Romanian Eagle

Chapter 721 - Wave 2

After Lieutenant Colonel Elstead sent back the “Tiger, Tiger, Tiger” telegram, the fleet immediately cheered. This also meant that the raid was very successful in concealment, which caused a burst of cheers from the officers waiting on the radio waiting for the news.

And this also made the two commanders who have been waiting for news, Midraphael and Fernandez, also smiled.

“This time there will be great results.”

Fernandez smiled and said his prediction to Midraffa next to him.

And the steady Midriffel was also smiling at this time. “Definitely, because this attack allowed us to change the pattern of naval battles. Congratulations to Major General Fernandez, you are destined to have a name in history.”

“Your Excellency Commander, you passed the award. This is not only accomplished by me alone, but with the efforts of so many people in the Navy to achieve such a success.”

Obviously, Major General Fernandez still maintains a sober attitude even now.

In fact, after sending off the carrier-based aircraft before, he has been ups and downs in his heart, worrying about the airstrike fighters.

Will the assault carrier-based aircraft formation get lost halfway?

Will it be discovered by the British in advance?

After being discovered, will the carrier-based aircraft formation cause heavy losses?

And this news made him let go of his inner worries, everything is in his best state.

Then he didn’t have much sense of expectation for the next result. Because there have been many deductions before, they have shown that they were attacked without preparation, even if the loss of the Romanian fleet is not small. If you switch to the Mediterranean Fleet, which has worse anti-aircraft firepower, the absolute loss will be even greater.

Midraphael was satisfied that the chief of staff by his side was still sober-minded, because they still had heavy tasks next.

I saw Midrafell giving orders. “Send a message to the carrier formation so that they are ready to receive the aircraft.”

Needless to say, five aircraft carriers will do the same. On the three absolutely core Bormiku-class fleet aircraft carriers, the ground crews have long been busy with their feet on the ground. Aerial torpedoes and 250KG and 500KG aerial bombs were all placed beside the runway, and tankers and fire extinguishers were also placed on one side.

As the captain of Bormiku, Colonel Nix looked at the mess on the deck and couldn’t help but wrinkle his forehead.

“This is too messy, and it simply increases the danger. If an enemy plane strikes, this situation is completely creating opportunities for the enemy.”

Obviously, I didn’t do a good job of ground handling on board. Since the condition of even my first aircraft carrier is not much better, the chaos of the remaining two ships, as well as the two **** aircraft carriers that have only recently entered service, can be imagined.

In fact, he was right at all. Compared with Bormiku, Serakos and Eugenescu were a bit messier. As for the two **** aircraft carriers Bibak and Gilescu, there is no need to say more. Fortunately, they only need to provide refueling and replenishment for the fighters.

Without letting them wait for a long time, the first wave of returning planes appeared in front of everyone. This is where 11 H57 torpedo planes and 8 RU18T dive bombers appeared in front of everyone.

This was the first fighter to attack. After throwing away the ammunition they carried, they flew back in a team.

This is also a deliberate behavior, because there are too many fighters for air strikes, and they all start air strikes at the same time. Therefore, in order to avoid too concentrated time for the return of each aircraft, they all leave after dropping bombs. It’s just that, of course, it is not to let it return in a single plane, but to form a small formation to return.

The ground crews on the three aircraft carriers have become even busier. They commanded the plane to stop by playing chess, and when the plane stopped, the oil tanker and ammunition carts immediately surrounded them. It’s the top order, the refueling refueling. The crew members also ran off the plane.

After the fuel and ammunition were loaded, they boarded the plane again and flew into the sky again under the command of the ground crew.

This situation has continued since the first batch of aircraft returned. At the highest point, there were nearly 20 aircraft hovering in the sky waiting to land.

When the first batch of returning planes took off, the two **** carriers were also flying fighters, but this time they were protected by RH20T carrier-based fighters.

This batch of aircraft is composed of fighters that protect the aircraft carriers. After the first air strike formation flew away, the three aircraft carriers kept flying out with their remaining fighters. In addition to protecting the sky over the fleet, these fighters all switched to **** aircraft carriers. Because according to the plan, the three aircraft carriers need to vacate the space to prepare for the next reception work, further shortening the preparation time for the second air strike.

Therefore, these RH20T fighters can only **** the aircraft carrier non-stop to dock, waiting for the next air strike to make equipment.

With more and more fighters returning home, a large number of Romanian Zero HF201 fighters have also joined the returning sequence.

These bodyguards in the air raid kept docking on the **** carrier. Fortunately, the fighter jets are equipped with less equipment, and the only thing that needs to be supplemented is ammunition. In the first air strike, many fighters did not get the opportunity to fire, which also relieved the pressure on the ground handling of the two **** aircraft carriers.

At this moment, an H57 torpedo with bullet holes stopped on the deck. The pilot jumped out and shouted. “Quick, there are wounded.”

In the rear compartment, the self-defense machine gunner leaned over to his post, and the blood stains on the glass were still clearly visible.

Several medical soldiers wearing the Red Cross logo immediately ran forward. They swarmed and lifted the machine gunner out. The blood stains on their bodies stained their military uniforms. After they carried him aside, a doctor stepped forward to diagnose him. Feeling the pulse and listening to the heartbeat, the doctor shook his head and stopped helping.

“Already killed.”

After getting the doctor’s diagnosis, the pilot and bomber fell silent.

An officer on the side inspected the bullet holes in the plane and found that there was nothing serious about it. So he pulled a small soldier, pointed at him and said to the two of them. “Now he is your new player.”

The plane took off again, and the little machine gunner was sitting in the last machine gun position. The blood stains on the glass were still faintly visible.

From 9.37, the first wave of aircraft returned to the final departure of 11.21. In nearly two hours, the 299 planes returning home set off again. (One plane failed to take off and fell into the sea and the pilot was rescued, which was included in the loss)

Only some changes have been made in this attack. The number of fighter jets has further increased and the number of torpedo planes in the bomber has been further reduced.

The list of the second wave of air strikes is as follows: 86 HF201 fighters (8 remaining in the defense fleet), 48 RH20T fighters, 64 RU18T dive bombers, 76 H47 torpedoes, totaling 274.

Among them, the increase in the number of fighters is mainly for consideration, and the enemy will definitely increase its personnel. Although the air force that had destroyed Alexandria also blew up the airport, as long as the British army moved fast enough, there was no problem in sorting out a temporary airport. The second wave took long enough to allow its emergency reinforcements to reach Alexandria.

Therefore, for the air strike force, it is first necessary to destroy the enemy’s resistance from the air.

At this point, the air strike force has enough confidence. Not only from the self-confidence in their own fighters, but also from the self-confidence in their abilities.

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