Romanian Eagle

Chapter 763 - Taking the Airport (Part 2)

A few minutes passed quickly. As soon as the waiting time reached 4 o’clock, the officers and soldiers of the 3rd company that had been prepared immediately ran to the front of the airport. Although the night before dawn is the darkest, it is impossible for the hundreds of people to be covered up. There is nothing to do with the sound of footsteps.

So when they were 200 meters away from the gate, they were found, and the dazzling searchlight revealed their true shape. Although the sentry didn’t know what kind of unit they were wearing for the first time, they were completely different from the British uniforms, and they rushed over aggressively with weapons. All fools knew there was a problem.

“Enemy attack!”

After yelling, the sentry continued to shine the searchlight on them. He wants to create opportunities for his comrades.

And Cruel, who also knew this well, immediately issued the order. “Quickly, knock out the searchlight.”

The searchlight is the most threatening to the troops that attack at night. Although it will not have a direct threat, it will amplify the damage of other weapons.

Obviously Kruel was also very clear, and after a few clear gunshots after his voice fell, the searchlight that found them was killed.

“Disperse and attack!”

As Cruel’s voice fell, the three soldiers immediately dispersed. Everyone knows that huddling together will be the first target to be shot, so no one cares about their own lives, not being afraid of death does not mean that they will be killed.

At this time, the machine guns on both sides of the gate fired. Fortunately, the searchlight was knocked out immediately, but the result was too serious. Moreover, the gate was not the two machine guns observed before, but four machine guns, which made Kruel quietly touched a cold sweat.

The four machine guns at the door kept firing, but they were affected by the field of vision, limiting their lethality. But before they were restricted for long, another searchlight was turned on, and it happened to hit a few soldiers who were touching the gate. Immediately, the machine gun fire caused several people to be hit without even screaming. Everyone was hit with a lot of bullets, and the shots were bloody.

Kruel’s eyes flushed with such a tragic look, and then he burst out with a roar. “Kill that searchlight, isn’t the machine gun equipped yet?”

As soon as he finished speaking, a machine gun was swept toward him. It was obvious that the person who gave the order was an officer, and he was naturally within the priority strike range. Fortunately, he was hiding behind a soil slope, and he escaped by lying on the ground for the first time.

“Slap, slap, slap!”

Cruel’s words obviously worked, and several shots made the searchlight patter. Moreover, the sound of the counter-attack made the machine guns that were firing intermittently. At night, when the shooter’s field of vision was limited, the machine guns that continued to fire would become the enemy’s priority target.

“Bah, baah, baah!”

At this time, the machine gun that Kruel had never forgotten also fired. They burst into their own fire at the defending machine gun position, and the sound of the cloth tearing machine inspired the confidence of Sanlian.

That’s right, the G42 machine gun has a great encouragement effect on the officers and soldiers at the bottom of the army. No matter what kind of enemy it is facing, its firepower can suppress the opponent’s machine gun. This time it was no exception. The machine guns equipped by the defenders couldn’t compete with them either, and they were quickly beaten out.

Seeing such a good opportunity, how could the officers and soldiers of the Third Company give up, without the need for others to mobilize, and rushed to the defenders one after another.

The distance of two to three hundred meters is less than a minute. Don’t take advantage of the airport officers and soldiers when there is no reinforcements coming over, when will they do it.

I saw numerous figures in the dark, making it even more difficult for the defenders who lacked machine gun cover. This kind of situation is worrying, and some people are desperate to suppress the oncoming enemy carrying a machine gun.

“Da, da, da.” The machine gun that hadn’t fired a few shots fired again, and the suppression from the G42 made it unable to exert continuous firepower at all.

It’s just that his sacrifice also aroused other courage, and the firepower immediately recovered on the machine gun position, but the intermittent firepower could not suppress the attacking paratroopers.

Naturally, many paratroopers rushed over.

“Slap, slap, slap!”

“Boom, boom, boom!”

The paratroopers who rushed over used their G33 semi-automatic rifle and Enfield rifle in a duel. The result is self-evident. In close combat, even the fastest manual rifle is not the opponent of the semi-automatic rifle, and the defending soldiers do not have the advantage in numbers.

The machine gun position that was approached was naturally difficult to support, and a few hand grenades completely made it misfire.

In just a few minutes, the guard at the gate was emptied by the officers and soldiers of the third company. Facing the closed gate, they were naturally not troubled. Two soldiers carried a box and placed it on the gate, and then ran away after pressing the button on the box. After the two ran for tens of meters, a violent explosion destroyed the gate.

The officers and soldiers of the third company who saw all this didn’t need to wait for company commander Kruel’s instructions, and naturally rushed into the airport where the sirens had been loudly sounded. Only three rows stood at the gate waiting for subsequent reinforcements.

