Romanian Eagle

Chapter 755 - Saladin Project (Part 2)

When the conditions reached by Rawls and Abdullah were sent back to Bucharest, it didn’t take long for the document to appear on Edel’s desk.

Edel looked carefully at this document concerning the overall situation of Romania’s future. While Edel was looking at this document, several senior military and political officials, including the prime minister, foreign secretary, intelligence department, and military, all waited quietly for Edel.

After reading, Edel closed the document. “Everyone, tell me, what do you think of this document sent back from Jordan?”

As Edel spoke, the Foreign Secretary Costel, who consciously ought to play a leading role in the plan, spoke first. “Your Majesty, I think that letting this Hashim family’s Abdullah take over Iraq is an excellent idea in terms of quickly stabilizing the region in the future.

There is only one thing we need to think about, that is, Germany is very powerful in the country, and its domestic generally has a good impression of Germany, which will interfere with our future plans. And this Abdullah has a very high influence in Jordan. If he is allowed to take over Baghdad, will he create another regional power in the Middle East?

Although my country is not afraid of another regional power in the region, if there are already Egypt and Iran in the region, and another Iraq that has obtained Jordan, will it cause turbulence in the region? This will control the future of our country. The region caused unnecessary trouble. “

Kostel said so much, the core meaning is that this condition is a little uneasy for this holy family, and he is afraid that it will cause trouble to Romania in the future. Especially when Romania’s future goal is to control the Middle East, it is natural to hope that the region should best be divided into small countries with no strength, which will facilitate Romania’s control of the region.

As soon as Rawls’s voice fell, Holmonkman, the head of the intelligence department, stood up and opposed. “Although His Excellency Costel, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, has a very clear analysis, and there is some truth in it, I don’t think it will make it more difficult for us to control the region.”

Holmonkman first expressed his disagreement, and then gave the reasons for his disagreement. “Although let Abdullah enter Iraq, it is possible to create a regional power, but the most important thing is that we need to be strong. Although I also hope that after we take control of the region, the country will be more dispersed and more scattered, but it is obvious This is not something we cannot completely control, because it is not in the interest of our country.”

Obviously, Holmonkman is supportive of this, and of course it has a lot to do with the Rolster envoy, who was born in the intelligence department. Of course, this is just a lot of people’s guesses, and it is beyond count.

As for his own opinion being opposed, Costel was also well prepared, and saw him continue to talk about it. “This plan seems to have accelerated our country’s pace of capturing the Middle East, but it actually left a lot of hidden dangers. Not to mention, we will encounter a lot of resistance in the future handling of Syria alone, especially this one. The possibility of a rift between Abdullah and our country is very high.

What Costell actually wants to say is that the Hashemite family is now very influential in Syria, and Romania’s handling of Syria is actually trying to use it in exchange for Istanbul, so that the Black Sea Strait will be controlled separately from Turkey and become a co-management with Romania. It’s just that this plan is not yet disclosed.

In fact, no matter from which aspect, it is actually a loss for Syria to change Istanbul. Of course, this is for other countries. But for Romania, the Black Sea Strait is the key that it must master, because Romania straddles the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, and the strait between the two seas is very important to Romania.

There is no need to mention Turkey’s importance to Istanbul, which will cause the region to become a point of conflict between the two countries in the future.

Although Romania is not afraid of Turkey, Romania does not want to open another front at the moment. Although this will allow Romania to open up roads through the Middle East from land, it will consume Romania’s strength.

Apart from other things, if Turkey is attacked by Romania, the aid from the Soviet Union and Britain will definitely flow continuously. Maybe the volunteer army with a Caucasian accent is also very possible.

Moreover, the Romanian military made a plan before. If you want to capture Istanbul, you must fight Turkey. At least 400,000-500,000 troops need to be prepared. The capture of Istanbul is not the end of the war. The essence of Turkey, except for the Black Sea Strait, is the territory of Asia Minor. It is vital, and this requires an additional 400,000-500,000 troops. Used for security operations. Because the region of Asia Minor is basically hilly, it is very conducive to the play of guerrilla warfare.

In order to capture the Black Sea Strait, nearly a million troops were placed in Turkey, which is too uneconomical for Romania.

So the best way is to change, so where can Turkey be attracted? The Aegean Islands are definitely not worthy of Turkey doing this. Only Syria is eligible to let Turkey take out Istanbul.

Of course, Romania does not intend to exchange the entire Syria for Istanbul, because this is entirely for Turkey to take advantage of it. The specific share needs to be discussed with Turkey after Romania takes Syria. As for now, let the native chickens deploy their own heavy defense in Istanbul.

It’s just that Kostel, who can’t explain all of them, is like a restricted boxer. He can’t display his full strength. He and Holmonkman, who just happened to be unskilled in negotiating business, fought against each other.

And Edel saw that it was not a way to continue like this, so he interrupted the argument between the two. “Prime Minister, what do you think about this?”

I was suddenly named Prime Minister Mihalaki by Edel, and he was prepared for this. I saw him speak In fact, both of them are reasonable, but we need to see what our country’s needs are. In fact, it is better to give priority to solving the current problems. “

Prime Minister Mihalaki didn’t seem to answer positively, but in fact he already gave his own answer, which is to support Holmonkman. Because let Abdullah be the king of Iraq, although there may be misunderstandings on the Syrian issue in the future, as long as Romania itself is strong, then the king knows how to choose.

In addition, as the king supported by Romania, it can also suppress the powerful pro-German faction in Iraq. Although Romania is an ally of Germany, it is impossible for Romania to obey its commands in terms of future interests.

After the Prime Minister finished his speech, Edel continued to point to the name of Chief of Staff Fereit.

“Chief of the General Staff, tell me your opinion.”

“Your Majesty, the military fully complies with your Majesty’s opinion!”

Feleit’s slickness caused Edel to skip him with a smile. I asked several people for their opinions in succession, and basically both sides supported it.

And Edel then made a final decision. “Then let me talk about my opinion.”

After Edel spoke, everyone was waiting for his speech. “I think there is no problem in letting this Abdullah be the king of Iraq. As for the future issues between Jordan and Syria, it is also very simple. Just let the son of the holy patriarch be the king of Jordan. Syria waits until the talks with Turkey are finished. After that, make a decision.”

With Edel’s decision, the Romanian plan for Saladin has been decided, and the next step is the military’s task.

When it comes to the military, Fereit, as the chief of staff, waited until everyone else had left before he came up with a plan and handed it to Edel.

“Your Majesty, this is the military plan for fighting Cyprus. Please have a look.”

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