face of the anti-Semitic tide in Germany, Italy and even Europe, Romania seemed a little different. Of course, this does not mean that there are no anti-Semitism incidents in Romania, but compared with the scale of other countries, Romania is only a sporadic incident, and it is basically a personal spontaneous behavior.

So this also caused a sharp increase in the number of Jews in Romania, from only 114,000 (data in 1923) to 790,000 people (data in 1938). The influx of these Jews also greatly eased labor tensions in Romania. Due to the impact of the military expansion, the domestic labor force has changed from affluent to a shortage. The current unemployment rate in Romania is 1.9%, which has basically solved the unemployment problem.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the small population of Romania. With the influx of more than one million people into the army, the military-industrial sector related to it immediately expanded in scale. Other industries are still producing the materials needed by the people, which has led to the rapid assimilation of the population.

However, this state has not been maintained for too long, because when the war, more labor will be concentrated in the military and related industries, which will make Romania’s labor shortage even more urgent.

So for these Jews, Romania is really in urgent need. Anyway, because there is no labor force from the motherland, or the sense of identity is very low, Edel does not need them to identify with Romania as long as it can guarantee Romania’s supply.

As for possible strikes or raising the issue of equal pay for equal work, Romania will not be too polite. You must know that Edelke does not raise an uncle, but only uses it as labor. For these Jews, a carrot and a stick is the best choice. Anyway, the domestic people have a low sense of identification with them. Old-fashioned work is okay, and it’s good if you don’t fight honestly.

Yes, Edel treats everyone this time as one-time labor, but only squeezing their surplus value.

When Romania wins the war, these people will all be packed and sent away, but he hasn’t wanted to send where. Although the Palestine area is the best choice for the Jews, Romania is not a beacon of the jewel. It does not have such strong strength to suppress opposition from the Arabs.

As for other places, Edel hasn’t thought about it yet.

But this does not delay his conversation with the leaders of the two countries.

“Your Excellency, I don’t know if your country has any solution to Poland’s problems.”

Although Edel changed the subject, he talked about the Polish issue that Hitler is most concerned about. As a qualified politician, Hitler would naturally no longer be entangled with Jews.

I saw him speak. “Poland thought it would have no fear with the support of Britain and France, but we will let them know that even with the support of Britain and France, Germany will not let Poland occupy German territory in this way. And our country has a strong ally like your country. , And will not have the slightest fear of Poland. In addition, our country is still making another preparation in order to ensure that it is foolproof. Poland should not exist in this world at all.”

Unlike Mussolini, Edel knew what his other preparation was from Hitler’s words, wasn’t it the treaty that Suddenly divided Poland. However, in this life, the clause should not involve Romania, because with Romania’s strength and the relationship with Germany’s allies, Hitler took the wrong medicine before Stalin discussed the Romanian issue.

And the facts are indeed as Edel expected. Ribbentrop, who is currently far away in Moscow, is discussing with Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov about the division of the two countries, mainly the division of the territories of the three Baltic States and Poland. As for the topic of Romania, I just talked about it, that is, the Soviet Union hoped that Germany could ease the relationship between the two countries.

Yes, the Soviet Union hopes to ease relations with Romania.

Now Stalin has a headache for the anti-Soviet diehard Romanian, of course, this also has a lot to do with Romania’s strength. If Romania is as strong as in history, what would be a headache, it will be better if it is directly suppressed by soldiers.

It’s just that Romania now, in many wars, let the Soviet Union know that it is not easy to provoke, and it is still stubborn and stubborn.

This is completely delaying the industrialization process of the Soviet Union, which is the most hateful for Stalin. Therefore, for the industrialization of the Soviet Union, he plans to reconcile with Romania, or at least ease the relationship.

Is it fun for everyone to put nearly a million troops on the border? All these cost money. Do you have a mine in Romania or demolish the second generation, so disregarding your own economy?

However, these Edels still didn’t know anything. He basically learned from Hitler that the situation in Poland was still developing according to history, and he turned around and planned to seek some benefits for Italy. There is no way that the Italians’ performance in the two world wars was so amazing, and Edel had to guard against it. At least Italy needs to persist a little longer and wait until Romanian reinforcements arrive.

“Your Excellency, are there any gaps in Italy at the moment.”

Edel’s words surprised Mussolini, but he didn’t expect the Romanian king to say good things for Italy.

Hitler couldn’t help but wrinkle his forehead after hearing Edel’s words.

What’s the matter with this Romanian king?

If it weren’t for the information that clearly indicated that he was of German origin, he would still think he was the king of but Mussolini was still a master at seizing the opportunity. Bitter water. “At present, Italy’s preparations are quite insufficient, requiring a large amount of ordnance and industrial materials, among which…”

In Mussolini’s words, Italy lacks everything except oil. Anyway, the ones who come are willing to refuse.

So much so that after Mussolini finished speaking, Hitler almost doubted whether it was correct to choose Italy as his ally.

But before Hitler could speak, Edel immediately answered. “Since Italy is currently experiencing difficulties, Romania, as an ally, must not sit idly by. Although Romania itself is also difficult, it can still squeeze a batch of additional supplies to Italy.”

Then in Edel’s narration, a batch of materials worth 100 million lei was sent out in this way. When Hitler saw Edel’s generous behavior, he naturally knew that he would not be able to run, so he gritted his teeth, and a batch of materials worth 100 million Reichmarks was also included in Mussolini.

This made Mussolini, who got a windfall, smiled and kept reiterating his friendship with Germany and Romania.

The three-nation summit meeting also came to an end in a cheerful atmosphere.

Each country got the results it wanted, and Germany got two allies to help it share the pressure, and at the same time stabilized the situation in the Balkans and the Mediterranean.

Italy has also received Romania’s assurance that its ambitions for the Balkans have been further released.

As for Romania, it is not bad. The alliance with Germany guarantees the temporary security of the Eastern Front. With the help of Italy, the Mediterranean has been opened to it. In the next section, it depends on whether Romania has the strength to eat these results, but Edel is very confident about this, because he has more time to prepare for this war than others can imagine.

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