Romanian Eagle

Chapter 708 - Meeting in Warsaw

“You said the Polish government fled to Kobrin?”

Lieutenant General Hoffman commanded the vehicle and asked the communications staff loudly. These words made the officer feel a little at a loss, feeling that the telegram in his hand is like a critical mass.

“Yes, Your Excellency, the Polish government has fled to Kobrin last night.”

Hearing the staff’s confirmation, Hoffman hammered the carriage hard. No way, my idea to stop the Polish government from fleeing fell through.

But having said that, it is very difficult to stop a government from fleeing. In ancient and modern times, as long as the other party wants to escape, few people block him in the capital.

So this is more of a wish of Hoffman, but after the wish is shattered, he needs to think more about reality.

“How far is our army from Warsaw now?”

This question was much easier to answer than before, and the communications staff responded immediately. “At present, the leading unit of our army is the closest to the First Armored Division and the Second Mechanized Infantry Regiment. They have arrived at Grujec, which is only 28 kilometers away from Warsaw. They will be able to rush to the outside of Warsaw this afternoon. And 65 Motorized The Infantry Division also echoes the First Armored Division. Its vanguard is attacking Kagel and is expected to resolve the battle within two hours. They are 25 kilometers away from Warsaw. And our 4th Armored Division has already arrived in Koubel. Warsaw is only 31 kilometers away.”

Obviously, the staff officer knew what Hoffman wanted to know, and reported to him the latest situation of each department he had in one go.

Based on this information, Hoffman quickly sketched the entire battle in his mind. It can be said that Warsaw is about to face its own half-siege state.

At this time, he hopes to listen to the situation of his ally, the German army, so that he can better understand the whole battle.

“What is the progress of the war situation in the latest German report?”

Faced with Hoffman’s inquiry, the staff officer continued. “According to the German announcement, Rondestedt’s Army Group South has severely damaged the Polish Army “Lodz” and “Krakow”. It has now occupied Lodz, and part of its 14th Army has already been in contact with us. The Southern Front Army captured Krakow. The 4th Panzer Division of the 16th Panzer Corps of its vanguard has already captured Kłovic, which is only more than 70 kilometers away from Warsaw. It is expected to arrive in Warsaw tomorrow.”

“In the Northern Army Group, the 4th Army, which has wiped out the Pomorskie Army, crossed the Vistula River, and the East Prussian 3rd Army is encircling the Polish Modlin Army on the north bank. In addition, your old friend, General Guderian. The commander-in-chief of the 19th Army has broken through the interception of the Polish forces from East Prussia and has crossed the Narew River to Ostrow, 110 kilometers away from Warsaw.”

In fact, Germany is much faster than in history. Firstly, it is less pressured by Romania’s assistance, and secondly because of better equipment. Because after the exchanges between Germany and Romania, they put forward higher demands on their tanks. Therefore, the current equipment of the German armored forces is mainly the No. 2 and No. 4 tanks, a small amount of No. 1 and No. 3, and R20 tanks purchased from Romania.

Among them, the research work on the Romanian R20 tank, the imitation and improvement of the No. 5 tank, is in full swing.

As for Hoffman’s good friend Guderian, he was deeply influenced by him. Not to mention the use of armor, just the battle against Poland. In Hoffman’s sudden attack on Warsaw, the German side was shocked.

Because in Hitler’s expectation, the Polish jewel of Warsaw should be captured by Germany itself. But now the action of the Hoffman armored group has made his thoughts go through. It is no longer a question of Warsaw being seized by the Germans, but whether it will be seized by Romania and transferred to him.

This will make the head of state very embarrassing, and in order to avoid the head of state and the German government may encounter embarrassment. The original plan to use the 19th Army to attack Brest and leave the defeated Polish troops on the Great Plains of Poland can only be invalidated. Now it is important to ensure that Warsaw is not captured by the Romanians, so Guderian’s latest order is It became a rush to Warsaw.

And seeing the German troops coming from all directions on the map to Warsaw, Hoffman couldn’t help laughing. This was just too interesting.

“We are going to send a telegram to the First Armored Division and the 65th Motorized Infantry Division. Major General Rost from the First Armored Division is responsible for directing our army to fight in Warsaw. In addition, a separate telegram is sent to Major General Rost to let him notice the armored forces Insufficiency in the city station, don’t lose me too many armored vehicles, or I will trouble him.”

Hoffman’s words stunned the communications staff. He didn’t plan to go to Warsaw because he was obedient?

This is Warsaw, the most famous city in Poland. Which general does not want to capture the honor of the enemy’s capital. In this way, he was let go by his own general, Flirtatious Fei.

Hoffman saw the stunned communications staff and said loudly. “What are you doing in a daze, don’t hurry up.”

After being yelled by Hoffman, the communications staff hurried to send the report.


Behind him, Hoffman stopped him, making the communications staff feel that his general might have changed his mind and intend to continue to attack Hua Sofa.

As a result, reality gave him a heavy blow, only to hear his general continue to say.

“Send an extra telegram to Major General Rost, and when he meets Guderian, tell him that I am waiting for him in Brest.”

Hoffman’s unconventional combat plan shocked not only the communications staff, but also Major General Roster, who had been in office.

Being able to serve as the first armored division with the oldest qualifications is naturally not an ordinary person. In fact, Major General Rost had long served as an armored officer under Hoffman. He joined Hoffman as a company commander when he formed the armored brigade. Although he did not have many achievements in World War I, it was also because the army was mainly fighting in the hilly and hilly areas. The armored brigade did not play a role. Big.

After the war, when Rosu clashed in West Ukraine, he showed his head. The 3rd armored company he led was at the forefront of the brigade and made outstanding contributions to defeating the Soviet 14th Army at the time. And until the Soviet-Polish War, he performed well, and together with friendly forces defeated the 31st Soviet Cavalry Division. In the Rosso War, he commanded the 1st Armored Regiment and also served as the vanguard of the whole division, rushing to the forefront of the whole division.

Hoffman commented on him. Although he looked like a zealous officer who dared to fight and fight, the cunning of a fox was hidden in his bones.

It is precisely because of this that the first division will be handed over to him. This is the cradle of the Romanian armored forces. 70% of the armored forces above the battalion level are from the First Armored Division.

So even he was a little caught off guard for Hoffman’s sudden big turn in front of Warsaw. Only after thinking about it for a while, he screamed at the general’s behavior.

Although Warsaw is also important to Romania, they are armored forces, and urban street fighting will minimize their advantages. Attracting German troops is different. You can use German troops to take down Warsaw, or use Warsaw to attract Polish troops.

And he immediately transferred his troops to Brest which could cause chaos to the Polish soldiers and civilians who were evacuating from it. It is even possible to seize this military town in one fell swoop. Although this does not belong to the future of Romania, but at least in this battle, the strength of the Romanian army is fully demonstrated.

Of course, the war in Warsaw could not be without Romania, so his first armored division and 65 motorized infantry division stayed here.

Major General Rost, who had clarified Hoffman’s thoughts, immediately called the communications staff. “Issue the order immediately and quicken the pace. I want to see Warsaw City this evening.”

In the evening of the same day, the First Armored Division arrived outside Warsaw. In the middle of the night, the 65th Motorized Infantry Division also arrived outside Warsaw.

With the arrival of the Romanian army in Warsaw, the pace of the German army accelerated again. At noon the next day, the German Fourth Panzer Division, panting, also arrived in Warsaw. In the evening, Guderian took the pioneer of the 19th Army, and the Third Division also rushed to Warsaw.

It’s just that when he heard the greetings from an old friend from Major General Rost, the expression on his face was also a little wonderful.

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