Battalion Commander Major Sartu witnessed all this with his own eyes and was naturally very satisfied with the clean performance of the three consecutive years. And now he gave the order immediately.

“Immediately let the second company attack. The fourth company fortified on the road connecting the airport to the city to prevent possible enemy reinforcements. I will give you fifty mines.”

Major Sartu is now most worried about the fact that the enemy’s reinforcements will keep the airport from being captured for a long time, which has delayed their time to obtain reinforcements. You know that they can now be called absolute light infantry. In addition to guns, their only heavy firepower is 4 60mm mortars.

So gaining control of the airport is very important for them.

On the airport side, at the first moment the gunfire sounded, the loud sirens sounded, and Major Doyle, who was in charge of the airport, was awakened.

“We were attacked by the enemy.”


Major Doyle was shocked by the guard’s words. “How many people are there in the enemy?”

“It’s too dark to see clearly. It is estimated that there are two to three hundred people without heavy weapons.”

He couldn’t take care of the words of the guards anymore. He had to send a telegram for help right now, because the airport guards only had two companies with more than 300 men.

“Hey Hey hey……”

The unreachable phone made him feel that the attack was not simple, and at this time another bad news came.

“Report that the enemy has broken through the gate and is attacking into the airport.”

“Order the troops immediately to stop them.”

After Major Doyle gave the order, he chose to use the radio to send the report. “I immediately sent a report to the city, saying that we were attacked by enemy paratroopers. The current situation is very dangerous and urgently needs support.”


The radio quickly sent out his telegram for help, but the gunfire became more intense outside, and it was still getting closer.

Just when he wanted to ask what was going on, a soldier who reported the news rushed over. “Major, our company commander tells you to retreat first, we can still block it. There are too many enemies, at least the size of one battalion.”

This sentence made Doyle feel even more incredible. At the core of the island, there is an enemy force attacking the airport, and they can’t stop the enemy.

“how so?”

Just as Major Doyle couldn’t understand, there was another gunshot from the back of the airport, which was mixed with several explosions.

The phone jingled immediately. Doyle quickly picked it up.

There was a cry for help from the other end of the telegram. “We are defending two companies and three platoons behind the airport. At present, we have encountered an enemy’s sudden attack. The opponent is in a battalion. We are in urgent need of support and support!”


The call for help slipped from Doyle’s hands, and he no longer cared about the help words in the microphone. We must think of a way, we must think of a way.

Major Doyle, who was turning around in confusion, now he lacks the power to change the situation, even if he has one more company in his hand.

It’s just that the battle situation won’t change because of his hesitation. If the previous battle situation is retreating steadily, then the latter battle situation will be a complete defeat. Now the offensive enemy from the rear has rushed into the airport and is constantly encroaching on their territory.

“Now we must retreat, even if we want us to die at the airport, at least we must move the ground crew and pilots away.”

In front of Major Doyle, an untidy army officer was speaking out his advice. He is one of the company commanders of the defending army, and now this one knows how angry he is by looking at his anxious look.

He was disdainful of the panicked Doyle in front of him. With his family background, he became a major and the commander of the airport within a few years after he came out of the military academy. And he was still a captain in the army for more than ten years because he was a civilian.

Doyle, who was yelled for a while, seemed to have grasped the last straw, and immediately came back to his senses. “Yes, these people need to be evacuated first. Let the ground crew and pilots evacuate immediately, and then we are ready to evacuate.”

And the captain who got the results he wanted, finally let Doyle go. He needs to go back to the army and tell the soldiers how much they have hope, otherwise the soldiers who have not been waiting for the result might be about to retreat on their own.

Yes, they can’t stand it now. There was mental arithmetic and unintentional late at night, which originally put them at a disadvantage, and the size of the troops was at an absolute disadvantage, and it was considered brave and good to be able to block until now.

Following the order of the airport manager, Doyle, the airport personnel began to leave from the side They passed here quickly under the leadership of officers and soldiers who knew the minefield.

Their actions were naturally felt by the offensive Romanian soldiers.

“Don’t attack them, let them run.”

After the information that the airport personnel were being evacuated, Major Sartu decided to leave them alone. Because the first priority now is to seize the airport, not to annihilate the defenders, everything needs to serve this goal.

As the offensive soldiers did not shoot at the retreats, the morale of the airport defenders was even lower. In many cases, I found out that my comrades-in-arms had disappeared, and this made it more difficult for the defenders to resist the offensive of the paratroopers. As a result, this became a vicious circle.

Finally, after the sky was getting brighter, the last British soldier escaped through here.

Now the paratroopers finally seized the airport. It took them nearly two hours to take the airport in one fell swoop.

But before they had time to catch their breath, the four companies that were blocking them sent a telegram, and the enemy’s reinforcements came up. The new battle will begin again.

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